Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Declarations Public Review

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If you’ve ever read T. Harv Eker’s bestselling book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, you may be familiar with “The Declarations” referred to within Eker’s teachings and literature.

Here’s an overview of the book before we delve into some intriguing elaborations on each of Eker’s millionaire mind declarations based on public perspectives, reviews and commentary, origins of the material and principles, as well as similar sentiments from other millionaires and billionaires:

Authored by T. Harv Eker, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" delves into the subconscious beliefs and patterns that differentiate the wealthy from the non-wealthy. 

Eker proposes that our financial outcomes are the result of our inner money blueprint, which is ingrained in our subconscious mind and dictates our financial success or failure. 

He believes that by identifying and revising our money blueprint, we can drastically change our financial outcomes.

The book is divided into two parts. 

The first part, titled "Your Money Blueprint," explores the mental foundations and how experiences, especially early ones, shape financial destinies. 

The second part, "The Wealth Files," provides 17 ways wealthy people think and act differently from poor and middle-class people.

Some hidden gems you may find in the book speak about “Attitudes of Wealth”, and you may also discover some helpful “Wealth Principles” that the author puts forward as supportive to individuals aiming to create wealth.

Throughout the book, Eker also provides what he calls "millionaire mind declarations." 

These are affirmative statements designed to help reprogram the reader's financial blueprint. 

The declarations are meant to be said out loud with emotion and conviction, as a way to internalize these beliefs and start the process of changing one's mindset.

Overall, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" offers insights into the psychology of wealth. 

It not only pinpoints the differences in thought patterns and behaviors between the wealthy and the non-wealthy but also provides actionable steps and affirmations to adopt a more affluent mindset.

Some of these declarations include phrases such as, "My inner world creates my outer world.", "I release my non-supportive money experiences from the past and create a new and rich future." and "I am an excellent money manager." to name a few.

Eker encourages readers to stand, touch their head using the specific hand gesture he describes, and say the declarations to implant them into their subconscious. 

The goal is to replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones, thus shifting one's money blueprint toward wealth.

Below you will see how each of the Millionaire Mind Declarations that you may have already received as a Book Bonus with the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book, has been reviewed from different perspectives to provide you with helpful context.

Table of Content for Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Declarations Public Review:

# 01 - “My inner world creates my outer world.”

# 02 - “What I heard about money isn’t necessarily true. I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success.”

# 03 - “What I modeled around money was their way. I choose my way.”

# 04 - “I release my nonsupportive money experiences from the past and create a new and rich future.”

# 05 - “I observe my thoughts and entertain only those that empower me.”

# 06 - “I create the exact amount of my financial success!”

# 07 - “My goal is to become a millionaire and more!”

# 08 - “I commit to becoming rich.”

# 09 - “I think big! I choose to help thousands and thousands of people!”

# 10 - “I promote my value to others with passion and enthusiasm.”

# 11 - “I am an excellent receiver. I am open and willing to receive massive amounts of money into my life.”

# 12 - “I choose to get paid based on my results.”

# 13 - “I always think both.”

# 14 - “I focus on building my net worth!

# 15 - “I am an excellent money manager.”

# 16 - “My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money.”

# 17 - “I am committed to constantly learning and growing.”

# 01 - “My inner world creates my outer world.”

Unpacking Eker's first millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

Overall, the public understands this statement to underline the principle that our internal beliefs and attitudes shape our external circumstances. 

They see this as a potent reminder of the power of mindset and its tangible effects on our lives.

There is consensus that this declaration corresponds to Eker’s Wealth File #05.

In general, people feel that Eker’s Wealth Principle… “If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.” apply very well to this declaration.

And to quote T. Harv Eker, “What you focus on expands.”, a vast majority of people confirm that these words have created a major mindset shift for them.  

Origin of the Concept of Your Inner World Creating Your Outer World

The idea that one's inner world or mindset affects their external circumstances is a foundational concept in many philosophical, spiritual, and self-help teachings. 

It's difficult to pinpoint one original source for this idea, as it has ancient roots and has been expressed in various ways by different cultures and thinkers over millennia.

Ancient Philosophies 

  • Both Eastern and Western ancient philosophies have touched upon this idea. 
  • In Eastern philosophy, concepts like karma and dharma, as well as the teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, all suggest that our internal state affects our external reality. 
  • In Western philosophy, thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and later the Stoics emphasized the importance of inner virtue and self-awareness.

Religious Texts

  • Many religious scriptures and teachings also echo this sentiment. 
  • As an example, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," from the Book of Proverbs in the Bible, speaks to the idea that our thoughts and inner beliefs shape our external reality.

New Thought Movement 

  • In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the New Thought Movement brought this idea to the forefront with books like "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles and "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen. 
  • The central tenet of the New Thought philosophy is that thoughts are causative; that is, our mental states manifest in our physical reality.

Modern Self-Help 

  • In recent decades, numerous self-help authors and speakers, from Napoleon Hill to Louise Hay to Wayne Dyer, have emphasized the idea that changing one's inner beliefs and thoughts can lead to changes in one's outer circumstances.

While T. Harv Eker and others in the personal development world have popularized and repackaged this idea for modern audiences, the concept itself is ancient and deeply embedded in human thought.

Public Review

This declaration enjoys support and positive reception from individuals who resonate with the beliefs that: 

  • financial success starts with a mental transformation
  • the power of mindset, systems of faith, thoughts, and internal narratives shape our external realities

Although some proponents may not believe in a direct manifestation process, they do feel that a positive mindset can lead to proactive behaviors, which in turn can create better outcomes.

In turn, some skepticism and critique is ilicited from individuals who feel that:

  • such declarations oversimplify the complexities of real life
  • there’s a need to argue that external circumstances, like systemic inequalities, can't be changed merely with a shift in mindset
  • mindset alone can't guarantee success or transform reality 
  • hard work, strategy, opportunity, and sometimes sheer luck play significant roles

Some accuse the personal development industry of profiting off people's insecurities by selling the idea that all problems are internally generated and can be fixed with the right mindset.

The public opinion also shows a fair middle ground perspective of this declaration with many people who:

  • acknowledge the importance of a positive mindset and inner belief system but also recognize that external factors play a significant role in one's life circumstances
  • often feel that while one's inner world is crucial, it's just one piece of the puzzle
  • confirm that they might incorporate Eker's teachings as part of a broader strategy for personal growth and success

This declaration’s interpretation can vary based on cultural and regional differences as, according to the public:

  • in some cultures, the emphasis on individual mindset and manifestation aligns with prevailing beliefs
  • in other cultures, it might clash with more community-centric or deterministic views

Like many concepts in the personal development industry, the reception is deeply personal. 

What resonates with one person might not resonate with another. 

It's also worth noting that while the core idea has its roots in ancient philosophies and beliefs, its modern presentation (like Eker's) is tailored for contemporary audiences, leading to its diverse reception.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

T. Harv Eker's belief that "My inner world creates my outer world" aligns with the idea that our thoughts, beliefs, and mindset play a significant role in shaping our external circumstances. 

Many successful individuals have spoken to this notion. 

