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Most people don’t want to admit it, but let’s be honest - money is an important part of life.

I’m sure one of your biggest goals is to be financially free... so you can have the choice to do what you want, when you want.

You’d love nothing more than to have the safety cushion of a few million dollars in your bank account so if anything unexpected happened or someone in your family needed you, you could help them without hesitation.

That would be the good life, true or true?

The problem is most people have learned how to make money incorrectly.

They’ve followed the advice of someone who’s not rich. Someone who’s never lived the life they want to live.

Think about the people you took money advice from growing up...

Were they a millionaire? Were they financially free?

If not, then what they told you was probably with the best of intentions, but unfortunately, it was probably also dead wrong.

There is only ONE proven way that works to make A LOT of money and that is...

You need to help a LOT of people. You need to solve their problems. You need to add massive value to their life.

If you can do this effectively, then you’ll get rich! It’s as simple as that.

There’s just one problem. Most people don’t know how to do this for other people. They don’t know how to help solve the kind of nagging problems that come up for their potential customers, over and over again.

If more people did know how to make this happen… well, they’d be rich. That’s why it’s so important to learn from someone who’s been there, who’s made the mistakes you’ve made, and who’s learned how to identify the problems that you can solve for other people - while making a healthy profit in the process.

That’s why T. Harv Eker has put together his most comprehensive program yet, a 4-part series of programs that will completely transform the way you look at money, at your business or career, and at the idea of helping other people.

We’ll get to the details of the program in a moment, but first…

Meet Your Guide: T. Harv Eker, One Of The World’s Leading Wealth & Success Trainers


So who exactly is Harv, and how will he help you finally achieve the life you’ve been dreaming about? Good question. Here’s what you need to know.

T. Harv Eker is the author of the New York Times #1 bestselling book Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind and author of the bestselling book SpeedWealth. He has also developed several highly acclaimed courses such as The Millionaire Mind Intensive, Life Directions, and Train The Trainer. Through his work he’s touched the lives of almost 2 million people, helping them win the game of money and achieve financial freedom.

Harv combines a unique brand of Street Smarts with Heart, and his high-energy, cut-to-the-chase style keeps his audience spellbound. His unique ability is getting people to take “action” in the real world to produce real success.

The son of European immigrants who came to North America with only $30 to their name, as a teen he delivered newspapers, sold novelties at fairs, and suntan lotions at the beach. After a year at York University, he decided to take time off to pursue his dream of becoming a millionaire.

He lived in five different cities, had a variety of jobs and started more than a dozen different businesses, but regardless of how hard he worked, he just couldn’t achieve success. After many years of frustration, Eker hit the jackpot. He opened one of the first retail fitness stores in North America and grew the business to 10 stores in only two-and-a-half years. He then sold part of the company to a Fortune 500 corporation.

After many years of frustration, Eker hit the jackpot. He opened one of the first retail fitness stores in North America and grew the business to 10 stores in only two-and-a-half years. He then sold part of the company to a Fortune 500 corporation.

However, in less than two years, the money was gone. Through a combination of poor investments and unchecked spending, Eker was back at his original net worth… again.

“It was at that point that I began developing my theories about people’s mental and emotional relationship to money… starting with my own.

“I realized that my ‘inner-money thermostat’ was set for a specific amount of financial success, and that everyone else had a financial set point too. And then I discovered that this money blueprint could be changed. I reset my blueprint to not only create success, but to keep it and grow it, and become a ultimillionaire.

“And I made a vow to myself that if I ever get rich, I’m going to help others to do the same. And I’m keeping that promise.”

As Seen On:



Here's What People Say About Harv


“Study Harv’s Work As If Your Life Depended On It!”

“Study Harv’s work as if your life depended on it… Financially it may!”

- Tony Robbins,
Bestselling author and Peak Performance Strategist.


“I Highly Recommend Harv's Work!”

“I have witnessed and admired T. Harv Eker’s work for years. I highly recommend his work for anyone seeking to increase their financial, mental and emotional wealth.”

- Jack Canfield,
#1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Chicken Soup For The Soul series.


“Harv Is A Master!”

“Study Harv’s Work As If Your Life Depended On It!”

- Marci Shimoff,
#1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy For No Reason, and featured teacher in The Secret.


You Can Build A Thriving Business That Helps Countless People – When You Master This Simple Formula For Success

Success is simple – if you have a formula that’s been time-tested and proven to work.

