Learn From The Smartest Millionaire Minds in Business

Why You Should Draft an Epic Business Plan Right Now

Drafting a business plan is simpler than you think, but what stops most people from taking this vital first step is the belief that they deserve to stay where they are.

The reality is that you will never build wealth or live your ultimate life if you keep waiting for the perfect job.

Moreover, if you don't own a business, not only will you stay broke or continue to live from hand to mouth each month, but your unique message and gift to the world will remain buried beneath the time you spend making someone else rich.

It is not so much from scarcity, as it is from an aching need and burning desire to fulfill his commitment to himself that Trainer, Speaker & Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker turned his passion into the purpose of becoming a business owner as well as obscenely rich.

For many years preceding his personal success, he was part of building other people’s businesses, helping them fulfill their dreams, until one day he realized that he is worth more.

He encourages people to do the same by helping them grow their mindsets from where they are, to powerful. 

Let's see what Harv has to say about drafting a business plan, shall we?


Harv firmly believes that no employment will give you the kind of satisfaction you will derive from creating something you love. 

As of right now, Harv encourages you to stop attracting a job and instead, start creating your business plan so you can find your best-suited success.


Create a Business Plan - Achieve Your Dreams

The common mind of most people equates work to having employment.  

Yet how many people do you know who simply detest their job or complain about it all the time? 

How many times have you heard of people looking for a new job or for a job where their passions and skills can be put to use?

If what you’re looking for is a way to find a better job, you won’t find the answer here. 

Harv’s the guy who will tell you to stop trying to earn a living, kick your butt into confidence and encourage you to rather invest your time and resources in doing something you love! 


Stop Settling for Less

Harv says that if you continue only earning a living, that’s precisely what you’ll get! 

You’ll earn your basic minimum wage and never ever get rich. 

You will never become wealthy.

Are you still waiting for things to change for you? 

To “attract your dream job?”

That’s old, OK! 

Wake up! 

Don’t “attract” the job of your dreams…damn well create it and spend that search time creating a flaming business plan!

Sure, Harv admits that it’s risky telling it like it is because the truth hurts, and that’s fine.  

There’s no prejudice or belittling of your circumstance, particularly because it's very common for millions of people to scrape by daily just to “earn a living”. 

However, if you’re reading this, you know you want and deserve more. 

Something inside you wants to come out to play big and win big.

So do just that!  It doesn’t matter what your “thing” is. 

If you’re a trainer, then do training, seriously, you don’t need a job to be doing that, says Harv. 

In fact, what you need is your own business!

The business you own could provide a contract service to other companies if you so choose, but if your thing is being a trainer, you need work for no one else.


Creating Your Dream Job

How will you know what training to do and what your unique message is? 

According to Harv, it’s as simple as asking, and keeping in mind 2 things:

  1. How are you best able to help people & solve problems?
    Approach from what you can help them with and what they want.
  2. Needs vs Wants.
    Do companies need emergency preparedness?
    Yes, of course.
    Do they all want it?
    No one cares until an event occurs.
    If making money once in 10 years when chaos hits is what you want, fine.
    Alternatively, that isn’t where they want their focus.
    Consider what they want, not only what you want for them.

The biggest obstacle to wealth is fear. -T. Harv Eker

Be particular, on a particular problem you can help people solve now. 

And stop stalling, because overcoming procrastination will serve you better than stagnating or playing it small. 

Offer a solution that is in demand, not limited only to things you know.

Yes, some homework is required, says Harv, but rather do the work you love, that will sustain your motivation than hate your job and never be happy.


Think Bigger

Stop pottering around with pocket money, everybody! 

Play big.

Think big.

Find influencers with an existing audience.

Get on stages that have space for hundreds or even a thousand people, Harv exclaims. 

And how do you get yourself on that stage? 

By putting together a unique and exceptional program or a talk that could really help people.

If you have information, a workshop, a talk, a seminar, or even a technique that someone will find helpful, introduce it to the world in a coordinated format.

Present to a large audience, teach them what you must, spill what you have, and let them get in contact with you, Harv says.


If Harv had to walk into an event where five or six participants were waiting to hear his message, how do you think he would feel? 

Underwhelmed much? 

And although he would still do the same event, he would undoubtedly be thinking to himself, “What the hell is wrong here? I don’t want five. I want 500. Actually, I don’t want 500. I want 5,000!”.

Don’t wait to get there, he urges.

Whatever you have going for you now, you’re likely able to do only one thing that could double your client base in a week.

Get on social media.

Get your persona in magazines.

Write a kickass article.

Get exposure.

Play bigger - don’t stall!


Conclusion:  Do it Your Way

Get into the mindset of a business owner and stop wasting time waiting for the perfect job to open up.  Instead, use your time and energy to reach out, make contact, develop, and distribute information.  

Generate sizable audiences who will benefit from the knowledge and experience you will share.  

Don’t waste time trying to convince people, fill needs that exist in real-time.

After all, you’re reading this because you’ve earned and learned for long enough. 

Now it’s time you start teaching others. 

Now it’s your turn to thrive.

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Frequently Asked Questions About a Business Plan

Has your Mind ever wondered...

How do I write a business plan?

Record your vision and mission statement as these will be tied to your core values.

Describe your unique solution to problems in your industry and explain what sets your company apart from others who may have similar solutions or be targeting the same audience.

Showcase the structure within your enterprise so that responsibilities are clearly defined.

List services, products, and existing customers to paint a vivid image of your solutions and the impact you have. 

If you don’t have existing customers yet, list the industries and customers that would benefit from doing business with you, and by highlighting the needs or gaps in the industry, you are actively working on being proactive in your approach to solving real problems in real time.

Provide a marketing strategy as well as operational and logistical plans to show you’ve done your homework and have the necessary requirements in place to supply existing demand. 

What are the 3 main purposes of a business plan?

First and foremost, to create momentum towards achieving your planned goals.

The basic purpose for your business plan is to have a growth strategy documented and in place, create clarity on the range of resources you require to operate successfully, and to provide confidence to potential shareholders and investors who need to trust you will deliver on promise.  

What makes a business plan successful?

By wrapping your basic business plan in an attractive bow consisting of timeous measurable objectives and targets which are achievable, specific, and realistic, you present not only a plan for growth, funding, and supply of demand, but essentially a roadmap to customer satisfaction that opertes well under effective leadership.

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