The 17 Wealth Files: Comprehensive Public Feedback

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17 Ways Rich People Think And Act Differently from Poor And Middle-Class People

An excerpt from T Harv Eker's Book - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - that encompasses the book's core message is the following T. Harv Eker Wealth Principle Quote…

 “You can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you in your happiness and success instead of ways that don’t.”

If you’re one of the majority thinking you don’t have a choice or a say in how your life plays out, this book’s words will intrigue you.

Our Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Book Review would not be complete until we’ve dissected Chapter 2 which contains what the author refers to as the ‘Wealth Files’.

Because if you’ve already read it, you’ll know that the Process of Manifestation was tackled in the first part of this book and you may also have identified your blueprint.

But what are you supposed to do with your blueprint information now?

Why not see if the public's perspective on Eker's literature, philosophies and teachings offer you a helpful starting point?

And feel free to leave your own personal rating, review and commentary on Eker's works:

Public Perspective Overview on Eker's Collective 17 Wealth Files

T. Harv Eker's "17 Wealth Files" present a tapestry of philosophies and mindsets aimed at shifting the reader's relationship with money, wealth, and success.

At their heart, these files collectively implore individuals to transcend the limiting beliefs that might be inherent in their upbringing, environment, or personal experiences, and to embrace a more expansive, proactive, and empowered stance toward wealth creation and financial well-being.

To many in the public eye, Eker's compilation appears as more than just a financial guide; it's a manifesto for life.

The common threads running through these files are themes of personal responsibility, self-belief, action, and growth.

Eker challenges the passive belief systems like "life happens to me" and replaces them with more assertive mantras like "I create my life," urging individuals to be the authors of their own destinies.

While the practical strategies he delves into, such as focusing on net worth, managing money well, or seeking continuous learning, are seen as invaluable tools in the financial toolkit, it's the broader mindset shifts that capture the public's imagination.

The idea of playing the money game to win rather than not to lose, or thinking big instead of small, emphasizes the transformative power of perspective.

Similarly, the act of valuing oneself, thinking in terms of abundance ('both'), and facing fears head-on are perceived as universally applicable life lessons that extend beyond just the realm of finance.

However, it's also worth noting that within the public discourse, there's a spectrum of opinions.

While many appreciate Eker's proactive approach to wealth and success, critics often point out that not all of Eker's principles may be applicable or attainable for everyone, given the socio-economic disparities and systemic barriers present in society.

Some argue that while mindset is powerful, it isn't the only determinant of wealth, and factors like opportunity, access to resources, and systemic challenges play a significant role.

In essence, T. Harv Eker's "17 Wealth Files" offer a holistic view of wealth that goes beyond mere financial metrics.

They resonate with a large section of the public as they emphasize the role of mindset, belief systems, and personal agency in shaping one's financial destiny.

While not without its critiques, the collective message of these files underscores the profound interconnectedness of personal beliefs, actions, and financial outcomes in the quest for success and abundance.

Public Review & Commentary Report on T. Harv Eker's 17 Wealth Files

T. Harv Eker’s "17 Wealth Files" has carved its niche as an influential guide for many individuals seeking financial freedom and understanding. 

These files encompass a wide range of principles and mindset shifts about wealth and success. 

The collective public response to Eker’s teachings offers a mosaic of admiration, critique, and thoughtful reflections.

Public Unpacking of the Wealth Files:

To analyze the 17 ways rich people think and act differently to everyone else, and to put these wealth files into context from the public perspective, here’s what you can expect to gain from learning more about Eker’s wealth files. 

In his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," T. Harv Eker presents a compelling exploration of how rich people's thinking and actions differ markedly from those of poor and middle-class individuals. 

This examination is not just about financial strategies but delves into the profound psychological differences in how various economic classes approach life and money.

Eker begins by addressing the fundamental belief systems that shape our financial behaviors. 

He introduces the concept that our minds are like vast cabinets filled with files that dictate our reactions to various situations, especially financial ones. 

For instance, when faced with a financial decision, our response is influenced by the 'money files' stored in our minds. 

This analogy beautifully illustrates how our upbringing and past experiences mold our financial decisions.

The book further elaborates on how different mindsets lead to different actions. 

For example, the impulse purchase of a new purse by a woman deeply in debt is a classic case of a mindset that lacks a file for financial prudence. 

This scenario highlights how ingrained thought patterns can lead to financially destructive behaviors.

Eker's distinction between rich and poor people's thinking is stark. 

Rich people, according to Eker, play the financial game to win, focusing on opportunities and growth. In contrast, poor people often play not to lose, dominated by fear and a focus on survival. 