Most people have to search for this formula through agonizing trial and error. But you aren’t going to be one of them.

What we’re offering today is the opportunity to learn the exact same systems Harv has used to build his own businesses … so that you can put them into practice in your own life immediately.

That means you’ll get the methods, the templates, the strategies and the step-by-step systems that T. Harv Eker has used over and over and over again to build multiple million-dollar businesses and bring in over $500 million dollars in revenue and counting.

How does that sound? Good, or good?

It all starts with what we like to call the Ultimate Success Formula. Here’s how it works:

The first part of the success formula is the Right Knowledge. These are the critical practices and strategies that must be used in any and all businesses, regardless of your field or industry.

The second part of the formula is the Right Vehicle. What does that mean? It’s a simple way of saying that your product, business or service should be the right fit for you and also in high demand by your target customer.

As Harv likes to say, “The shoe has to fit.” How would you like to walk around in shoes all day that are either too small or too big for you?

It would be very uncomfortable and for lack of a better word, suck. True or true?

Well that’s what the majority of people are doing with their “vehicle’. They’re in businesses or jobs or careers that don’t fit and that’s one of the biggest reasons why most people don’t succeed.

And finally, the third part of the formula...

The Right You. Your mindset, your character and your habits. Your purpose, your cause and your passion. Because you, your thoughts, and your beliefs are the root of your results.

Have you heard Harv’s famous line? “It’s the roots that create the fruits. It’s what’s on the inside that creates what’s on the outside.”

If you have an apple tree and you get bad apples, what part of the tree do you go to to make sure you don’t get bad apples again?

Do you try and fix the apple itself?

No, of course not. You must fix the tree, and more specifically the roots of the tree, because somewhere along the way something went wrong.

The truth is, human beings work the same way. If we’re not getting the results we want in our lives, then we must fix what’s going on on the inside first.


It Isn’t Enough To Have Just One Part Of The Formula – All Three Are Critical To Your Success

The pieces may all seem simple on the surface. However, if you’re finding yourself struggling to build your dream business, career or life, it’s probably because you’re missing one or more elements of the formula.

Bottom line: you need all the parts of the formula if you want to succeed. If you miss any one of them, you will fail... or at least struggle unnecessarily.

We want to make sure you have everything you need to live your life at the highest level possible. So over the years, we’ve worked with Harv to create a set of 4 absolutely essential online programs that will teach you virtually everything you need to know in each of these arenas… so you can write your ticket to success.

Every piece of information and strategies within these 4 programs outlines what Harv did to go from broke to really, really, really, really rich... and from helping one person in his living room to almost 2 million lives around the world.

Individually, each of these programs have changed the lives of thousands of his students and the results speak for themselves. And now, for the first time, you can get them all in one place – for one amazing price.


See what our students have to say about the programs inside the Make Money Help People Series

“Finally my time has come!”

“I've felt such peace of mind and happiness, and have also been getting so much done lately than ever before! I finally found the answers I was looking for and can't wait to master the habit of being a warrior! It took 39 years to find this info and finally my time has come!”


- Roger Galiano, Secrets Of Inner Power


“It was worth every cent and every minute.”

“It was worth every cent and every minute. I have struggled my whole life with my purpose in life. Wow! With the information learned from this course, I am now on my way towards living my purpose with passion.”


- Jeff Veresh, Get Rich Doing What You Love


“The material in this program completely blew it out of the water.”

“I have a double major in International Business and Marketing from the second-ranked business school in the world, plus over 10 years of real-world business experience — the material in this program completely blew it out of the water.”


- Rick G., Million Dollar Business Secrets


“A millionaire marketing mind and marketing plan for my company.”

“I've been in business for 20 and I never wanted to know anything about marketing; I had no marketing plan. Now, after this course, I feel like I now have a marketing mind and a marketing plan for my company. This was one awesome program. Thank you!”


- Gary Gordon, The Wealthy Marketer


Collectively, each program is going to radically alter your life...

... And help you make a LOT of money & help a LOT of people. Could there be anything better?

No apologies. No political correctness. No guilt.

Just rich and totally owning it. Without fear, without worry, and just living the best frickin life you deserve.

The Make Money Help People Series is the most valuable, complete and one-of-a-kind offer by T. Harv Eker, combining 4 absolutely essential online programs that he’s designed to teach you virtually everything you need to know to get rich and live with purpose and true freedom.