Here are some quotes from highly successful millionaires and billionaires that resonate with this sentiment:

Oprah Winfrey: 

  • "What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it."
  • "I don't believe in coincidences. I know that there's a reason why every single thing happens."
  • "Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe."

Henry Ford: 

  • "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — you're right."

Bob Proctor: 

  • "If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand."

Warren Buffett: 

  • "What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history. It’s not about IQ, it’s about temperament."
  • "I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute."

Jim Rohn: 

  • "You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you."
  • "If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much."

Tony Robbins: 

  • "Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life."
  • "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."

John Assaraf: 

  • "The strongest factor for success is self-esteem: believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, and believing you'll get it."

Jack Canfield (Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul): 

  • "Everything you want is on the other side of fear."

Dr. Joe Dispenza: 

  • "Your personality creates your personal reality. Your personality is made up of how you act, how you think and how you feel."

Grant Cardone: 

  • "Your greatness is limited only by the investments you make in yourself."

Robert Kiyosaki: 

  • "The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way."

Denzel Washington: 

  • "Don’t aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference."

Gary Vaynerchuk: 

  • "You have to understand your own personal DNA. Don't do things because I do them or Steve Jobs or Mark Cuban tried it. You need to know your personal brand and stay true to it."

Les Brown: 

  • "Life has no limitations, except the ones you make."

Will Smith: 

  • "Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive, god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste, it’s something that truly exists in all of us."

Brian Tracy: 

  • "You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you."

Richard Branson: 

  • "If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small."

Steve Jobs: 

  • "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."

Elon Musk: 

  • "When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor."

Larry Ellison: 

  • "You have to believe that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever."

Sara Blakely (Founder of Spanx): 

  • "Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else."

Howard Schultz (Starbucks CEO): 

  • "I always saw myself wanting to do something deemed successful and good at the same time."

Jeff Bezos: 

  • "If you decide that you're going to do only the things you know are going to work, you're going to leave a lot of opportunity on the table."

Jack Ma: 

  • "If we don’t give up, we still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure."

These individuals understand and preach the power of inner beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes in determining one's external circumstances.

While they each have their own way of conveying it, the core message aligns closely with Eker's declaration.

Public Commentary

“It encourages personal responsibility for one's circumstances and I found it very useful to improve my levels of self-empowerment and confidence to take the next steps.” 

“Unless you’re willing to acknowledge that you’re in control of your life and accept responsibility for your choices, you’ll always be at the mercy of other variables so for me, this declaration helped to breed self-trust as well as keep me accountable for what I spend my time & focus on.”

# 02 - “What I heard about money isn’t necessarily true. I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success.”

Unpacking Eker's second millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

The overall perception of this declaration by the public is that it challenges the sometimes negative societal views of wealth and success. 

By choosing admiration over envy, one opens themselves up to learning and emulating successful behaviors and majority of the public seems to agree that this declaration corresponds well to Eker’s Wealth File #06.

“By adopting Eker’s Wealth Principle… “‘Bless that which you want.’ -Huna philosophy” I improved my perspective on how I personally relate to wealth and this has resulted in an overall improvement in the quality of life I experience.” 

And to quote what T. Harv Eker mentions in his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, this phrase, “If you resent what people have, in any way, shape, or form, you can never have it.”, in particular struck a chord with may readers who call it ‘eye-opening’ to how their own thoughts and behaviors impacted them and became a catalyst for change.

Origin of the Concept of Changing Your Beliefs

The specific phrasing “What I heard about money isn’t necessarily true. I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success” is attributed to T. Harv Eker. 

He's known for his teachings on personal development and wealth creation, and the quote embodies the principles he lays out in his book, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

In the book, Eker delves into the idea of "money blueprints" and how one's beliefs and thoughts about money, often ingrained from childhood, can dictate financial success or struggles in adulthood.

However, the underlying sentiment - that preconceived notions or societal beliefs about money might not always be accurate and that individuals can change their beliefs to support better outcomes - has been shared by many thinkers, philosophers, and financial educators throughout history, albeit in different words or contexts.

The idea of challenging societal or inherited beliefs is a recurring theme in philosophy, self-help, and even socio-political discourse. 

Many influential figures throughout history have emphasized the importance of questioning conventional wisdom. 

Here are some examples of such sentiments:


  • "The unexamined life is not worth living."
  • Socrates was known for questioning everything, including the societal norms of Athens.

Ralph Waldo Emerson: 

  • "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist."
  • Emerson often encouraged individualism and self-reliance over societal conventions.

Friedrich Nietzsche: 

  • "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
  • Nietzsche encouraged individuals to be wary of widely accepted truths and beliefs.

Mark Twain

  • "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
  • Twain was known for his satirical takes on societal norms and beliefs.

Albert Einstein: 

  • "Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."
  • Einstein believed in the importance of original thinking.

Steve Jobs: 

  • "Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people's thinking."
  • Jobs emphasized originality and not being constrained by societal expectations.

Brene Brown: 

  • "You either walk inside your story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness."
  • Brown speaks to the idea of embracing one's authentic self rather than conforming to societal narratives.

James Baldwin: 

  • "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
  • Baldwin often addressed societal norms, especially in the context of race in America, encouraging individuals to confront and challenge these norms.

Jiddu Krishnamurti: 

  • "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
  • Krishna murti's teachings often centered around questioning and understanding oneself, free from societal conditionings.

These figures, across different eras and areas of expertise, highlight the importance of challenging societal beliefs, thinking independently, and pursuing authenticity.

Public Review

This declaration is rooted in Eker’s teachings on the "money blueprint" and the subconscious beliefs that individuals carry about wealth and has generated a variety of responses from the general public:

This declaration enjoys support and positive reception from a large volume of individuals who appreciate the:

  • empowering message that provides a proactive approach
  • encouragement to not be passive recipients of societal or familial beliefs about money
  • call to actively question and choose beliefs that serve their well-being and aspirations
  • relevance that many of our beliefs about money are inherited and not necessarily reflective of truth resonates with many
  • questioning of often recalled statements like "money doesn't grow on trees" or "money is the root of all evil" from their upbringing
  • fresh perspective that Eker’s statement provides
  • catalyst for change from a moment of epiphany, prompting them to re-evaluate their relationship with money and to work towards cultivating a more positive money mindset

In turn, some skepticism and critique is ilicited from a portion of individuals who feel that there exists:

  • an overemphasis on mindset that could oversimplify the complexities surrounding financial success
  • a relvant argument to consider structural and systemic barriers, economic conditions, and other external factors also play significant roles in one's financial journey
  • perceived ambiguity in that, although the statement sounds motivational, it's somewhat vague in terms of actionable advice
  • an expression of the desire for more concrete steps or strategies
  • concerns about materialism in that a subset of critics worry that such a declaration, focusing heavily on monetary success, could perpetuate a materialistic mindset at the expense of other values

The public opinion also reflects some neutral and mixed perspectives of this declaration with some people who:

  • interpret Eker's declaration in a broader sense as not just limited to financial success but as a general principle applicable to various life areas
  • feel that the essence is to question ingrained beliefs, whether about money, relationships, or self-worth
  • live by, while appreciating the core message of the declaration, also integrate it with other financial wisdom and advice
  • believe in a balanced approach, recognizing the importance of mindset while also considering practical and systemic aspects

To sum it up, Eker's declaration about re-evaluating beliefs related to money and choosing more empowering beliefs has been met with a diverse range of responses by the public. 

