You can start a business with no money, but when the subject of starting a business comes up for most people, their first thought is “I don’t have enough money...”, and that's where their dream dies.
That’s the biggest reason most people never start a business.
If you’re not a successful millionaire by now, there’s something you don’t know yet.
So here’s one of those things you’ve yet to learn.
You can create wealth even if you have no money because there are ways to start a business with no money.
How do I know this?
Because Wealth Strategist and Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker did it and by following his own principles, his wealthy success still continues.
It took some learning, focus, and commitment which is why he’s making the secrets he discovered available to everyone so more people can do the same and also start a business with no money and succeed in their endeavor.
Although money is essential to the equation of business success, it’s not your sole savior and if you’d like to ensure that your business is successful, a little creativity goes a long way.
So let’s take a look at how Harv suggests you go about this journey…
If you'd like to start your business with no money or some money and from a safe space, these 3 tips from Harv will be quite invaluable to you:
Don’t risk sacrificing a stable income and going from getting some money into getting nothing in, Harv emphasizes.
Test the waters and use some of your existing income for cash flow because stress and anxiety will only fuel a scarcity mindset.
Work with what you have available.
Refine your side-hustle - whether it’s a profitable side hustle or something small that’s not yielding much income yet - part-time while you still have money coming in, until it’s stable enough for you to transition into your new business completely.
Yes it will be hard work that requires 1000% of your best version, your focus, your commitment, and your attention meaning you’ll be burning the midnight oil for quite some time.
But Harv reminds you to do whatever it takes.
Expand your hands-on experience in the arena of the business you’d like to start.
Invest in yourself to gain the skills and knowledge required to make a success of your endeavor and make sure your potential business is the right fit for you.
Harv mentions that 80% of all new businesses tend to fail within the first 5 years for various reasons, but 65% of all new businesses succeed if the person was already in that industry.
Don’t allow the “I don’t have money to start a business...” narrative to control your actions.
In truth, you don’t require a lot of money to start a business and it’s absolutely possible to start a business with no money at all.
What you do require is know-how and skills.
And knowing how to start a business with no money is an essential bit of wisdom you will benefit from once your transition is in motion.
Harv will tell you what works for him, and what doesn't.
Because business is reliant on the in-flow and out-flow of money, right?
One way, says Harv, is to get other people to fund your business by approaching potential partners or investors with your idea, formula or patent.
Whatever you bring to the table, has to be great whether it’s a skill, an invention or intellectual property.
Real estate as an example is one arena where a vast many people started out with none of their own money.
They found a great piece of real estate, whether it was to flip it or to generate cash flow with.
Find it and tie it up.
And then you can start looking for money because there will be more money looking for you than what you’ll be looking for money, Harv says.
Because people are always looking to make money and to get into a good deal.
If you find a hot situation that’s in demand, that’s golden!
So you bring the opportunity and they bring the money.
In essence, when it comes to standard business practices, Harv’s #1 way to start a business with no money, or very little thereof, is to get cash upfront.
He started a fitness store with a $2,000 credit card loan.
His vision for starting the first retail chain of fitness stores was unstoppable and it was aligned with who he is, his passion, his purpose, and his personal habits.
Harv persuaded one of his suppliers to front him just one rowing machine and after some deliberation, his supplier agreed.
When the rowing machine arrived at Harv’s store, he ripped the box apart and wrote on the box “World’s First Fitness Store - Coming Soon!”, displaying his sign in the window.
He assembled the rowing machine and positioned it on the large window sill where everybody walking and driving past could clearly see it.
On his sign, he crossed out the words “Coming Soon!” and replaced it with “Here Now!” so that whomsoever was passing the store, could see the amendment.
Sitting in the window of his store, rowing away on the rowing machine, passersby became curious.
They would enter the store, asking Harv what’s going on, and he’d do a full demonstration of this incredible piece of fitness equipment, emphasizing the benefits of the workout he’s getting.
We’re talking biceps, triceps, legs, everything!
“Wow, this is amazing! How can I get one?” people would say.
Harv responded with… “Well, they’re all gone now, but if you’d like to pay a deposit, I have more coming in a week.”
“Great, how much is the deposit?”
Harv gave the full price as the deposit if they would like it in a week, and gave them the option of a smaller deposit if they were willing to wait a couple of weeks.
Of course most people were aiming to have this machine as soon as possible, so they were willing to pay and Harv continued collecting deposits for equipment he didn’t have in stock.
After getting 10 deposits, he ordered 10 rowing machines and let the customers know that they can collect their brand new fitness equipment between 11 am - 12 pm on a Saturday morning.
When they asked why it had to happen at that time and on that day, Harv explained that that’s when they’re doing the distribution of the goods.
So everyone arrived at the same time, often bringing their families along.
Customers started chatting and the people outside noticed that the store was busy and that customers were carrying out large boxes.
This led to other people coming in and asking questions and this cycle started to spiral upward.
Harv was then collecting deposits for 20 rowers at a time, then 50 and then 100 rowers at a time, so he could order it as the money came in.
And the pick up arrangement created such a stir that Harv’s success caused half a mile of traffic to back-up which resulted in Harv having to pay 2 police officers to help direct traffic for his store on Saturday mornings.
This of course created even more curiosity as people thought the store was giving things away for free and the store was packed with customers…
But all Harv had in there was 1 rowing machine and what his customers had to come and pick up, and this after only 2 ½ months!
This strategy has a name.
Harv calls it Pre-Selling.
Pre-sell your product or service before you have to pay for it.
