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The Simple Key To Starting A Business: Play To Your Strengths

Rated 4.3 out of 5

If you play to your strengths in life and in business, chances are you’ll be mighty successful and impactful as this mindset empowers you to be at your best…

When venturing into the entrepreneurial world, the common mantra is to "follow your passion."

However, this advice can sometimes lead you astray, leaving you chasing dreams that don't align with your actual skills.

Not only that, what most people don’t tell you is that…

If you’re constantly trying to follow your passion, you’ll constantly ask yourself…

“Is this really my passion? Or is there something else out there that would fulfill me even more?”

This can lead to jumping from business idea to business idea. 

Without never actually building something of value.

A more grounded approach instead is to start with what you're already good at.

What to Consider Before Starting a Business

Think about it like this…

Imagine you're deciding on a sport to dedicate your time to.

You could dream about excelling in basketball or soccer, enchanted by the glamor and fame associated with these sports.

But, let's consider a different strategy: reflecting on the sports you're naturally skilled at and that you enjoy.

Perhaps it's volleyball, where your serve is unmatched, or maybe it's running, where you outpace your peers without breaking a sweat.

Opting for a sport based on these pre-existing skills not only sets you up for immediate success but also enhances your enjoyment and commitment to the game.

The same thing happens with your new business…

Ask yourself…

What are you good at? 

When your friends or family ask you for advice, what is it usually about?

What do you already do every day or every week for free, that maybe you could get paid for?

These questions will help you find something that you’re both good at and that you enjoy enough to be doing for free (so you might as well get paid for it).

5 Pointers to Help You Play to Your Strengths

Here are 5 more practical tips you can use to apply this strategy right now:

  1. Assess Your Skills:
    Just as you'd choose a sport you're naturally good at, evaluate what skills you possess that others value.
    What do people frequently ask your advice on?

  2. Identify What You Enjoy:
    There's likely something you do regularly, even without getting paid.
    This could be the foundation of a fulfilling business.

  3. Leverage Your Network:
    Consider what your friends, family, and colleagues come to you for.
    This is a direct indicator of where your strengths lie.

  4. Build on Your Strengths:
    Just as practicing and playing to your strengths in sports can lead to personal bests and victories, focusing on your inherent skills in business can accelerate your path to success.

  5. Allow Passion to Follow:
    Mastery and success breed passion.
    As you become more skilled and recognized in your chosen field, your passion for the work will naturally deepen.

Don't push your weaknesses, play with your strengths. -Jennifer López

Choosing a sport based on your natural abilities offers immediate gratification and long-term success, much like selecting a business idea that aligns with your strengths.

This approach not only sets a solid foundation for your entrepreneurial journey but also ensures that passion grows with your accomplishments.

It's about playing to your strengths, enjoying the process, and letting passion follow your success, not the other way around.

Conclusion: The Truth About Your Passion, Purpose and Strengths

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ll find that your journey to success is often paved with introspection, resilience, and a strategic alignment of your inherent strengths with your professional endeavors. 

There’s no time like the present for a shift from the elusive chase of passion to the pragmatic focus on leveraging your personal strengths as a cornerstone for business success. 

Drawing upon psychological principles, this approach resonates deeply with the theory of self-efficacy, proposed by psychologist Albert Bandura, which emphasizes the power of belief in one’s abilities as a determinant of success in any venture.

To play to your strengths is not merely a strategy, but a philosophy that underpins a fulfilling and sustainable entrepreneurial journey. 

By aligning your personal strengths with your professional pursuits, you not only ensure immediate satisfaction but also long-term fulfillment and success. 

If you play to your strengths, you can transform your entrepreneurial landscape from a daunting quest for passion into a rewarding journey of self-realization and growth.

Moreover, this strengths-based approach fosters resilience, a critical psychological trait for entrepreneurs. 

By focusing on areas where you naturally excel, you’re more likely to persevere through challenges, motivated by your successes and the intrinsic satisfaction you get from engaging in activities that resonate with your core competencies. 

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Frequently Asked Questions About How To Play to Your Strengths

Has your Mind ever wondered…

What does play to your strengths mean?

Ask yourself…

What are you good at? 

When your friends or family ask you for advice, what is it usually about?

What do you already do every day or every week for free, that maybe you could get paid for?

These questions will help you find something that you’re both good at and that you enjoy enough to be doing for free (so you might as well get paid for it).

It’s a choice you’ll have to make, by deciding whether you’d like to produce passion and energy, which will enable you to be more productive and engaged, or if you’ll remain in the slave mindset of focusing on your weaknesses and never being good enough to get anywhere.

Yes, it sounds harsh, but very few people realize the value of playing to their strengths as they’re too focused on what’s missing which in turn makes them believe everything’s impossible.

In essence, if you play to your strengths, you’ll focus on doing what you are good at well, rather than beating yourself up over things you’re not so good at.

How can I play to my strengths?

It’s vital that you identify your strengths so that you have a good starting point.

If you play to your strengths, you’ll know when and where to apply them for the most appropriate impact.

You can use the impact you make as a yardstick to measure what actions you could take next.

By embracing and nurturing the best within you, you’re naturally inclined to do it with others too.

How’s that for a win-win?

Why is it important to play to your strengths?

If you’d like to go far, feel empowered for your greatest success, and work in the smartest way possible, you’ll have to know how to play to your strengths.

Anything else is simply madness.

Trying to improve on your weaknesses is taking the long route to an outcome that is not guaranteed.

However, when you play to your strengths, you know you’re on the right track to providing quality offers and making a real impact.

Even more so, the boost in self-confidence you’ll experience with the results you’ll consistently get can fuel further improvements and innovations in your field.

Being passionate about something is not enough, you must be adept at the skills necessary to give life to your passion if you truly plan on living a life of purpose.

Readers' Reviews

Rated 4.3 out of 5
4.3 out of 5 stars (based on 8 reviews)
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Rated 4.1 out of 5
Avatar for Natnael Daniel
Natnael Daniel

Amazing content

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Wow this was really helpful to my path ...thank you so much!

Avatar for EC Peters
EC Peters

It's inspiring, coming at the time I am setting out to take up may passion to the next level of my life, by adding up more skill to advance my course

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It changed my life and my perspective, that I have to work on my strength and not trying to proff point on my weakness..

Avatar for Emmanuel Annoh
Emmanuel Annoh

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Straight and simple

Avatar for Richard

Claves para iniciar tu negocio [Translated from Spanish: Keys to start your business]

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Es interesante ver qué todo se resume a la pasión y propósito que tenemos cada uno. Cuando encuentras tu propósito, encuentras sentido a la vida y eso te la hace más clara y sencilla. Gracias por información tan valiosa

[Translated from Spanish: It is interesting to see that it all comes down to the passion and purpose that each of us has. When you find your purpose, you find meaning in life and that makes it clearer and simpler. Thanks for such valuable information]

Avatar for Koffi

Qualité du contenu [Translated from French: Content quality]

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Aussi claire que l'eau de roche.

Texte parfaitement explicite

[Translated from French:

As clear as rock water.

Perfectly explicit text]


Key to start your business

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Straight to point

Avatar for Igwilo chukwuemeka
Igwilo chukwuemeka

Quality of content

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This piece is the most interesting one and it came at the time am starting up a side personal business. Though the idea behind play with your strength is new to me but is quite understandable and practicable and has set me in pull position to draw vital information from.

It is rich and it's clarity is superb.

Thanks for sharing this leverage information.

Avatar for Che Joel Ndang
Che Joel Ndang

Key points before starting a business

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Simple, straight forward and concise

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