While many find it empowering and relevant, others express concerns or desires for a more nuanced approach. 

As with many teachings in the personal development sphere, individual reactions often hinge on personal experiences, current beliefs, and individual circumstances according to the public.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

Many successful millionaires and entrepreneurs have voiced sentiments about challenging prevailing beliefs around money and success. 

Here are quotes from some notable figures that align with this spirit:

Robert Kiyosaki (Author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"): 

  • "Most people fail to realize that in life, it’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep."
  • "The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth."

Warren Buffett: 

  • "Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving."
  • "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing." 
  • This suggests that traditional notions of risk and security in finance might be misleading.

Oprah Winfrey: 

  • "Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not."
  • "You become what you believe. You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed."

Steve Jobs: 

  • "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work."

Sara Blakely (Founder of Spanx): 

  • "Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else."
  • Contrary to the idea that you need to be an expert from the start, Blakely believes in learning along the journey.

Elon Musk: 

  • "If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion."
  • Musk's quote emphasizes the importance of questioning and refining one's beliefs and strategies.

Gary Vaynerchuk: 

  • "Time is the most valuable asset you don’t own. You may or may not realize it yet, but how you use or don’t use your time is going to be the best indication of where your future is going to take you."
  • "People are chasing cash, not happiness. When you chase money, you're going to lose. You're just going to. Even if you get the money, you're not going to be happy."

Mark Cuban: 

  • "It doesn't matter how many times you have failed, you only have to be right once."

Tony Robbins: 

  • "The only thing that's keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself."

Daymond John (Founder of FUBU, Shark on Shark Tank): 

  • "Money is great, but it's not the end-all-be-all. At the end of the day, the key to success is not to get rich, but to enrich the lives of others."
  • "Money is great, but relationships are better." 
  • Contrary to the belief that wealth is the end goal, John emphasizes the importance of relationships in business and life.

Jim Rohn: 

  • "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."

Grant Cardone: 

  • "Your greatness is limited only by the investments you make in yourself."

Barbara Corcoran (Real Estate Mogul, Shark on Shark Tank): 

  • "So much of the difference between a successful person and everyone else is often sheer perseverance." 
  • Rather than attributing success purely to intelligence or talent, Corcoran believes in the power of persistence.

These quotes embody the spirit of challenging traditional beliefs around money, success, and life in general, and echo Eker's sentiment of adopting a mindset that supports happiness and success.

Public Commentary

“It is liberating to know that I have a choice to continue doing what others do, or to believe that the stars and beyond is a better aim to have.”

“It’s not easy for some people in certain parts of the world to free themselves from limiting beliefs, but I’m sure going to keep trying even if at times the thought is daunting.”

# 03 - “What I modeled around money was their way. I choose my way.”

Unpacking Eker's third millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

This declaration, according to public insights, highlights the importance of one's environment and peer group. 

To most people it's a reminder that we often become like the people we spend the most time with, so choosing positive and ambitious peers is essential.

The vast majority of the public agree that this declaration corresponds well with Eker’s Wealth File #07.

“A useful Harv Eker Wealth Principle to consider, “Money is extremely important in the areas in which it works, and extremely unimportant in the areas in which it doesn’t.” helped me realize that I alone determine the value of anything in my life and I must choose my influences carefully.”

And to quote what T. Harv Eker states in his book, “Again, energy is contagious: either you affect people or infect people. The same holds true the opposite way around; either people affect or infect you.” the general public perception is that it serves everyone best if said contagious energy is mutually beneficial for the providers as well as the recipients of the value of any kind of energy.

Origin of the Concept of Choosing Your Own Way

The phrase "What I modeled around money was their way. I choose my way" and similar sentiments are most commonly associated with T. Harv Eker, especially in relation to his teachings on money and wealth mindset. 

In emphasizing the importance of recognizing and overcoming subconscious beliefs and patterns about money that individuals may have inherited from their upbringing, Eker suggests that many of these beliefs may be limiting or detrimental, and he encourages individuals to consciously choose their own beliefs and paths regarding wealth.

However, the sentiment of breaking free from inherited or societal beliefs and forging one's own path is a theme that can be found in many teachings and philosophies throughout history

Here's an elaboration on some teachings and philosophies that touch upon this concept:

Ancient Greek Philosophy

  • Socrates is known for his Socratic method of questioning, Socrates constantly challenged the accepted beliefs of Athens. 
  • His statement, "The unexamined life is not worth living," underscores the importance of self-inquiry and individual thinking.

Eastern Philosophies

  • In Buddhism, The Buddha emphasized personal experience over blind faith. 
  • Buddha said, "Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it... but after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
  • In Taoism, Laozi in the "Tao Te Ching" often speaks about following the "Tao" or "Way," which is a natural and individual path rather than conforming to societal norms.

Renaissance Humanism

  • Humanists like Erasmus and Pico della Mirandola stressed the value of individual experience and interpretation, especially in religious matters. 
  • This was a move away from the dogmatic beliefs of the Middle Ages.

Enlightenment Era

  • Thinkers like Immanuel Kant emphasized autonomy and the importance of individual reasoning. 
  • Kant's famous statement, "Dare to know! Have the courage to use your own understanding!" captures the essence of this era.


  • Philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche stressed individual responsibility and the creation of one's own meaning and values, often in opposition to societal norms or inherited beliefs.


  • Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay "Self-Reliance," spoke about the virtue of individual intuition and independence from societal conventions.


  • Carl Jung talked about individuation, a process of becoming the person one is inherently meant to be, distinct from the collective norms of society.

Modern Self-Help & Personal Development

  • Authors like Stephen Covey in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and Robert Kiyosaki in "Rich Dad Poor Dad" emphasize the importance of proactive thinking, self-awareness, and challenging societal norms, especially regarding success and money.

Postcolonial and Feminist Theories

  • Thinkers and activists in these domains often challenge inherited colonial or patriarchal beliefs, emphasizing the importance of finding one's voice and path.

These teachings and philosophies, though varied in their origins and specifics, share a common thread: the importance of recognizing, questioning, and often transcending inherited or imposed beliefs to find or forge one's own understanding, path, or truth.

Public Review

The public perspective suggests this declaration is about recognizing and moving beyond inherited or modeled beliefs regarding wealth and prosperity. 

This statement emphasizes the distinction between external influences (like parents, society, or peers) and one's personal choices. 