The 4 Featured Programs In The Make Money Help People Series

1. Secrets Of Inner Power teaches you how to become confident, happy, fulfilled, loving AND successful, while getting rid of any self-destructive beliefs and disempowering thoughts that are currently preventing you from living your ultimate life.

2. Get Rich Doing What You Love will help you discover what you’re truly passionate about, find out exactly why you’re here on this earth, and teach you how to package them in a way that creates financial success and full alignment in your life.

3. Million Dollar Business Secrets reveals the essential strategies and an extensive, step-by-step guide used by Harv and the world’s elite business owners to create wealth in business in 3 years or less.

4. The Wealthy Marketer reveals virtually everything Harv knows about marketing that will make you rich, using a step-by-step, proven marketing system that will have people literally lining up to buy from you.


Here’s What You’ll Learn From All 4 Powerful Programs In The Make Money Help People Series

7 Ways The Secrets Of Inner Power Program Will Help You Master Your Mind, Develop Your True Character & Succeed No Matter What


Module 1: True Self vs. False Self

Most of us live not as our original self, but our FALSE SELF — the person we were taught to become. Using the Japanese Samurai philosophy of becoming a warrior, you’ll learn how to differentiate between your true self and false self, and develop and master your true self — the powerful person you originally were when you came into this world.

Module 2: The Power Of Unconditional Action

Learn specific techniques on bridging your Inner World (thoughts and emotions) and Outer World (RESULTS) to help you take action in spite of your fears, doubts, worries, and ANYTHING — in order to succeed and find happiness in the real world.

Module 3: How To Detect & Eliminate Your “Mindfrick”

Your mind will tell you anything and create any stories it wants you to believe to protect you. But that could also mean thoughts that are stopping you from taking action. Harv calls this “Mindfrick”, and he teaches you how to detect its many toxic phrases and flip the script to work for you instead.

Module 4: 16 Ways To Access Your Power

In this module, you’ll discover 16 strategies and practices that Harv personally uses to access your power and conquer your “Mindfrick”, including powerful declarations, mottos and statements that will strengthen your trust in yourself.

Module 5: How Accountability Shapes Your Reality

A warrior is 100% accountable and takes full responsibility for her or his life. In this module, you’ll learn how you create your own reality, success, failure and mediocrity, and how to hold and nurture your power by taking responsibility for the results in your life.

Module 6: Integrity Is Your Most Important Value

Integrity is probably the most important value you can have, yet many of us still struggle to keep our commitments by turning to excuses, exaggerations and “little white lies”. In this module, you will learn why your word must be LAW and how that one principle will dramatically impact your life.

Module 7: Develop Self-Approval For
Happines & Success

The final module highlights one of the biggest obstacles that causes misery and prevents you from reaching your true potential — both in happiness and financial success. You’ll learn how to eliminate the need to seek validation from others by developing your own self-approval, so that you can truly accept, recognize and not give a damn what others think about you.

4 Steps To Get Rich Doing What You Love By Finding Your Purpose So That
You Can Live With Passion, Create Wealth & Impact The Lives of Others


Module 1: Clearing Your Blocks And Self-Forgiveness

In this first module Harv takes you through unique clearing exercises to remove the deep rooted blocks that are limiting you from finding your passion and living your purpose. This is important because there’s nothing worse than spending time going full speed down a path that doesn’t fit and fulfill YOU. These exercises will help you find clarity on what’s in your heart and in your soul to truly define your purpose and use it to create your path towards success — on your terms.

Module 2: Discovering Your Mission & Your “Self”

Let’s face it — most people spend a large portion of their lives working, and unfortunately this usually means working in a job that they don’t even like, let alone love. But the problem isn’t the “work” — it’s that they aren’t 1000% confident on who they are or what it is that they want to do. This module on self-discovery will help you reveal your true passion, using a series of exercises to uncover your dreams and desires, your intrinsic strengths and skills, your natural talents, your real interests, and so much more.

Module 3: Creating Your Own Vision

This module teaches you 17 powerful guidelines to help you discover the true reason you are on this earth, so that you remove any doubts and are in full alignment with your purpose. You’ll also learn a powerful 4-step template for creating a personal mission statement that articulates your purpose clearly, to give you two of the most critical elements to both happiness and success. Even if you know your purpose already this module will clarify and give you complete confidence that you’re on the correct path to fulfilling your mission and purpose in this world. Good or good?

