Rated 4.6 out of 5

Elon Musk

Public Review And Analysis

General public Overview

Elon Musk, born in South Africa in 1971, is a renowned entrepreneur globally known for founding SpaceX and leading Tesla, Inc.

Musk is frequently described by the general public as a ‘paradigm of modern entrepreneurship, blending groundbreaking technological innovation with a unique, often questionable approach to business and public engagement’, but his impact on multiple industries and stock markets is as undeniable as the divided public opinion he generates.

As a figure who elicits strong opinions, is admired for his visionary projects, and is criticized for his controversial approaches, Elon has generated a wide range of public opinions. 

Let’s delve into both what Elon Musk is most known for and the prevailing public sentiments about him:

What the Expert Is Best Known For

Space Exploration: 

  • Musk is widely recognized for his vision of making space travel more accessible and affordable to humanity and he founded SpaceX with the goal of reducing the cost of space exploration through reusable rockets and eventually, enabling the colonization of Mars.

Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Energy: 

  • Through Tesla, which contrary to popular belief he was not the founder of, Musk has been a driving force in the electric vehicle (EV) industry where he has promoted the widespread adoption of electric cars as a means to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change - this advocacy for sustainable energy solutions has influenced the automotive industry and fuelled discussions about environmental responsibility.

Innovation and Disruption: 

  • Musk is known for his disruptive approach to traditional industries, challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of technology, of which his willingness to take on complex and established industries like aerospace and automotive has inspired innovation and competition.

Vision and Long-Term Thinking: 

  • Musk often emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and thinking long-term, which is why he has set ambitious goals for his companies and encourages others to tackle grand challenges that can benefit humanity in the future.

The Non-Conformist:

  • Musk's prowess extends to his public persona by way of his direct, often unfiltered communication on social media which is a departure from the traditional corporate communication style, reflecting his disregard for convention - a trait that, while earning him admirers for its authenticity, has also led to controversies and legal issues, notably with the SEC.

Exceptional Work Ethic:

  • Elon Musk is known for his incredibly rigorous work ethic, having worked 80 to 120 hours per week during the early days of Tesla and SpaceX, as he’s mentioned in various interviews and public appearances. 
  • This intensive schedule was part of his strategy to ensure the success of his companies although recently, he aims to reduce his work hours, which he acknowledged was not sustainable, to a more manageable 80 to 90 hours per week.
  • Musk himself has acknowledged the personal toll this work schedule has taken, emphasizing the exceptional nature of his work habits.
  • Elon Musk endeavors a work-life balance by spending time with his 5 sons, reading, taking baths, listening to music, and incorporating exercise into his busy schedule.

Feedback from the Public

Admiration and Adoration:

  • Elon Musk's supporters admire his track record of transforming industries. 
  • His role in advancing electric vehicles and sustainable energy is lauded for its potential to combat climate change. 
  • His daring pursuit of Mars colonization has ignited dreams of interplanetary travel. 
  • Musk's hands-on approach, from engineering to problem-solving, has earned him admiration.

Innovative Visionary: 

  • Musk is widely celebrated for his groundbreaking work in industries like space exploration with SpaceX and electric vehicles with Tesla. 
  • His vision of making humanity a multiplanet species and his contributions to sustainable energy are particularly lauded.

Technological Advancements: 

  • His initiatives, such as developing cost-effective rockets and electric cars that defy conventional limitations, are seen as key advancements in technology and have a significant fan following.

Inspiration to Entrepreneurs and Scientists: 

  • Many see Musk as an inspirational figure, symbolizing the power of ambition, innovation, and persistence in the face of challenges.

FAQ: as answered by the Public

Can Elon Musk's visions, like colonizing Mars or implementing the Hyperloop, be realistically achieved?

Opinions vary. 

Some view these as inevitable milestones in human progress, while others consider them overly ambitious or currently unfeasible.

Is Musk's influence on the stock market and cryptocurrency ethical or problematic?

The public is divided on this. 