Here's a breakdown of the general public's observation of this particular sentiment:

This declaration enjoys support and positive reception from a dominating portion of people who resonate with:

  • the idea of self-awareness and empowerment that they've unconsciously adopted their exsisting money beliefs from their parents or societal upbringing
  • recognizing this and then choosing to follow one's own path being an empowering move
  • the sentiment being relatable in that many of our beliefs and habits around money are inherited rather than chosen
  • the point of view that acknowledgment allows for personal growth and change
  • being encouraged to take personal responsibility and control of your own financialy beliefs and actions which many find to be a proactive and empowering approach to yield potentially positive results

In turn, some skepticism and critique is ilicited from a select group of individuals who feel a permeating sense of:

  • overemphasis on individual choice that some argue might oversimplify financial realities
  • downplaying realistic systemic barriers, economic conditions and sociatal factors that influence one's financial status
  • ambiguity in that, while the declaration is motivational, it lacks actionable advice or specifics
  • vagueness that could be compensated for with a more comprehensive framework or guidance
  • a potential guilt trap based on the concern that such a statement could inadvertently cause guilt or shame for those who struggle financially, implying that their challenges are solely a result of their choices rather than a mix of factors, including circumstances beyond their control

The public perspective also illuminates some neutral and mixed perspectives of this declaration with many people who prefer to:

  • acknowledge with reservations the core idea of recognizing and challenging modeled behaviors but believe it needs to be balanced with a recognition of real-world challenges and external factors
  • adapt and supplement this declaration, as one of many perspectives
  • combine Eker’s ideas with other financial and personal development teachings for a more holistic approach

In essence, T. Harv Eker's declaration about recognizing modeled behaviors and choosing one's own path regarding money is met with a mixture of appreciation, critique, and nuanced interpretations. 

As with most personal development teachings, reactions are varied, often based on individual experiences and current beliefs.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

Many successful millionaires and entrepreneurs have acknowledged that their initial perceptions or behaviors regarding money were influenced by societal norms, their upbringing, or other external factors. 

Over time, they realized the importance of paving their own path and adopting a financial mindset tailored to their personal aspirations and beliefs. 

Here are some quotes from successful figures that encapsulate this sentiment:

Robert Kiyosaki (Author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"): 

  • "The poor and middle-class work for money. The rich have money work for them." 
  • Kiyosaki consistently emphasizes the need to unlearn conventional beliefs about money and employment.

Warren Buffett: 

  • "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." 
  • This quote underscores Buffett's belief in understanding the true value of an investment, rather than just its current market price.

Oprah Winfrey: 

  • "You can have it all. Just not all at once." 
  • Oprah challenges the common belief that wealth and success come quickly. Instead, she emphasizes patience and the journey of growth.

Sara Blakely (Founder of Spanx): 

  • "It's important to be willing to make mistakes. The worst thing that can happen is you become memorable." 
  • This challenges the traditional belief that making mistakes with money or in business is always detrimental.

Gary Vaynerchuk: 

  • "Stop focusing on dumb stuff. Don't be afraid to break things. Don't be romantic. Don't take the time to breathe. Don't aim for perfect. And whatever you do, keep moving." 
  • Gary challenges many traditional beliefs in this quote, emphasizing action over overthinking.

Mark Cuban: 

  • "It's not about money or connections—it's the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone in your business." 
  • Cuban pushes against the idea that only those with money or connections can achieve success.

Tony Robbins: 

  • "It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently." 
  • Robbins often speaks about the need to challenge and replace limiting beliefs to achieve financial success.

Grant Cardone: 

  • "Forget about saving. Think about earning." 
  • Cardone challenges the traditional advice of saving small and instead pushes people to think about how they can maximize their earning potential.

These quotes, while not explicitly about "modeling money," convey the broader idea that these successful individuals have often diverged from conventional wisdom or societal models to forge their unique paths to success.

Public Commentary

“Knowing now that I have a choice makes the world of difference.”

I’m learning that nobody knows my desires better than I do and I’m the only one who can make manifest the life I want, so I’m learning to make choices based on what I believe will work for me instead of following all the bricks in the wall.”

# 04 - “I release my nonsupportive money experiences from the past and create a new and rich future.”

Unpacking Eker's fourth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

On the whole, the public hails this declaration a powerful statement of resilience and capability.

To the majority, it serves as a reminder that challenges are surmountable and that one possesses the strength to overcome them.

From the public perspective, this declaration corresponds well with Eker’s Wealth File #09.

“It’s been hard to stay stuck in a loop of poverty, but once I changed my perspective and really thought about what Eker means in his Wealth Principle that says, “If you have a big problem in your life, all that means is that you are being a small person!”, I finally had a breakthrough.”

And To quote T. Harv Eker directly from his book, “The bottom line is that if you become a master at handling problems and overcoming any obstacle, what can stop you from success? The answer is nothing !”, many individuals in the public domain feel the release of past baggage frees them up to live more authentically.

Origin of the Concept of Releasing Unsupportive Past Experiences

Eker's teaching of the principle embodied in the statement “I release my nonsupportive money experiences from the past and create a new and rich future” is certainly not the only one in history that touches on the idea of releasing limiting beliefs or past experiences to embrace a more positive future. 

The broader concept of letting go of past negative experiences and adopting new, empowering beliefs has been a recurring theme in various religious, spiritual, philosophical, and self-help teachings for centuries.

Religious and Spiritual Teachings

  • Many religious and spiritual traditions emphasize the importance of forgiveness, letting go of past mistakes or traumas, and embracing a future aligned with higher principles or divine guidance.

Philosophical Teachings

  • Philosophers throughout history have pondered the nature of human belief, how experiences shape our worldview, and the potential for personal transformation.

Modern Self-help and Personal Development

  • Starting in the 20th century and continuing into the 21st, there's been a proliferation of authors, speakers, and coaches who emphasize the power of positive thinking, affirmations, and the need to release limiting beliefs. 
  • Authors such as Napoleon Hill ("Think and Grow Rich"), Louise Hay ("You Can Heal Your Life"), and Wayne Dyer are just a few examples.

Psychology and Therapy

  • Therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), often involve identifying and challenging negative belief patterns and adopting more constructive ways of thinking.

While Eker's specific phrasing and approach to the idea might be unique to him, the underlying principle is not new. 

Many teachers, thinkers, and practitioners across different cultures and eras have touched on similar themes.

Public Review

Revolving around the idea that our financial outcomes and relationship with money are heavily influenced by our inner beliefs and "money blueprint" shaped by others, the public understands this declaration to be about releasing past traumas and experiences holding them back from financial prosperities so as to create a better tomorrow.

 Here's a general overview of public scrutiny on this specific declaration:

This declaration enjoys positive reception and support from a larger selection of people who agree that:

  • statements like these are empowering and transformative
  • the idea of releasing past money traumas or negative experiences are necessary for forward momentum
  • individuals who have had challenges in their financial journey are not required to stay trapped in unsupportive cycles
  • by consciously deciding to let go of past experiences and choosing a prosperous future, many feel they are reclaiming control over their financial destinies

In turn, some criticism and sceptical points of view are ilicited from some of individuals who argue that:

  • while such affirmations can be motivating, they are not sufficient on their own to change one's financial situation
  • detractors might view such statements as oversimplified or even as platitudes that don't address the complexities of personal finance
  • some financial experts stress the importance of concrete financial strategies in tandem with a positive mindset

The public perspective also brings forth some neutral and mixed perspectives of this declaration with many viewpoints appreciating:

  • the potential psychological benefits of positive affirmations but believe that they need to be combined with actionable steps, education, and a solid financial plan to bring about real change
  • the role of past experiences and the emphasis on addressing such
  • that one's financial habits and beliefs are often rooted in past events, childhood experiences, or messages they've absorbed over the years
  • by addressing and releasing these, they feel it's possible to rewrite their financial script

In summary, while many swear by T. Harv Eker's teachings and find them life-changing, others advocate for a more balanced approach that pairs mindset shifts with practical financial actions. 

