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How To Build Self-Confidence: The First Pedal Towards Success

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If self-confidence doesn’t come easily to you, here’s some helpful millionaire wisdom to guide you back to trusting yourself again.

Self-confidence is often the hidden key to unlocking our potential and achieving our goals.

Most people think it’s discipline or motivation, but self-confidence comes BEFORE these two… not after. 


Because many of us know what we need to do and even how to do it, but we lack the confidence to take action.

It's not about discipline or motivation… it's about believing in ourselves first.

It’s a Matter of Trust

Let me put it this way…

Imagine you’re learning to ride a bicycle.

Initially, the thought of balancing and pedaling forward might seem daunting. 

You're afraid of falling, and you doubt your ability to ride.

This is like facing your goals without self-confidence…

The fear of failure prevents you from even starting.

This is why most kids start with training wheels.

These first rides are small, manageable, and safe, and they help to build trust in their ability to ride.

Each successful, short journey adds a little more confidence…

Gradually, as they become more comfortable, they challenge themselves with longer rides and eventually remove the training wheels.

This same journey is how we build self-confidence even as adults.

How to Build Self-Confidence

Here it is in 5 simple steps:

  1. Start with Small Commitments:
    Begin by setting small, achievable goals.
    Completing these is like riding with training wheels, safe, and confidence-building.
  2. Celebrate Small Successes:
    Every small achievement is a step forward.
    Celebrate these to reinforce your belief in your abilities.
  3. Gradually Increase Challenges:
    As your confidence grows, slowly increase the difficulty of your goals, just like removing training wheels and trying longer rides.
  4. Learn from Mistakes:
    If you fall, don't be discouraged.
    Just like learning to ride a bike, mistakes are part of the journey and opportunities to improve.
  5. Seek Support When Needed:
    Just as you might need someone to hold the bike at first, don't hesitate to seek help and encouragement from others.

If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. -Vincent van Gogh.

Remember, building self-confidence is a gradual process, just like learning to ride a bike.

It starts with believing you can make that first, small pedal forward.

As your confidence grows, so does your capacity to take on bigger goals.

With each achievement, you're not just moving closer to your goals… you're also reinforcing the belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Conclusion: Believe There's Growth in Challenge

Building self-confidence is an essential and achievable process for growth. 

It begins with the fundamental belief in our ability to make progress, no matter how small. 

And when you grasp the importance of self-confidence as the first pedal towards success, you can make confidence a habit. 

By starting with small commitments and celebrating each minor success, you steadily build your confidence. 

As your self-assurance grows, you can gradually embrace larger challenges, learning from your previous experiences along the way. 

The support of others can be invaluable, just like the steadying hand that initially helps you balance the bicycle. 

Ultimately, this journey of self-confidence is not just about reaching your goals, it's about establishing a deep-rooted belief in your capabilities. 

And developing your character suited to the success you’re aiming to achieve.

Each step forward not only brings you closer to your objectives but reinforces your conviction that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. 

Remember, the path to building self-confidence, much like mastering anything, requires patience, perseverance, and trust in yourself as well as the process.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Self-Confidence

Has your Mind ever wondered…

Why is self-confidence important?

Having confidence increases the likelihood of finishing what you started, whether you’re considering moving with ideas, people, or situations.

What causes lack of confidence?

The short answer would be stress.

To elaborate on that, consistent stress over longer periods tends to deteriorate one’s confidence, self-esteem, and trust just as much as it destroys your physical, spiritual, and mental health.

This is why it is vital to use tools to manage these stressors and avoid becoming stagnant.

How long does it take to gain confidence?

How long is a piece of string?

It takes as long as it takes for you to master what you have to get better at to become confident.

And different aspects require different time frames and the sooner you start, the better.

The secret’s in the frequency of your practice and you have to believe it is possible for you, or at the very least, that you are working toward making it possible for your life.

If you’re serious and committed to growth, you’ll consciously practice these next 5 steps for building confidence at every opportunity you get, until it becomes an unconscious habit: 

Practice setting smaller achievable goals you believe are in your realm of accomplishment.

Practice rewarding yourself for each small victory with every small goal you achieve.

Practice leveling up the difficulty of each goal you’ve achieved to continue challenging yourself for greater growth.

Practice reframing ‘mistakes’ as lessons learned, and have at it again but this time, from experience.

Practice asking for support, encouragement, a lending hand, or guidance.

Actively practice these 5 things consistently, diligently, and unapologetically.

This way you’ll get better at building your self-confidence and reduce the time it could take to make a meaningful difference in your results.

And if you’d like to reduce the length of time it could take to become confident even more, then learn how to develop a millionaire mindset.

Readers' Reviews

Rated 4.7 out of 5
4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 31 reviews)
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Avatar for Antonio

Confía [Translated from Spanish: Trust]

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A muy bueno confianza

[Translated from Spanish: Very good confidence]

Avatar for Noemí Gilda
Noemí Gilda

Confiar en uno mismo [Translated from Spanish: Trust in yourself]

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Realmente ejemplos claros para iniciar gradualmente y así lograr el éxito

[Translated from Spanish: Really clear examples to start gradually and thus achieve success]

Avatar for Beauty

It's action lecture

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I'm taking action right the way.