Module 4: How To Package Your Vision & Your Story Into A Vehicle Of Wealth

Discover how to package what you love to do and what you are here to do into a vehicle that can and will make you wealthy. You’ll also walk away with an immediate action plan to get started on creating wealth right away while making a big difference in people’s lives.

4 Ways Million Dollar Business Secrets Will Help You Create Wealth In
Any Business You Choose In 3 Years Or Less


Module 1: Guerrilla Wealth Tactics — How The World's Elite Entrepreneurs Do Business

Wealthy entrepreneurs have a very different approach to business that makes them rich, while others struggle to stay afloat. In this module, you’ll learn how to turn your business into an automatic money machine that gives you a lifetime of passive income and financial freedom. You’ll also learn Harv’s own Street Smart financing methods to get the startup or operating capital you need, whenever you need it... without asking anybody to finance anything.

Module 2: The Secret Of Effective Money-Making Negotiations In The Real World

In this module, Harv reveals the secrets of street-smart negotiations that will save and make you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in business and everyday life, including an amazing 7-word strategy that works practically every time you need to get what you want and 14 of the most powerful negotiation strategies in existence.

Module 3: Ultimate Marketing Strategies For Your Business

Marketing is hands-down the most important business skill you can master — without it, you don't have customers, and without customers your have no money, and with no money you have no business. It’s that simple. In this third module, Harv teaches you the ultimate marketing strategy that will turn you into a marketing wizard in 90 minutes flat, and help you develop million-dollar marketing ideas for your business

Module 4: How To Generate Million-Dollar Ideas Every 60 Seconds

Learn how to leave your comfort zone and naturally think big by taking up the learnable skill of “How To Generate Million-Dollar Ideas Every 60 Seconds”. This module is a template that will also teach you how to find and create sizzling hot business opportunities that will make you rich — anytime, anywhere, and in any industry.

6 Ways The Wealthy Marketer Will Increase Your Sales & Income By 10x
& Teach You How To Become A Marketing Master


Module 1: The Wealthy Marketing Mind

To be a wealthy marketer you need to believe the power principle — if you’re a poor marketer, you’ll be broke, and if you’re a good marketer, you’ll make good money, and if you're a great marketer, you’ll get rich. Because marketing is the 20% that creates 80% of your wealth. Harv redefines and breaks down the WEALTHY marketing mind, why most people still get it wrong, and how you can begin to radically transform your business by changing how you view the most important skill you could ever have.

Module 2: Marketing Strategy & Target Market

The key to the greatest marketing system for your business is to establish a repeatable process that you can build your business on and of course — produce A LOT of profit, which Harv will pretty much hand over to you in this module. He’ll also teach you how to determine your target markets — including lucrative specialty markets — so you understand who is most likely to buy from your business and will truly benefit from your specialty and your expertise.

Module 3: The Message

In this module you’ll learn the exact tools to create an “attractive” message or proposition that best describes your product or service, including your company name, tag line, and your unique hook, so you can put out the right message to the right people at the right time to get your audience interested, and then be able to convert them into buyers and ultimately — lifelong customers and raving fans.

Module 4: The Medium

What are the best ways for YOUR product or service to reach YOUR target audience? In this module Harv teaches you the exact ways you should market and distribute your business. He’ll also walk you through creating partnerships with elite joint ventures and effective endorsed mailers along with the easiest and simplest way to design the world’s most effective type of referral program, and so much more.

Module 5: Maximizing Marketing

So you’ve made your sale… but did you know that 95% of people are leaving the big money on the table? The money is not in the first product your customer buys from you, it’s in what they buy from you after and on an ongoing basis. This module is all about setting up your sales funnel called the FEBE system. It’s the single most effective sales funnel in existence. You’ll also learn exact techniques to set up your continuity program and your frequent buyers program so you can develop trust and build a relationship with your customers so they stay loyal fans of your business for years and years to come.

Module 6: Million Dollar Copywriting Secrets

If marketing is the most important business skill you can have, copywriting is the ultimate skill a marketer should have, that will make a radical difference in your success and how much revenue your marketing campaigns bring in. In this module you’ll access T. Harv Eker’s paint-by-numbers, step-by-step, fill-in-the-blank, document you simply fill out. And lo and behold — you have a “killer” letter, email, ad, website copy (and even your brochures if you use them) in your hands.