As with many self-help and personal development teachings, individual reactions can be deeply personal and varied based on one's own experiences and beliefs.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

The sentiment behind Eker's declaration revolves around the idea of letting go of limiting beliefs or past setbacks and moving forward with a positive and abundant mindset. 

Many successful millionaires and thought leaders have expressed similar sentiments. 

Here are some quotes that align with this idea:

Oprah Winfrey: 

  • "What I know for sure is that if you can get through the worst experience you can imagine, what comes after that is pure magic."
  • "Turn your wounds into wisdom."
  • Oprah's journey from a challenging childhood to becoming a media mogul is a testament to her belief in overcoming past hardships and creating a brighter future.

Robert Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad": 

  • "The past does not equal the future unless you live there."

Tony Robbins: 

  • "It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you're going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny."
  • "The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself."
  • Robbins often speaks about the power of changing one's narrative and beliefs to achieve success.

Daymond John, entrepreneur and Shark Tank judge: 

  • "Don't wait for the 'perfect time', you will wait forever. Always take advantage of the time that you're given."

Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group: 

  • "Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again."

Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx:

  • "Failure is not attached to outcome, but in not trying. This way, it is about answering to yourself."

Les Brown, motivational speaker: 

  • "Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on."

Mark Cuban, entrepreneur and investor: 

  • "It doesn't matter how many times you have failed, you only have to be right once."

J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series: 

  • "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default."

Warren Buffett:

  • "The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging."

Jan Koum, co-founder of WhatsApp:

  • "It's not about being able to write a check. It's being able to touch someone's life."

These quotes emphasize the idea of moving beyond past limitations, whether they're failures, negative experiences, or self-limiting beliefs, and embracing a future filled with potential and abundance.

They encapsulate the spirit of moving past obstacles or old beliefs towards a better tomorrow.

Public Commentary

“By not ‘letting go’ of the past, I stayed a prisoner but by dealing with it, healing it and acknowledging what it taught me, I was able to move forward.”

“My past made me who I am and it’s up to me if I’d like to stay this way - it’s always a choice.”

# 05 - “I observe my thoughts and entertain only those that empower me.”

Unpacking Eker's fifth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

This declaration, according to public perspective, emphasizes self-awareness and mindfulness. 

By consciously observing one's thoughts, one can filter out negative patterns and beliefs and the vast majority of the public audience finds this declaration foundational as to them, it promotes a proactive approach to mindset development as part of a person’s blueprint.

On the whole, the public agrees that this declaration corresponds well to Eker’s Wealth File #16.

“Eker’s Wealth Principle that states, “The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the same way, the only way to change your level of financial success ‘permanently’ is to reset your financial thermostat.” is a lifechanging metaphor that puts my view of success into perspective.”

“To quote a line from Eker’s book, “Your income can grow only to the extent that you do.” and to understand the impact of it, helped me cultivate a growth mindset beyond the limitations created by my doubts.”

Origin of the Concept of Observing Your Thoughts for Empowerment

The specific phrase "I observe my thoughts and entertain only those that empower me" is closely associated with T. Harv Eker, especially in the context of his teachings and the principles he outlines in his book, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

While the exact wording can be attributed to Eker, the core idea of monitoring and choosing one's thoughts is a principle that has been a part of many spiritual, philosophical, and psychological teachings throughout history.

The concept of observing one's thoughts is a fundamental component of various psychological, spiritual, and philosophical traditions. 

From a psychological and scientific perspective, this concept has been extensively studied and promoted in the realms of mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and neuroscientific research.

Mindfulness and Meditation


  • Mindfulness finds its roots in ancient Buddhist practices, but it has been adapted and popularized in the West over the last few decades, particularly through the work of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program.


  • At its core, mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment without judgment. 
  • This includes observing thoughts as they arise without getting caught up in them. 
  • The neuroscientific benefits of mindfulness, including changes in brain structure and function related to improved attention and emotion regulation, have been demonstrated in multiple studies.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)


  • CBT evolved as a therapeutic approach in the mid-20th century, with foundational work by Dr. Aaron T. Beck.


  • CBT operates on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected, and that changing negative thought patterns can lead to changes in feelings and behaviors. 
  • A key component of CBT is becoming aware of one's automatic negative thoughts and then challenging and reframing them.

Neuroscientific Research


  • With the advent of brain imaging techniques, particularly fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), scientists have been able to observe the brain in action and understand how different practices, like meditation, impact the brain.


  • Studies have shown that regular meditation can lead to increased thickness in the prefrontal cortex (associated with higher order brain functions such as awareness, concentration, and decision-making) and decreased amygdala activity (associated with the processing of fear and emotion). 
  • These changes suggest a greater ability to observe and regulate one's thoughts.



  • Introspection, the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes, has been a method of investigation in psychology since the days of Wilhelm Wundt, often considered the father of modern psychology.


  • While introspection as a strict scientific method fell out of favor due to its subjective nature, the importance of self-reflection and awareness of one's own mental processes is a foundational idea in psychology.

Existential and Humanistic Psychology


  • Thinkers like Carl Rogers and Viktor Frankl emphasized the human experience, self-awareness, and the search for meaning.


  • These approaches to psychology underline the importance of understanding oneself, one's motivations, and one's thoughts in the quest for personal growth and self-actualization.

In summary, the idea of observing one's thoughts can be traced back through various psychological traditions and scientific research. 

The increasing understanding of the brain and cognition, combined with evidence from therapeutic approaches and mindfulness practices, underscores the importance and benefits of self-awareness and thought observation.

In addition, the act of observing one's thoughts and choosing what is empowering is also deeply rooted in spiritual and philosophical traditions. 

This practice has been central to a variety of worldviews, from Eastern spiritual practices to Western philosophical thought:



  • One of the foundational practices in Buddhism is Vipassana or insight meditation. 
  • This practice involves observing one's thoughts and sensations without attachment or aversion. 
  • By cultivating this type of awareness, individuals can see the transient nature of thoughts and detach from suffering.

Relevant Concept: 

  • The concept of "Anatta" or "non-self" suggests that there is no unchanging, permanent self or soul. 
  • By observing thoughts, one can discern this impermanence and non-self nature of existence.



  • The practice of self-inquiry, known as "Atma Vichara" in the Advaita Vedanta tradition, involves a deep introspective quest to understand one's true nature. 
  • This often involves observing the mind and distinguishing between the Self (Atman) and the non-self (everything else).

Relevant Concept: 

  • The Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Indian scripture, speaks of detached action and observing one's duties and actions without attachment to the outcomes.



  • This ancient Greek philosophy teaches that while we can't always control external events, we can control our reactions to them. 
  • Stoics practiced various forms of meditation and reflection to cultivate an inner tranquility.

Relevant Concept: 

  • Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher, said, "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." 
  • This echoes the Stoic belief in observing and reflecting before reacting.