Some argue that his influence demonstrates the power of individual thought leaders in the modern economy, while others raise concerns about the volatility and unpredictability this brings to markets.

How do Musk's ventures contribute to environmental sustainability?

Tesla's role in popularizing electric vehicles is generally seen as a positive contribution to environmental sustainability. 

However, the environmental impact of SpaceX's rocket launches and the overall carbon footprint of his companies are sometimes questioned.

Are the working conditions at Musk's companies, like Tesla and SpaceX, fair and ethical?

There have been reports of challenging working conditions and labor practices at these companies, leading to a mixed public perception regarding their workplace ethics.

How does Musk's management style impact his companies?

Musk's hands-on and often intense management style is credited by some for the rapid innovation and success of his companies. 

However, others criticize it for being overly demanding and contributing to a high-pressure work environment.

The sourcing of information on Elon Musk from the public domain is done through a variety of portals and methods online i.e Academic Platforms (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Academia). Professional Networking Sites (LinkedIn). Book Websites (Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble). Media Outlets. Podcasts (Spotify, Apple). Social Media Platforms (Twitter (X), YouTube). Public Speaking Conferences (TED Talks). Blogs & Personal Websites. Forums & Discussion Platforms. Web Search Engines.

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Readers' Reviews

Rated 4.6 out of 5
4.6 out of 5 stars (based on 44 reviews)
Engaging Expert
Rated 4.6 out of 5
Quality of Knowledge
Rated 4.6 out of 5
Clarity of Instruction
Rated 4.7 out of 5
Avatar for Dragi Kutnar
Dragi Kutnar

Naredi to, ?e te je strah [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Slovenian: Do it if you are afraid]

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Iskreno si upa priznati, da ima tudi on strahove

[Translated from Slovenian: He honestly dares to admit that he too has fears]

Avatar for Alpha Kaba
Alpha Kaba

Let’s do it (On Elon Musk)

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Elon Musk is a legend with proper vision and he thinks beyond imagination.

Avatar for Brett Gilmore
Brett Gilmore

Do it Afraid [On Elon Musk]

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Look and the situation and then dive in!!!

Avatar for Alberto

Excelentes consejos [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Spanish: Excellent tips]

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He, aprendido mucho con estos consejos, y quiero seguir aprendiendo, muchas gracias...

[Translated from Spanish: I have learned a lot with these tips, and I want to continue learning, thank you very much...]


Humanity needs daring visionaries like Elon to preserve humanity [On Elon Musk]

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As law of nature each species will go extinction on earth within certain time period. To help human and other living beings endure we need to evolve and explore new dimensions in universe. Interplanetary mission of Elon is one of them. We need more daring visionaries like him to help humanity, nature, earth from upcoming changes in environment, space & universe with time. We need to evolve in multidimensional aspects & domains. We need to create a new culture for the purpose of eternity-harmony & truth. In era of selfishness we need to vision and think beyond boundaries like Elon.

Avatar for Darren

Great [On Elon Musk]

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Looking forward to learning more from Elon

Avatar for Franklin Belden
Franklin Belden

Fear is nothing compared to your passion [On Elon Musk]

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It's quite a pleasure interacting with how Elon Musk faces and deals with fear. I like the part where he faces fear and say "is this all you got?"

I believe this is what I need to step up to my success.

Avatar for Mrfixit

Elon musk is a genius [On Elon Musk]

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Elon musk's life style is worth emulating, because he never allows his fares take the better part of him, he is a goal getter and also an epitome of knowledge

Avatar for Godwin

Entrepreneurs and Innovators [On Elon Musk]

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Elon Musk’s billionaire mindset is characterized by a combination of visionary thinking, resilience, innovation, intense work ethic, and a focus on impactful goals. His approach to business and problem-solving serves as a powerful example for entrepreneurs and innovators aiming to achieve extraordinary success.