Avatar for Martina

We can all ride the bike so why not ride the confidence bike as well

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The allegory with bike is simple and easy to understand, with confidence it is the same. I wish all teachers and parents had this article at hand to learn from themselves and to pass it on... once the confidence is achieved the focus is so much easier to attain in life. Better life is created, lot more happier people about... Thank you !

Avatar for Emmanuel

I love it and i will make do with the five exercise

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It a content to consider

Avatar for Yasmine El meddah
Yasmine El meddah

Very Helpful

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Right to the goal read + understrand + do = Change

Avatar for Shakirah Nassolo
Shakirah Nassolo

Thanks alot

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This is really good knowledge I'm putting it into practice

Avatar for Chidinma Umeh
Chidinma Umeh

Practical ways to build your self confidence

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The use of English was broken down to everyone level of understanding. It gave a practical way to build ones confidence. I love the write-up.

Avatar for José Jhonatan Agkuash Apikai
José Jhonatan Agkuash Apikai

Creer para crear mi confianza [Translated from Spanish: Believe to create my confidence]

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Me encanta leer este contenido, me ayudan a mejorar y a tener confianza en mí mismo

Gracias por compartir este correo, son muy buenos y muy motivadoras, me ayuda a mejorar cada día más y seguir adelante con mis dificultades. Es muy valioso

[Translated from Spanish: I love reading this content, it helps me improve and have confidence in myself

Thank you for sharing this email, they are very good and very motivating, it helps me improve every day and move forward with my difficulties. It's very valuable]

Avatar for João Miguel
João Miguel

It's useful lesson

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It's very useful, and the example or analogy with ride a bicycle is much easy to understand.

Avatar for Jerry Lanier
Jerry Lanier

Much needed content for most

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I think the journey to build self-confidence and faith require experiences and failures that most people fear. I’ll share this content in hope that others will benefit from the message.

Avatar for Alozie Lawrence
Alozie Lawrence

Excellent ideas for achieving ones dreams and goals

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Follow the steps to hit your goals in life

Avatar for Rashay

Easy Read, Simply Put, and Much Needed!!!

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I think I've always known this. I've just been overcomplicating it! But this article put it in the most simplest form. I'm ready to do it all now!

Avatar for Rahila Awushi Yohanna
Rahila Awushi Yohanna

I need this.

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Very simple to understand and I need it, thank you

Avatar for Winifred N. K
Winifred N. K

Easy practical tips

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Very simple and practical tips. The bicycle analogy is super.

Avatar for Khadija

It was a good for me.

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It's so beneficial for others.

Avatar for mary


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It was so useful and helpful

I think most of people try for their goals but they always think about that at the end they can't and they won't achieve their goal

Avatar for Jocelyn


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Informative ready.

Avatar for Chrishon R Lucien
Chrishon R Lucien

Just What I Needed

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OMG - this is just what I needed. I am working toward some professional goals and I haven't made the progress I wanted. I thought it was a lack of skill; however, I now realize after reading this article it is because I lack confidence. I will definitely implement these useful tips. Thank you so much.

Avatar for Hamedreza

Very good

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I need it

Avatar for Fuseini Issah
Fuseini Issah

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This is amazing with simple tricks to learn

Avatar for Liliana

Gracias por este articulo, valiosa informacion [Translated from Spanish: Thanks for this article, valuable information.]

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Una muy buena reflexion, y pasos practicos a seguir para fortalecer este poderoso habito de la confianza en uno mismo. Gracias

[Translated from Spanish: A very good reflection, and practical steps to follow to strengthen this powerful habit of self-confidence. Thank you]

Avatar for Cesar

How To Build Self-Confidence: The First Pedal Towards Success

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Small challenges should have an example of real life.

Avatar for Sariah

You have to believe you can or you will always fail.

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I think that many people overlook this aspect and it is very important. I think that this is a good article to start with when wanting to set a legitimate goal. I think that a lot of this article sounds opinionated and could be back by some more research. Overall I like this article.

Avatar for Byron K. Ward
Byron K. Ward

Good read!

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I am adding the five steps to my personal development process.

Avatar for claudia

Self confidence

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simple and rewording step to take

Avatar for Nurudeen


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A good illustration for imparting knowledge.

Avatar for Muhammad Irfan Rasheed
Muhammad Irfan Rasheed


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great work your doing thanks

Avatar for Marisol leiva
Marisol leiva

Excelente [Translated from Spanish: Great]

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Gracias por emvieme

Estos correos

Cada ves que leo me ayuda a salir adelante

Y a tener más confianza en mi

Me encanta estos contenidos son de mucho valor

[Translated from Spanish: Thanks for sending me

These emails

Every time I read it helps me get ahead

And to have more confidence in myself

I love these contents, they are very valuable.]

Avatar for Hernan franco
Hernan franco

Fortaleciendo [Translated from Spanish: Strengthening]

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Excelente. No es sabio el que solo lo ve si no el que quiere empezar a recorrer el camino...

[Translated from Spanish: Excellent. He who only sees it is not wise, but he who wants to start walking the path...]

Avatar for Ezekiel

Thanks so much it was a blessing

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I think everyone should follow this lesson up

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