What People Say About The 4 Programs In The Make Money Help People Series

“It shattered my personal walls and beliefs.”

Secrets Of Inner Power completely shattered my personal walls and limitations. It gave me profound, yet simple ways of dealing with life in a way I never knew existed.”


- Gail B., Secrets Of Inner Power


“I've created new and rich habits for myself.”

“I use my inner warrior so much that it's become a new habit. I can safely say I've created new and rich habits for myself. I've left my old habits behind and I intend to keep it that way forever!”


- Freddy Hernandez, Secrets Of Inner Power


“...You've shown me how to transition from my present career and turn my new vision into millions!”

“I've been working on finding my mission and purpose for approximately 8 years, and have NEVER been able to find one that 'fit'. Now, not only do I have a mission and vision statement that I fully resonate with, but you've shown me how to transition from my present career and turn my new vision into millions!”


- Glen Zachary, Get Rich Doing What You Love


“The exercises have given me total confidence that my vision and mission...”

“This is the first time I've felt that I could see where I was going and felt with certainty that I could get there. The exercises have given me total confidence that my vision and mission will make a huge difference in the lives I touch! Thank you!”


- Cory Jenkins, Get Rich Doing What You Love


“Worth 10 times the value.”

“This course brings the masters together and illustrates hands-on how to implement successful techniques into the marketplace. It's worth 10 times the value.”


- Jason L., Million Dollar Business Secrets


“A full spectrum of amazing tools to skyrocket my business.”

“This program provided me with a full spectrum of amazing tools to skyrocket my business. I can't believe the amount of real world strategies and tactics that I learned. Excellent!”


- Patricia K., Million Dollar Business Secrets


“I have a complete marketing program.”

“Before the program I was very frustrated with my marketing efforts. Now, after completing The Wealthy Marketer, I have a complete marketing program and I am looking forward to implementing every single bit of it.”


- Laura Sherlock, The Wealthy Marketer


“Quadruple my income within the next 3 months.”

The Wealthy Marketer helped me develop a comprehensive marketing template for my business and all I have to do now is pull the trigger. So based on the strategies and tactics I now have an action plan to at least quadruple my income within the next 3 months. Thanks Harv for another slam dunk.”


- Roberto Gonzalez, The Wealthy Marketer

This Is The Most Valuable Series We've Ever Offered... And We'll Do Whatever We Can To Support You And Make Sure You're Able To Join

A single live course with Harv will set you back $4000 and at least 5 full days of attendance. But since he’s not doing many in-person trainings now, his focus is on creating all of his teachings and programs for online consumption — which means you save time and money on extra expenses, hotels and venues.

And you can also learn a lot faster with a lot more personal convenience. Good or good?

Now, the full price for each of the programs in the Make Money Help People Series: Secrets Of Inner Power, Get Rich Doing What You Love, Million Dollar Business Secrets and The Wealthy Marketer — is $1095.

But before you make up your mind, there’s something you really need to know about Harv.

He may talk a lot about money and wealth and millions and millions of dollars. But it wasn’t always this way.

He spent over a decade of his adult life being broker than broke. There were many nights when he had to choose between $5 of gas for his car or having dinner that night. There were many days when he had no money for lunch or breakfast, let alone rent.

He was destitute. And trust us — he was trying. He started 10 different businesses, but not one of them worked out, despite all the business and personal development books and tapes he went through.

One of his most strongest memories is sitting on a chair at his parents’ condo because he couldn’t afford his own place, tears streaming down his face because his fourth business of the year had just gone down the drain. He was lost, utterly disappointed in himself and humiliated to be in that position.

And in that exact moment, he made a vow. “God, or spirit or universe or whatever is up there — I promise, I promise that if somehow I ‘make it’, if somehow I put it all together… the money, the meaning and the happiness — I promise I will teach others to do the same.”

That’s why he wrote these programs… to keep his promise of passing his knowledge to you. To help a lot of people like you. Because that’s the goal, right? Being rich is great, but being able to help your family, your community, your friends, and your associations… is even better.

And we do receive messages and feedback from some of you who need all the help they can get to afford Harv’s programs. We understand that sometimes, like when Harv was struggling to make ends meet, you find yourself in a position where you have to pick and choose very carefully on any additional investments you are making.