Christian Mysticism


  • Contemplative prayer and meditation are practices in Christian mysticism where individuals aim to achieve a deep, direct connection with God. 
  • This often involves quieting the mind and observing one's inner experiences.

Relevant Concept: 

  • The concept of "Kenosis," or self-emptying, in Christian theology speaks to a letting go of one's will and desires in favor of divine will.



  • Sufism, the mystical Islamic belief system, emphasizes a deep, personal relationship with the divine. Sufis use various practices, like the Dhikr (remembrance) and Muraqaba (meditation), to observe their inner states and draw closer to God.

Relevant Concept: 

  • The idea of purifying one's heart and observing thoughts to be closer to the divine essence is central in Sufism.

Philosophical Existentialism


  • Existentialist philosophers, like Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche, emphasized individual freedom, responsibility, and subjective meaning.
  • They believed in confronting and understanding one's thoughts and emotions to navigate the human condition.

Relevant Concept: 

  • The idea of "authenticity" in existentialism speaks to understanding and aligning with one's true nature and beliefs, despite external pressures.

These teachings, though varied in their details and practices, converge on the importance of introspection, observation, and discernment. 

By observing thoughts and choosing empowering ones, individuals can navigate life with clarity, purpose, and inner peace.

Public Review

This specific declaration from Eker touches on the broader self-help and personal development principle of mindfulness and the power of supportive thinking.

The general public commentary on this declaration, based on discussions around Eker's work and similar teachings, can be summarized as follows:

This declaration illicits agreeable support from a higher percentage of people who collectively share an appreciation of:

  • this affirmation and such like it being highly beneficial
  • the strong belief in the power of supportive thinking
  • the idea that consciously choosing which thoughts to entertain can significantly impact one's mindset, behavior, and life outcomes

In turn, some skepticism emerged from a portion of the public who question:

  • the efficacy of such affirmations and the advantage of using this one in particular
  • whether simply repeating or believing in an affirmation without accompanying action or broader context can be transformative
  • the potential of oversimplifying complex psychological and life challenge
  • that while positive thinking is beneficial, it might not be a panacea for deep-rooted issues

The public audience also gives rise to some neutral and balanced perspectives of this declaration in believing:

  • that while positive affirmations can be a useful tool, they should be used in conjunction with other personal development strategies, therapy, or action plans to be truly effective
  • that due to being popularized by various self-help authors, speakers, and coaches, it’s easier to reinforce the idea's acceptance in the personal development community
  • that parallels can be drawn between Eker’s idea here and the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • CBT is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors
  • in this context, the idea of observing one's thoughts and choosing to entertain only empowering ones aligns with CBT's emphasis on cognitive restructuring

In summary, while there's a wide range of opinions on Eker's declaration, many people in the self-help and personal development communities find value in the idea of consciously observing and selecting empowering thoughts. 

However, as with most principles in this genre, individual experiences and results may vary.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

The concept embedded within T. Harv Eker's declaration "I observe my thoughts and entertain only those that empower me" touches on mindfulness, self-awareness, and the conscious cultivation of a positive mindset. 

While the exact phrase may be unique to Eker, the underlying idea is one that many successful individuals have echoed in various ways. 

Here are some quotes from successful figures that align with this sentiment:

Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher:

  • "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."

Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company:

  • "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you're right."

Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich":

  • "The mind can achieve whatever the mind can conceive and believe."

Tim Ferriss, entrepreneur and author:

  • "The quality of your life is the quality of your questions."

Tony Robbins, motivational speaker and author:

  • "Where focus goes, energy flows."
  • Robbins practices and teaches the power of visualization, positive affirmation, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to cultivate a success-oriented mindset.


  • "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft:

  • "It's fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure."

Oprah Winfrey, media mogul:

  • "The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude."
  • Oprah is known for her self-awareness and continuous self-improvement. She meditates daily, practices gratitude, and is known for her book club where she often recommends books that promote personal growth.

Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of all time:

  • "The most important investment you can make is in yourself."
  • "What counts for most people in investing is not how much they know, but rather how realistically they define what they don't know."
  • Buffett is an advocate for lifelong learning. He spends a significant portion of his day reading, ensuring that he's continuously growing and improving his mindset.

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon:

  • "I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying."

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group:

  • "My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you're moving forward."

While none of these quotes are exact replicas of Eker's declaration, they all emphasize the power and influence of one's thoughts.

All these quotes emphasize the importance of mindset, resilience, and maintaining a positive, proactive approach to challenges. 

Each of these successful figures understands, in their own way, the power of cultivating empowering thoughts and using them as a driving force in their endeavors.

However, the overarching idea of observing one's thoughts and choosing to focus on positive ones has deep roots in various spiritual and philosophical traditions.

Public Commentary

“Once I started replacing my self-destructive thinking patterns, I noticed that my thoughts around many other situations also became more positive overall. This helped me through one of the most challenging periods in my life and I’m grateful for having learned how to empower myself. ”

“I had no idea that just by improving the quality of my thinking, I could actually become a more successful person and improve all my relationships, so to me this declaration was a lifesaver!”

# 06 - “I create the exact amount of my financial success!”

Unpacking Eker's sixth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

The general public acknowledges this declaration as a nod to the law of attraction.

They feel that this statement emphasizes the power of concentrated attention. 

At large, most of the public agree that it suggests that one's focus, whether positive or negative, has a magnetic quality, attracting related outcomes.

The majority of the public agree that if you focus on your desire, you’re essentially knowing on a deeper level that you’ll get what you focus on and they mostly feel that this declaration corresponds well with Eker’s Wealth File #01.

The Wealth Principle, “There’s no such thing as a really rich victim!” that Eker puts forward hits home in that one must realize you alone set the standards of what you tolerate, allow and welcome into your life. 

To quote T. Harv Eker, “The quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.” and it applies to every single thing the human being can relate to in any version and form.

Origin of the Concept of You Creating Exactly Your Own Financial Success

The phrase "I create the exact amount of my financial success" is closely associated with T. Harv Eker, especially from his teachings in "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." Eker emphasizes the idea that individuals have the power and responsibility to shape their financial destinies through their thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

While the specific phrasing can be attributed to Eker, the underlying concept - that one's mindset, beliefs, and actions play a crucial role in determining financial outcomes - has been echoed by various self-help authors, motivational speakers, and personal development experts over the years. 

It's a recurrent theme in the personal development and wealth-building genres, but Eker has been one of the more prominent figures in recent times to encapsulate this idea in his teachings.

The realm of self-help, personal development, and motivational speaking is vast, with many influential figures who have contributed immensely. 

These experts often emphasize the importance of mindset, belief systems, and personal agency in achieving success, happiness, and fulfillment. 

Here's an overview of some of these figures:

Napoleon Hill

  • Notable Work: "Think and Grow Rich"
  • Concept: Hill believed in the power of positive thinking and the idea that thoughts become things. 
  • He emphasized the importance of desire, faith, and persistence in achieving financial success.

Tony Robbins

  • Notable Works: "Awaken the Giant Within" and "Money: Master the Game"
  • Concept: Robbins discusses the psychological barriers that prevent people from achieving success and offers strategies to overcome them. 
  • He emphasizes the importance of decisions, patterns, and creating empowering meanings.