This mindset difference fundamentally alters how each group approaches wealth creation and preservation.

The book emphasizes the importance of intentionality in financial success. 

Rich people are intentional and proactive about their financial growth, whereas poor people often find themselves reacting to financial situations. 

This proactive vs. reactive approach is a key differentiator in financial outcomes.

Moreover, Eker stresses the importance of reprogramming one's mindset to achieve financial success. 

He proposes replacing old, limiting beliefs with new, empowering 'wealth files.' 

This process involves conscious effort and a willingness to change deep-seated thought patterns.

Eker also addresses the common misconceptions and stereotypes about wealth and wealthy individuals. 

He clarifies that being rich is not about societal status but about a mindset and series of actions that lead to financial abundance. 

He challenges readers to let go of their preconceived notions and be open to learning new ways of thinking and acting by using these wealth files to replace former thinking habits.

In summary, Eker's exploration of the 17 ways rich people think and act differently is a profound call to self-awareness and intentional change for anyone aspiring to financial success. 

It's a journey that requires examining and altering one’s deeply ingrained beliefs about money, wealth, and success. 

The book, and these wealth files serve as a guide to transitioning from a mindset of scarcity and limitation to one of abundance and opportunity.

Positive Feedback from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in praise of this Wealth File:

Holistic Approach: 

Eker doesn't just focus on practical steps but delves deep into the psychology and mindset behind wealth. 

Many readers appreciate this comprehensive insight.


Several files, especially "I create my life" and "Act in spite of fear," resonate with readers as they champion personal responsibility and proactiveness.

Clear Differentiation: 

The contrast he establishes between the attitudes of the rich and poor offers clarity and provokes introspection.

Universal Principles: 

Some of the wealth files, like "Think big" and "Focus on opportunities," have been lauded for their applicability beyond just finances.

Areas of Contention from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in criticism of this Wealth File:


Critics often point out that Eker's binary distinction between the 'rich' and 'poor' mindset may sometimes overlook the nuanced complexities of real-life financial challenges.

Potential Elitism: 

Some files, particularly "Admire Rich & Successful People," can be perceived as reinforcing class divisions.


Not all principles resonate with everyone, especially when considering varied cultural or socio-economic backgrounds.

Nuanced Feedback from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in subtle consideration of this Wealth File:

Need for Customization: 

While the wealth files serve as a general guide, many believe that individuals should adapt these principles based on personal circumstances and not follow them dogmatically.

Economic Realities: 

Some discussions highlight that while mindset is powerful, external economic factors play a significant role in financial outcomes.

Evolution Over Time: 

A segment of readers feels that some files might need updates or reevaluation to remain relevant in the ever-evolving financial landscape.

Overall Core Message, Lessons, and Value:

The essence of Eker's "17 Wealth Files" pivots around the significance of one's mindset in wealth creation. 

He advocates for a proactive, expansive, and educated approach towards finances, emphasizing personal responsibility, growth, and adaptability. 

The lessons are manifold: from taking charge of one's financial destiny and continuously learning, to the significance of associating with positive influencers and thinking beyond immediate obstacles.

In terms of value, for many, Eker’s teachings serve as an invaluable blueprint for financial transformation. 

The combination of actionable strategies with deeper psychological insights provides a robust framework for those looking to change their financial trajectory.

Conclusion from the Public

T. Harv Eker's "17 Wealth Files" stands as a testament to the power of mindset in determining financial outcomes.

While it has empowered many on their wealth journeys, it's essential to view it as a guide, not an absolute doctrine. 

The public discourse around it celebrates its strengths while also urging readers to balance these principles with personal context and the realities of the broader economic environment.

Source: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker © 2003

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Frequently Asked Questions About Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Wealth Files

Has your Mind ever wondered...

What is a wealth file?

Principles of wealth creation that are simple enough to interpret, understand and apply in the real world for real results, that help reprogram the subconscious mind to think in supportive terms and eliminate limitations.

How did Harv Eker make his money?

After two decades of hard lessons, Eker embarked on a quest to unearth the relationships high net worth individuals have with their resources and after applying what he had learned about the mindset, mentality and habits that result in wealth, he helped may people help themselves to become millionaires, which resulted in a healthy net worth of his own as well. 

What is the secret of wealth creation?

Programming your blueprint with supportive language & beliefs and practicing millionaire habits of excellence daily.

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Estás guías son poderosas que me ayudan a volver a reiniciar mis hábitos diarios recuerdo que " mi mundo exterior es el reflejo de mi mundo interior"

[Translated from Spanish: These guides are powerful and help me restart my daily habits. I remember that "my outer world is the reflection of my inner world."]

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