Avatar for Manuel

Face your fears and do it anyway [On Elon Musk]

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This public review presents an engaging perspective on overcoming fear by drawing inspiration from Elon Musk's audacious endeavors. It likens Musk's immense fear to the terror of bungee jumping amplified a million times, emphasizing his courage in tackling monumental projects like electric cars and Mars colonization.

The key points for me:

1. **Feeling Fear and Acting Anyway**: Musk admits to feeling fear intensely, dispelling the myth that successful individuals are fearless.

2. **Passion Over Panic**: Musk’s passion for his projects, like SpaceX, drives him to persevere despite the odds, suggesting that finding a similarly compelling passion can help anyone overcome fear.

3. **Embracing Fatalism**: Musk’s acceptance of potential failure (with SpaceX having less than a 10% success chance) showcases the power of confronting and diminishing fears by envisioning the worst-case scenario.

The literature encourages readers to reflect on their passions, acknowledge their fears, and adopt a fearless attitude inspired by Musk's example. The overall tone is motivational, urging readers to turn daunting challenges into exciting opportunities by embracing fear, fueling their passions, and daring to take risks.

This approach is practical and relatable, making the seemingly impossible feel achievable. It effectively uses Musk's high-stakes ventures to illustrate that anyone can manage fear by focusing on what truly drives them and accepting the potential for failure as part of the journey.

Avatar for David Wilder
David Wilder

Take Action: [On Elon Musk]

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I really appreciated Elon's approach to taking action, using the fatalism approach. Initially, I was sure what the psychology was behind the fatalism mindset. So, I had to do some research to get a better understanding of the mindset. Elon is basically taking the mindset or belief that even if it is believed that events or situations are destined to happen, with the outcome inevitable. Elon is adopting the mindset to say "Is that all you got!: In other words, no matter how the decision's outcome appears, the bigger risk is not exercising out right to "Go For It!" The Bigger the Risk, The Greater the Reward. Embrace the fear, fuel up on passion, and play the odds.

Avatar for Mercè Hol
Mercè Hol

El miedo al fracaso te guia hacia el éxito. [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Spanish: [Managing the] Fear of Failure guides you towards success.]

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Es mucho más favorable no temer al fracaso, porque si en el peor de los casos fracasas, al menos lo has intentado y así sabrás en un futuro cómo hacer para ganar en tu camino hacia el éxito¡ (o qué no hacer para triunfar)

[Translated from Spanish: It is much more favorable not to fear failure, because if in the worst case you fail, at least you have tried and this way you will know in the future how to win on your way to success! (or what not to do to succeed)]

Avatar for Jaden

Elon Musk demonstrates true fearlessness.

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Elon is a genius.

Avatar for Marlene Gaytan
Marlene Gaytan

Fear is a mental game [On Elon Musk]

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Fear is a mental game...

Look it straight in the eye and say, "That is all you got?", and smile.

Go for whatever was holding you back.

Regrets are the worst feelings to have.

Avatar for Catherine

Facing Fear Head On [On Elon Musk]

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I thought Musk’s idea of fatalism to be interesting. Even when chances of succeeding “look” as though they are slim, he does it anyway because it is all in the mind. This encourages me to face my own fears boldly.

Avatar for María Fernanda Rivera Maldonado
María Fernanda Rivera Maldonado

Todo para mantener la calma [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Spanish: Everything to keep calm]

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Que chingados importa hazlo de todas formas.

[Translated from Spanish: What the hell does it (what others think) matter, do it anyway.]

Avatar for R.L.D

A warrior is a conqueror that leads to success. ( Follow your instincts ) [On Elon Musk]

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In order to build you must be willing to destroy. Fear is a enemy that must be destroyed.

Avatar for Franco

“Lo único aquello imposible, es que no lo intentas"-ELON MUSK- [Translated from Spanish: "The only thing that is impossible is that you don't try" -ELON MUSK-]

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Muy fantástico Elon Musk, admiro todo lo bueno que haces.

[Translated from Spanish: Very fantastic Elon Musk, I admire all the good things you do.]