Zig Ziglar

  • Notable Works: "See You at the Top" and "Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale"
  • Concept: Ziglar believed in the power of positive attitude, motivation, and character-based sales techniques. 
  • He often emphasized that you can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

  • Notable Works: "Your Erroneous Zones" and "The Power of Intention"
  • Concept: Dyer focused on self-actualization, the power of intention, and the idea that changing one's thoughts can change their life.

Louise Hay

  • Notable Work: "You Can Heal Your Life"
  • Concept: Hay emphasized the power of affirmations and positive self-talk. 
  • She believed in the connection between mind and body and that one can heal physical ailments through mental and emotional work.

Brendon Burchard

  • Notable Works: "The Motivation Manifesto" and "High Performance Habits"
  • Concept: Burchard delves into what motivates individuals, how they can cultivate habits that lead to high performance, and how to live a fully charged life. 
  • He emphasizes clarity, energy, necessity, productivity, influence, and courage as key habits of high performers.

Jack Canfield

  • Notable Works: "The Success Principles" and "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series (co-authored with Mark Victor Hansen)
  • Concept: Canfield discusses principles that lead to success, such as taking responsibility, setting clear goals, and persisting despite failures.

Brian Tracy

  • Notable Works: "Eat That Frog!" and "The Psychology of Achievement"
  • Concept: Tracy focuses on time management, productivity, and the psychology of achievement. 
  • He believes in setting clear goals and prioritizing tasks that move one towards those goals.

These figures, among many others, have provided tools, strategies, and perspectives to help individuals navigate challenges, achieve their goals, and lead more fulfilling lives. 

While their methods and teachings might differ, a common thread is the emphasis on the power of the individual's mindset and beliefs in shaping their destiny.

The concept of mindset and its influence on success has been explored deeply in the field of psychology as well. 

Several psychologists have notably researched, developed, and popularized mindset work in relation to success. 

Here are some of the most influential figures:

Carol Dweck

  • Notable Work: "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success"
  • Concept: Dweck introduced the idea of "fixed" versus "growth" mindsets. 
  • According to her, individuals with a fixed mindset believe that their qualities and abilities are static and unchangeable, while those with a growth mindset believe they can develop their qualities and abilities through dedication and effort. 
  • This distinction has significant implications for how people approach challenges, setbacks, and success.

Alfred Bandura

  • Notable Work: His research on self-efficacy.
  • Concept: Bandura introduced the concept of self-efficacy, which is the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute actions required to achieve desired goals. 
  • Higher levels of self-efficacy are associated with greater motivation, resilience, and success.

Martin Seligman

  • Notable Work: "Learned Optimism"
  • Concept: Seligman is considered the father of positive psychology. 
  • He explored the idea of learned helplessness and its opposite, learned optimism. 
  • He posited that individuals can learn to be optimistic and that doing so has numerous benefits, including increased success.

Angela Duckworth

  • Notable Work: "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance"
  • Concept: Duckworth introduced the idea of grit as a predictor of success. 
  • Grit involves passion and perseverance toward long-term goals. 
  • She argues that grit, rather than talent, is a key determinant of success.

Aaron T. Beck

  • Notable Work: Cognitive Therapy
  • Concept: Beck is known as the father of cognitive therapy. 
  • He explored how automatic negative thoughts, cognitive distortions, and core beliefs shape an individual's emotions and behaviors. 
  • By addressing and changing these negative thought patterns, individuals can achieve better mental health and success outcomes.

John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner

  • Notable Work: Behaviorism
  • Concept: Both Watson and Skinner were foundational figures in behaviorism, which posits that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. 
  • While not strictly about "mindset," behaviorism highlighted the role of external stimuli in shaping behavior, implying that environments and reinforcements can be structured to foster success.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

  • Notable Work: "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience"
  • Concept: Csikszentmihalyi introduced the concept of "flow," a state of deep absorption and enjoyment in what one is doing. 
  • Achieving flow states is linked to peak performance and fulfillment.

These psychologists, through their research and writings, have greatly influenced how we understand the power of mindset, belief systems, and cognitive processes in achieving success.

They have offered evidence-based strategies and insights that have been adopted in education, business, sports, and personal development arenas.

Public Review

This specific declaration seems to be a combination of Eker’s principles about personal responsibility and the power of mindset. 

Here's a general overview of the public's perception:

This declaration resonates positively and supportingly with most of the public who primarily appreciate:

  • Eker's assertions about the importance of mindset in financial success
  • the proactive approach emphasizing personal responsibility and empowerment
  • the experience of positive changes in their financial situation and mindset based on Eker's teachings
  • that by adopting a more intentional and positive mindset around money, they've been able to shift their financial trajectories

In turn, various points of critique and skepticism are voiced from one part of the public who feel that:

  • Eker oversimplifies financial success by attributing it mainly to one's mindset
  • a relative argument is justified based on structural and systemic factors, outside of an individual's control, that can impact financial outcomes
  • while mindset is essential, it is not the only determinant of success
  • emphasis on the importance of actionable strategies, skills, opportunities, and sometimes, luck is required
  • such teachings might inadvertently promote blame or shame for those who haven't achieved their desired level of financial success, as the emphasis on personal responsibility might suggest that one's lack of success is entirely due to their mindset.

The public audience presents some neutral middle ground perspectives of this declaration in acknowledging:

  • the importance of mindset as promoted by Eker but also recognize that real-world actions, strategies, and circumstances play crucial roles
  • the value in adopting an empowering mindset while also being practical and realistic

It's important to note that public opinion varies widely based on personal experiences, beliefs, and circumstances. 

As with many self-help and personal development teachings, what resonates with one person might not resonate with another. 

Eker's teachings are tools, and their efficacy often depends on how they're applied in individual contexts.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

While the specific phrase "I create the exact amount of my financial success" is closely associated with T. Harv Eker, the underlying sentiment has been expressed in various ways by numerous successful individuals throughout history. 

Here are some quotes from successful millionaires and billionaires that reflect similar ideas:

Oprah Winfrey

  • “I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good.”

Richard Branson

  • “My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them.”

Larry Ellison (Co-founder of Oracle)

  • “When I do something, it is all about self-discovery. I want to learn and discover my own limits.”

Robert Kiyosaki

  • “The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way.”

Jim Rohn

  • "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."

Robert Kiyosaki

  • "Don’t work for money; make it work for you."

Grant Cardone

  • "Success is no different than any other skill. Duplicate the actions and mindsets of successful people, and you will create success for yourself."

Indra Nooyi (former CEO of PepsiCo)

  • "You cannot deliver value unless you anchor the company's values. Values make an unsinkable ship."

Jack Ma (founder of Alibaba)

  • "If we want to change the world, we change ourselves. Change ourselves is more important and easier."

Naveen Jain (Founder of InfoSpace & Moon Express)

  • "Success doesn't necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution."

Mary Kay Ash (Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics)

  • "Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try."

Howard Schultz (former CEO of Starbucks)

  • "I always saw myself wanting to do something deemed successful and good at the same time."