You can do the same, get paid in advance, and utilize that money to get whatever you have to get for supply.
Do you still think you can't start a business with no money?
Just to be fair, with over 3 million students, he probably knows a thing or two about business and effective strategies...
Yes it takes money to run a business, but it doesn’t have to come out of your pocket and you don't have to start by using your own money, Harv asserts.
Take your great idea and start looking for the kind of investors and/or partners who will willingly invest in your start-up.
Harv is a major investor and in his infamous words…
There’s more money looking for good ideas than there are ideas looking for money. -T. Harv Eker
Whether it’s something tangible, a great opportunity, or something you created and patented, make sure you bring something great to the table because there’s someone out there with money willing to help you launch your business!
That prize piece of property you’ve had your eye on may very well be the capital you require to fund your business.
Real estate is an excellent way to create wealth and finding the right deal could position you with people who have the money and would likely be willing to help you finance your business venture.
Harv had nothing but an empty space and a dream to open the world’s first fitness equipment store when he started his first wealth-producing business, Harv says.
He had a great idea, but no capital and thus, nothing to actually sell.
Yes he took a big risk taking out a $2,000 credit card loan, but as you’ve read, it paid off and the rest is history.
He created that situation and got people curious and engaged.
It started small and 2.5 years later, it made him a millionaire.
As bizarre as it sounds, you too can launch your business this way.
Harv calls this pre-selling strategy CUSTOMER FINANCING.
Market your product, persuade customers to pre-order by giving you a deposit and use that deposit to provide them with what you’re marketing so you can make more profit, is what Harv’s suggesting.
There you have it.
Simple strategies that are effective in the real world.
Did you notice the psychology and skill behind Harv's strategy?
He knew that he could get rich by doing what he was great at and passionate about, and also how to negotiate a mutually favorable agreement to position himself appropriately.
And the way he set up the scenario in a systemized way to not only have a predictable outcome, but also market his value offer at the same time is sheer genius in my book.
The millionaire mind never stops growing and learning, and the more you learn, the more you know, the more you can do, the more people you can help, and the more money you can make.
For sure, you have to be the right person, doing the right thing at the right time and discovering this alignment is crucial to your long term success.
Many people are searching for their starting point, and starting with something you know you could be great at is essential.
You have to be the BEST at what you do if you intend on building wealth in your business and in life.
How do you bridge the gap?
#01. Quiet the voice of your conditioned mind and unleash your inner warrior so you can take action despite fear.
#02. Figure out what you love doing so you can get rich doing it - leave a legacy instead of just making a living.
#03. Learn how to implement business systems so your business can produce consistent wealth even when you're not there and so that you can work only if and when you feel like it.
#04. Put together a marketing strategy that hits the target every time and has people lining up at your door for your product or service.
Become the well-rounded leader and founder your business and your customers deserve in order to produce wealth and leave a lasting mark on this world.
Master your mind and strengthen your character.
Align with your passion, purpose, and mission to help others solve a specific problem at a profit.
Be strategic about the growth of your business.
Sharpen your skills around active influence and meaningful authority.
You CAN set up your business with the strongest start possible without looking back in regret or wasting precious time.
Learn! Do! Repeat!
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Has your Mind ever wondered…
Yes you can, and you probably should, if you’d like to build wealth in your lifetime.
T. Harv Eker’s #1 strategy for starting a business with no money is to pre-sell your value offer.
Out of all the most creative ways to finance your business, it’s his favorite.
Know what situation you’d like to get involved in - what is your purpose in life and what problem do you solve for other people?
In other worlds, who are you and how do you help people?
If you’re already living a life of purpose, passion and fulfillment, this answer may be easier for you than for most.
Once you are able to help people by solving problems for them through doing what you love, you have a rare kind of freedom and a better chance of building wealth.
Follow Harv’s #1 principle for starting a business with no money, and that is to pre-sell your solution.
Learn the best way to market your unique value proposition, how to systemize your business, how to be powerful in your endeavor and understand why you do what you do.
Every business requires cash flow, and it might not surprise you to know that pre-selling or using Customer Financing for your business is the simplest way to ensure you generate the funds you require.
You can start a business with no money by getting deposits for your products or services and then using that money to fund the supply.
T. Harv Eker became a millionaire in 2.5 years with this strategy, and so can you.
Of course there's always more to learn and if you read this post from start to finish, you'll realize that, if you're in it for the long haul, pre-selling is just a foot in the door to get you started.
Harv’s success formula looks like this: RV > RK > RY = Success
RV represents the Right Vehicle at the right time.
RK represents the Right Knowledge and there are 2 kinds of knowledge.
Generalized knowledge such as business principle knowledge that you use in all business...
And specific business knowledge that applies to your particular arena and everything you must know in that exact field.
RY is the thing that holds it all together, and it represents the Right You.
Being the Right You is the first place you start working on.
It's also vital to learn how to put systems in place so your business can generate money for you in your absence.
Effectively marketing your value to your target audience is a critical aspect few people understand, so acquire the specific knowledge and tools necessary for the success of your business.
You have to know who you are if you’re going to be living a life of purpose, quality and wealth.
And if you’d like to start a business with no money, the easiest way is to pre-sell your value proposition, which you’ll be great at if you love what you’re doing.
Para un negocio próspero y exitoso, se requiere de un propósito, decisión, dedicación y constancia, con la inclusión de la sistematización de nuestros hábitos para lograr resultados
[Translated from Spanish: For a prosperous and successful business, purpose, determination, dedication and perseverance are required, with the inclusion of [process] systematization [and mastery] of our habits to achieve results.]