Avatar for Rocío Corona
Rocío Corona

Utiliza la fórmula P-S-A=R [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Spanish: Use the formula T-F-A=R]

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Materializa todo lo que pasa por su mente y arrasa con todo lo que se interponga en el camino, es extraordinario. - NOTE: P-S-A=R es Pensamientos - Sentimientos - Acción = Resultados

[Translated from Spanish: He materializes everything that passes through his mind and destroys everything that gets in his way, it is extraordinary. - NOTE: T-F-A=R is Thoughts - Feelings - Actions = Results]

Avatar for Jennifer

Passion over fear

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The article is very empowering. Elon Musk's showing people that he has fears just like other people which is encouraging. With his encouraging saying to help over come fear is very empowering. I like the saying about when you are afraid look fear in the eye and say "is that the best you got".

Avatar for Alejandro

El límite lo pones tú [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Spanish: The limit is up to you]

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Nuestro mayor límite está en nuestra mente subconsciente, logrando derrotar esos miedos podremos tener claridad en nuestras metas

[Translated from Spanish: Our greatest limit is in our subconscious mind, by managing to defeat those fears we will be able to have clarity in our goals.]

Avatar for Yaneh

Excellent [On Elon Musk]

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I think we are all moved by an electrifying passion. It is scientifically proven that a man's life deteriorates when he has no goals. Elon Musk lives every day of his life as a challenge

Avatar for Peter Kimweri
Peter Kimweri

Think... Do it!

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New era needs advanced thinking and taking action.

Avatar for Noemí Gilda
Noemí Gilda

Verdaderamente me impresiona esa capacidad de enfrentar el miedo y seguir adelante [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Spanish: I am truly impressed by your ability to face fear and move forward.]

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Quedé impresionada con su capacidad de seguir adelante a pesar de los miedos.

Si visión va más allá de que uno puede imaginar.

[Translated from Spanish: I was impressed with his ability to move forward despite fears.

His vision goes beyond what one can imagine.]

Avatar for Milton Merlos
Milton Merlos

Embrace your fear and be transformed! [On Elon Musk]

Engaging Expert
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Clarity Of Instruction

I really like Elon Musk's spontaneous and sincere way of answering questions posed by interviewers. He has such a complex way of thinking. Sometimes, It is even difficult for him to have clarity of expression; however, he doesn't let that prevent him from going forward.

Avatar for Chinedu Onyediala
Chinedu Onyediala

Feel the fear but don't let it stop you. [On Elon Musk].

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His approach is legendary. Keeps you focused and unstoppable in achieving your goals.

Avatar for Chiamaka

Acknowledge the fear in your and let your passion supersede the fear [On Elon Musk]

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Elon Musk really inspired me to face my fear, and not to run away from it.

In everything I wanna do, I should do it and not allow my fear to stop.

I love these words: "Just go ahead and do it,

Start first"

Avatar for Gemma

Hazlo, con miedo pero hazlo [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Spanish: Do it, afraid but do it]

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Me encanta que de su visión desde el realismo, claro que tengo miedo, pero mi pasión es mayor. Así tenemos que ser, que nuestra pasión sea el portero de nuestros miedos. Gracias

[Translated from Spanish: I love that he gives his vision from realism, of course I'm afraid, but my passion is greater. This is how we have to be, that our passion is the goalkeeper of our fears. Thank you]

Avatar for Karabo Ram
Karabo Ram

Best advice ever [On Elon Musk]

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10/10 This advice is empowering, by just simply reading it I can sense the Fuel of Fire rising inside of me - something that hasn't happened in a longggggg time. Greatly appreciate the advice

Avatar for Antonio

How He Does It... [On Elon Musk]

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Pero como lo hace Musk me llena de orgullo, lo importante que significa el proyecto Hyperloop...¡Un Genio!.

[Translated from Spanish: But how Musk does it fills me with pride, how important the Hyperloop project means... A Genius!]

