Learn From The Smartest Millionaire Minds in Business

Why Am I So Unproductive? Learn How to Walk the Talk!

Have you ever felt inspired to ask yourself "Why am I so unproductive?" after an uncomfortable discussion or failure to hit a target?

Trainer, Speaker, and Best Selling Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker has always been a doer but had to learn how to do what he was doing better.  

Through keen observation, he developed the mindset and the skills that favor fortune.

This helped him evolve from one failed business after the other, into the highly successful multi-millionaire he is today.  

And in his wake, are many other people and businesses who achieved success (and got filthy rich) by following his example. 

If you’d like to be next, you may learn a thing or two that could help you as we explore what Harv says “Sayers” vs. “Doers”.

Know someone who talks the talk, but can’t walk the walk? 

Somebody with magnificent dreams and mile-high goals, perhaps even plans to reach them, but who falls short and simply never achieves what they truly desire?

Those people, says Harv, are called “Sayers.”

They will always say what they want to do.

But, what they do is insignificant.

On the other side of the coin, you’ll find the “Doers.” 

The ones whose actions speak on their behalf.

When we analyze Harv’s infographic, which highlights some stark differences between Sayers and Doers, can you figure out which one of the two you are?


Courtesy infographic from Harv Eker International

Infographic Analysis

Here are 7 ways “Sayers” are different from “Doers”, according to Harv:

#01: Time Management

  • Sayers leave things to the very last minute and oftentimes this results in nothing getting done because to them… “It’s okay, it can wait!”
  • Doers are strategic and decisive in the action they take to get done what must get done, believing in doing… “Whatever it takes!”

#02: Responsibility and Accountability

  • Sayers don’t accept any blame for their own problems, let alone anything else that might go wrong, and such behaviors have the attitude of… “I told you to…”
  • Doers hold themselves, as well as others, accountable for the matters each are responsible for, asking themselves questions such as… “What can I do better?”

#03: Authority and Self-Reliance

  • Sayers would rather wait to be given permission to make something happen rather than use initiative, by saying things like… “I’m not sure we should.”
  • Doers would rather exercise authority and accountability by giving themselves permission to proceed for the greater good… “Yes we can!”

#04: Comfort and Growth

  • Sayers love the limitations of their comfort zone because it doesn’t challenge them to grow, and they don’t move beyond what they already know… “I know this will work.”
  • Doers embrace growth and new challenges, and their response to finding solutions sounds like… “What if we try this?”

#05: Effort and Learning

  • Sayers put in 100% only when they’re in the mood to do so because learning is not a priority to them… “That’s not my job.”
  • Doers understand that how you do anything is how you do everything, and they give 100% with everything they do as they believe… “I can handle that!”

#06: Confidence and Control

  • Sayers have mastered a limited amount of important things, and are controlled by the thoughts and feelings they experience… “This is too hard, I can’t do it.”
  • Doers have mostly mastered themselves and even when they’re unsure, they’ll find a way to triumph… “This is going to be hard, but I’m still going to do it.”

#07: Priorities and Progress

  • Sayers talk a mighty talk by telling others what they think they are capable of, or believe they are willing to endeavor… “I’m going to try…”
  • Doers know that actions speak louder than words, and would rather show others what they can do and lead by example… “I’m already doing it.”

Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, "I must be growing," and continue moving forward. -T. Harv Eker

Can you be honest enough with yourself to know where you are right now in your life?

Are you a Doer? 

Or a Sayer?

Although being a Sayer does not make you deplorable, Harv mentions that it does make you something else. 


Would you like to have less regrets and get more done? 

Because as a Sayer you can still live an okay life…

But, if you’re the kind of Sayer, ready to level up to Doer-status, then priority one, according to Harv, is to take control of your own thoughts. 

And here's a clue from Harv to help your transition...

Do what you're passionate about and prioritize your happiness.

Conclusion: Go From 'Why Am I So Unproductive?' to Unstoppable

'Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right...' sounding familiar?

Once you have it in your mind that you are unable to achieve anything and the best you can do is dream, you’re programming yourself for that outcome.

Saying as opposed to Doing indicates a mind stuck in victim mode (ouch), however, your mind need not stay there. 

A Sayer will think, "Why am I so unproductive?" when they're hauled over the coals for not achieving targets.

In taking action and enthusiastically getting on with it, is how Doers get more done.

Since how you do anything is how you do everything, consider the difference it would make to your life if you can start looking forward to the results of your actions.

Stop letting others do your thinking for you, control your own thoughts, and as you transform from saying to doing, improve your life, one habit at a time!

And stop putting off until later, because procrastination is the enemy of success, of progress, and ultimately of the life you desire.

Learn how to replace the habit of stalling and putting things off by overcoming procrastination skillfully so you can become a person known for taking action.

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Frequently Asked Questions About “Why Am I So Unproductive?”

Has your Mind ever wondered...

How do I stop being so unproductive?

Although being a Sayer does not make you deplorable, it does make you something else-unproductive. 

Would you like to have less regrets and get more done? 

Because as a Sayer you can still live an okay life, but, if you’re the kind of Sayer, ready to level up to Doer-status, then priority one is to take control of your own thoughts and start taking action. 

Why do I feel unproductive and tired?

Lacking passion, motivation and a mindset that recognizes opportunity and excitement as part of a life you deserve can affect your health, levels of inspiration, budget, and happiness adversely.

Why do I feel so lazy and unmotivated?

You may be finding yourself in an environment not suited to success, achievement, wealth, and excellent health and happiness.

Only you can change it by making a conscious choice to choose influences that improve your world.

You must learn how to stop being afraid to say no to the activities and people contributing to unproductivity and learn how to recognize and say yes to actions that will produce the results you'd like to see.

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