So we hear you, and so because of this we’re taking things one step further…

If you decide today to buy any one of these programs for $1095, then we’ll buy the other 3 as our gift to you!

So if you buy 1, we’ll buy the other 3 and YOU save $2985!

Good or good?!


You Even Have A FULL 60 Days To Experience It... Risk-Free


We are giving you a rock solid GUARANTEE. For a full 60 days, you can listen to any of the courses. Study them. Use them. See the results in your life and for any reason you aren’t thrilled, firstly — our master team will work with you and give you extra support — complimentary!

Second, if you do what we suggest and you’re still not getting the results you want, we will gladly give you all of your money back.

We doubt this will happen because we’ve had thousands of students take these programs and virtually no one asks for their money back. Do you know why?

Because they’re starting to make a fortune.

That’s why we urge you to click the button below and join the Make Money Help People Series.

There’s not a thing you can lose. You can only win.

Yes, or YES?

Do you already have one of the 4 programs in the Make Money Help People Series?
This is not applicable to All-Access


If so, please contact our support team at or chat with them on this page when they are online so we can provide you with a very special COUPON code to get a special discount.

Experience The Make Money Help People Series On Your Desktop, Tablet Or Smartphone Through Our Integrated Learning Platform

Easy Access: A simple and user-friendly learning platform to view your training videos, which you can also download in audio (MP3) format to listen offline or on-the-go during your commute and wherever you need them.

Tools: Downloadable workbooks and exercises to help you immediately apply the techniques, tools and trainings from the program.

Community: Connect with the global community on our private Facebook page to share your journey, post questions, participate in discussions and celebrate your breakthroughs.

Support: Access to our helpful Customer Support team for any technical or account difficulties, with an average response time of 10 hours or less.

Security: Get peace of mind with our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee — we'll issue a full refund should you believe Secrets of Inner Power isn't for you.


Got A Problem? We've Got You Covered.

Speak To Our Client Care Team Or Your Community Moderator


When you register for the Make Money Help People Series, you'll have special access to a private Facebook group with expert moderators supporting you on your journey.

If you ever get stuck or need clarification and support with the material in the course, just post your question in the Facebook group and someone will respond to you :-)

If you have any technical issues or want to talk to any of our client care team members, please email us at We have an average response time of 10 hours or less so this is always the fastest way to get ahold of us!

Click The Add To Cart Button & Try The Make Money Help People Series Now


Included in this series

  • Secrets Of Inner Power to master your mind, develop your character and live only from your most powerful self.
  • Get Rich Doing What You Love to help you discover and get clear on your purpose, your passion, the cause you're meant to serve, and how to use it to create wealth.
  • Million Dollar Business Secrets to create wealth in any business you choose using T. Harv Eker's time-proven wealth secrets.
  • The Wealthy Marketer to create your complete marketing system that will win you lifelong customers and make your company some serious profits.
  • Downloadable workbooks, exercise sheets and audios for each of the programs.

Make Money Help People

Get digital access to Make Money Help People now.



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Or pay in 4 installments of $330 for $1,320 total.


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What Happens After You Order

1. Click the "Add To Cart" button above and you'll be taken to a Secure Checkout page.
2. Complete your order and you'll get an email with your login name and password.
3. Visit to get access to your Make Money Help People Series: Secrets Of
Inner Power
, Get Rich Doing What You Love, Million Dollar Business Secrets and The Wealthy Marketer.
4. You will receive each module from each program on a weekly basis as you start them.

Still Have Questions?

See Below For Answers To Our Most Common Questions


Yes, all 4 courses in the Make Money Help People Series are personally taught by T. Harv Eker himself. Harv is the program leader and teacher in all the videos you’ll get access to when you register for the offer.

As mentioned, Harv rarely does any live speaking engagements anymore and is now focused on creating programs that can reach and impact more lives around the world, so this is the closest thing you'll find to personally experiencing Harv’s teaching for the time being.

Click here to get started now.


Anytime you want! All programs in the Make Money Help People Series are video training courses delivered on demand and at your own pace. Access the video lessons and other resources with your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop — whichever you prefer.

Get here to get started now.


We are giving you a rock solid GUARANTEE. For a full 60 days, you can listen to any of the courses. Study them. Use them. See the results in your life and for any reason you aren't thrilled, firstly — our master team will work with you and give you extra support — complimentary!