Avatar for Adebayo Bello
Adebayo Bello

Passion over fear is equals to success! [On Elon Musk]

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I will simply put it this way, Elon Musk like every other person in the world had his fears.

However, he allowed his passion for his target goal to override his fears which resulted in breakthroughs for him.

Avatar for Devi

It's motivating [On Elon Musk]

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Highly motivated

Avatar for Edgaras

Let's do it [On Elon Musk]

Engaging Expert
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Clarity Of Instruction

I like what he says

Avatar for Beauty Ebifemi
Beauty Ebifemi

Had fears but never relent. [On Elon Musk]

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His ability to keep moving and working despite his fears, is encouraging.

Avatar for Noelle

Square Up [On Elon Musk]

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I grew up in a rough environment, and my parents always taught me that if anyone picked a fight with me, for any reason, never look away - stare them down and square up, just in case fists begin to fly. So now I'm implementing that approach to launching my first ever tech company. This reading is simply another reason to remember to "square up" against naysayers and my own mental negative thoughts that have tried to derail my plans.

Avatar for Roger Porco Marcos
Roger Porco Marcos

Has de tu compañero al miedo. Pero has tu pareja a ala pasion [On Elon Musk] [Translated from Spanish: Make fear your companion. But make your partner passionate]

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Entiendo que el miedo estára Ai siempre, pero si logro alimentar más a la pasión, el miedo puede devilitarce

[Translated from Spanish: I understand that fear will always be there, but if I manage to feed the passion more, fear can weaken.]

Avatar for Barb Puhak
Barb Puhak

Acknowledge your fear and then let passion step in. [On Elon Musk]

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Elon Musk is showing us the way to let our passion rule over our fears

Avatar for Vir

El miedo [Translated from Spanish: The fear] - [On Elon Musk]

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Claridad de instrucción

Es realmente poderoso !

[Translated from Spanish: Instruction Clarity

It's really powerful!]

Avatar for Dinesh Kumar
Dinesh Kumar

[One of the] greatest persons in the world [On Elon Musk]

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Clarity Of Instruction

Awesome! Every moment, any work for public and environment... So great

Avatar for Jemilath

Ce que je crains n'existe que par moi. [On Elon Musk] [Translated from French: What I fear only exists through me.]

Engaging Expert
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Elon Musk ne se laisse pas persuader par la peur pour ne pas faire ce qu'il a l'intention de faire... Je retiens cela pour moi.

[Translated from French:

Elon Musk does not allow himself to be persuaded by fear not to do what he intends to do... I remember that for myself.]

Avatar for Peter Royston
Peter Royston

This took me back to when I did bungee jump.... the penny dropped, if I can do that, then I can certainly face any other fear [On Elon Musk]

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I have allowed fear to stop me from doing so many things, but this lesson taught that Elon Musk is human just like me and though I may not be planning to colonize Mars, I can dare to face my fears head on

Avatar for Adama

Despite being afraid, he still went ahead and do it ... [On Elon Musk]

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I am really impressed , this is going to be a motivating factor in doing whatever am scared of . On Sha Allah .Thank you Elon Musk

Avatar for Abel KOUNOUVO

La foi [Translated from French: The faith] [On Elon Musk]

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Ce personnage [Elon Musk] est l'un des plus fabuleux de notre siècle. Ce sont des gens à imiter pour leur courage, leur combativité et leur vision.

[Translated from French: This character is one of the most fabulous of our century. They are people to emulate for their courage, their fighting spirit and their vision.]

Avatar for Nonse Ejele
Nonse Ejele

Be afraid and do it all the same. [On Elon Musk]

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Elon Musk's sincerity in showing that he too is human when the fear of starting something hits him is very encouraging for me because I experience that all the time. But seeing how Elon was able to forge ahead regardless of the fear has made me to adopt the line whenever I am faced with the fear of beginning a particularly new task - "What would Elon Musk do?"

Thank you Elon. This is all I need to achieve all that I want to

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