Second, if you do what we suggest and you're still not getting the results you want, we will gladly give you all of your money back.

We doubt this will happen because we've had thousands of students take these programs and virtually no one asks for their money back. Do you know why?

Because they're starting to make a fortune.

That's why we urge you to click the button below to register and get going on this.


Each of the 4 programs in the Make Money Help People Series have different numbers of modules.

Secrets Of Inner Power has 7 Modules.
Get Rich Doing What You Love has 4 Modules.
Million Dollar Business Secrets has 4 Modules.
The Wealthy Marketer has 6 Modules.

We recommend you start with the Secrets Of Inner Power program and after you register, each module will be released to you every week. You’ll be able to download a video as soon as you’ve “unlocked” them in your journey, so that you can also continue to learn offline or keep it for future reference.

If for any reason you want to do more than one program at once, just contact our client care team and they can unlock as many modules or programs as you want to satisfy your learning style. We do recommend following our proven process but we respect and honor what's best for you!

Click here to get started now.


No, and here’s why: Our students achieve bigger results when the program is delivered in manageable chunks rather than a firehose of information.

Each of the courses in the Make Money Help People Series is set up so that you receive access to one new module each week in whichever program you’re taking at that time. This way you can consume and focus on one section at a time.

But don’t worry — if you’re moving through the material at a faster pace and want access to everything at once, simply contact our support team. We’ll be happy to unlock the rest of the modules or programs for you.

Click here to get started now.


There are two payment options the Make Money Help People Series. When you buy any 1 program in the series for a one time payment of $1095 we’ll buy the other 3 programs for you so you’ll get full access to all 4 programs in the Make Money Help People Series, or you can make 4 payments of $330 over 6 months. There are no extra fees or future payments associated with this program.

You will have access to the programs as long as it’s online and you’ll even have the ability to download the videos to your computer for your offline viewing experience.

Please note that if you do not enroll PRIOR to the special discount expiration date, then the price to get access to any program will revert back to its regular tuition, which is $1095 each.

Click here to get access to the Make Money Help People Series now.


We’ll get straight to it: This series is for anyone who really wants to and believes they can succeed, while helping other people in the process.

There’s really no other way we can or should put it.

Because you absolutely need all the parts of the ultimate success formula if you want to succeed and make a significant impact on people. You need to know how to overcome any and all challenges in your way.

Everything from taking charge of your thoughts, having the right mindset, liberating your greatest power and understanding your purpose... and having the exact knowledge, the exact methods, the exact step-by-step strategies, and our million dollar fill-in-the-blank templates that has helped thousands upon thousands of Harv’s students become a success.

And we’re giving you complete access to all 4 powerful results-producing programs for the price of one (and even that is also at a discount price).

So click here to get the ultimate success series.


When you register for this program, you will have special access to a private Facebook group with expert moderators and other community members.

If you ever get stuck, just post your question in the group and someone from the private Facebook group will respond to you. :-)

Please note that this group is for clarification and support with the material in the programs. If you have any technical issues or want to talk to any of our client care team members, please email us at This is always the fastest way to get ahold of us.

Click here to get access now.

Click The Add To Cart Button & Try The Make Money Help People Series Now


Included in this series

  • Secrets Of Inner Power to master your mind, develop your character and live only from your most powerful self.
  • Get Rich Doing What You Love to help you discover and get clear on your purpose, your passion, the cause you're meant to serve, and how to use it to create wealth.
  • Million Dollar Business Secrets to create wealth in any business you choose using T. Harv Eker's time-proven wealth secrets.
  • The Wealthy Marketer to create your complete marketing system that will win you lifelong customers and make your company some serious profits.
  • Downloadable workbooks, exercise sheets and audios for each of the programs.

Make Money Help People

Get digital access to Make Money Help People now.



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Or pay in 4 installments of $330 for $1,320 total.


All orders processed on a secure server.

What Happens After You Order

1. Click the "Add To Cart" button above and you'll be taken to a Secure Checkout page.
2. Complete your order and you'll get an email with your login name and password.
3. Visit to get access to your Make Money Help People Series: Secrets Of
Inner Power
, Get Rich Doing What You Love, Million Dollar Business Secrets and The Wealthy Marketer.
4. You will receive each module from each program on a weekly basis as you start them.