Barbara Corcoran (Real estate mogul & TV personality)

  • "The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend feeling sorry for themselves."

John D. Rockefeller (Industrialist and Philanthropist)

  • "I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty."

Aliko Dangote (Africa's richest man)

  • "To succeed in business, you must build a brand and never destroy it."

Dhirubhai Ambani (Founder of Reliance Industries)

  • "If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs."

Larry Page (Co-founder of Google)

  • "Always deliver more than expected."

Oprah Winfrey (Media mogul)

  • "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."

These millionaires and billionaires have the conviction that their actions, decisions, and mindset directly influence their financial outcomes.

They've often taken unconventional paths, trusted their instincts, and learned from their failures to create their own version of financial success.

While the wording differs, the core idea aligns with T. Harv Eker's principle of personal responsibility in creating financial success.

Each of these quotes, directly or indirectly, touches upon the idea that personal responsibility, innovative thinking, and determination are central to financial success. 

These individuals believe in crafting their paths and not being swayed by conventional thinking, underscoring the sentiment that they are in control of their financial outcomes.

Public Commentary

“This is my personal favorite declaration because it literally sums up that I determine the value and quality I draw to me based on who I am.”

“It helps to think in realistic terms because to create enormous amounts of financial success, you must produce enormous amounts of value and that’s quite a process.”

# 07 - “My goal is to become a millionaire and more!”

Unpacking Eker's seventh millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

This affirmation, according to the public, reinforces the importance of intent and continuous personal growth.

Public perspective suggests that it promotes humility and the acceptance that there's always more to learn, fostering a growth mindset.

Taking deliberate steps to achieve your goals will fuel your wealth attitude and help you set higher goals which, from the majority of the public perspective, corresponds with Eker’s Wealth File #02.

Based on Eker’s Wealth Principle that says, “If your goal is to be comfortable, chances are you’ll never get rich. But if your goal is to be rich, chances are you’ll end up mighty comfortable.”, going for gold and building wealth is just common sense! 

To quote what T. Harv Eker says in his book, “If you shoot for the stars, you’ll at least hit the moon.” creates abundant clarity on how vital goals are to creating a life worth living.

Origin of the Concept of the Goal of Becoming a Millionaire and More

The exact phrase, "My goal is to become a millionaire and more" is associated with T. Harv Eker.

Given the themes of his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.", Eker emphasizes the importance of mindset and setting clear financial goals in the pursuit of wealth.

The specific origin of this phrase, however, is challenging to pin down, as the desire to become a millionaire and setting such a goal has been a common sentiment among those seeking financial success for a long time. 

Over the years, many motivational speakers, authors, and financial educators have used variations of this sentiment in their work.

Yet, the desire to achieve wealth and continually set loftier goals has been a theme throughout human history. 

Many historic figures, from ancient merchants to Renaissance thinkers, and from Industrial Age magnates to modern-day entrepreneurs, have aspired to such ambitions and developed concepts around them. 

Here's a closer look:

Ancient World

  • King Solomon: Often considered one of the wealthiest figures in biblical times, King Solomon's proverbs often touch upon the principles of wealth, wisdom, and diligence.
  • Marcus Crassus: In ancient Rome, Crassus was known for his immense wealth. 
  • His ambitions led him to continuously seek out new ventures and opportunities.

Renaissance and Enlightenment

  • Medici Family: This Italian banking family rose to prominence in Florence during the Renaissance. 
  • Their ambition and strategic alliances allowed them to become one of the wealthiest families in Europe.
  • Benjamin Franklin: An American polymath, Franklin wrote extensively about the virtues of thrift, hard work, and the pursuit of prosperity in his writings like "Poor Richard's Almanack."

Industrial Age

  • Andrew Carnegie: Starting from humble beginnings, Carnegie became one of the richest men in the world through the steel industry. 
  • He's known for his quote, "Aim for the highest," and believed in continuous improvement.
  • Napoleon Hill: Inspired by the achievements of magnates like Carnegie, Hill wrote "Think and Grow Rich," emphasizing the power of setting clear intentions and goals for accumulating wealth.

Modern Day

  • Warren Buffett: Often hailed as one of the greatest investors of all time, Buffett's approach to wealth accumulation is systematic and based on clear principles and goals.
  • Oprah Winfrey: Rising from poverty to become a billionaire, Oprah often speaks about the power of intention and setting clear goals.


  • Law of Attraction: While the idea can be traced back to ancient civilizations, in modern times, the law of attraction gained popularity with books like "The Secret." 
  • It revolves around the idea that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life, including wealth.
  • SMART Goals: This is a modern framework that emphasizes setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  • Compound Effect: Popularized by authors like Darren Hardy, this concept speaks to the power of making small, consistent decisions towards one's goals, which can lead to significant wealth or success over time.

Throughout history, the ambition to achieve greater wealth and to continually set higher goals has been present. 

Different eras and cultures have had their exemplars and philosophies, but the underlying thread remains consistent: the vision of a prosperous future and the relentless pursuit of it.

Public Review

Public perception of this declaration asserts that it aligns with the central theme of Eker’s teachings: that one should set clear and ambitious financial goals, combined with the right mindset, to achieve wealth and success, plus aim ever higher.

The general public commentary on this specific declaration is mixed, as can be expected:

This declaration sparks hugely supportive viewpoints with the higher volume of the public who experience:

  • great inspiration in that it empowers one to fosters a positive and ambitious mindse
  • a sense of liberation with taking the first step to achieving goals through declaring them out loud or writing them down
  • a fundamental mindset shift that can act as a catalyst for change for individuals who come from limiting financial backgrounds or beliefs
  • high levels of encouragement and personal empowerment with the use of tools for transformation of beliefs and behaviors provided in the self-help and personal development community

In turn, a few ideas of cynicism emerged from a smaller portion of the public who perceive that:

  • material wealth is focused on over other forms of success or happiness
  • just stating such a goal, without other concrete steps or plans, can’t lead to any tangible outcomes
  • while a positive mindset is important, achieving significant wealth also requires access to resources, opportunities, specific actions and favorable circumstances

The neutral perspectives derived from the public are among people who feel that:

  • each individual should define their own personal goals and success parameters
  • for some, wealth might be a metric, while for others, happiness, health, or relationships might take precedence

In essence, the reaction to Eker's declaration is subjective and varies based on individual beliefs, experiences, and values. 

It's worth noting that the broader context of Eker's teachings includes not just the desire for wealth, but also the mindset and actions required to achieve it.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

Many other successful people have expressed sentiments emphasizing ambition, goal-setting, and the desire for continual growth in wealth and success.
The desire to achieve and exceed financial milestones is not uncommon among successful entrepreneurs and business figures. 

Here’s a handful of quotes from other very successful people that convey the same spirit:

Elon Musk

  • "It's OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket."

Warren Buffett 

  • "It's not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results."

Jan Koum, Co-founder of WhatsApp 

  • "I want to do one thing, and do it well."

Larry Page, Co-founder of Google 

  • "Always deliver more than expected."

Donald Trump 

  • "What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate."

Daymond John, founder of FUBU and Shark on Shark Tank 

  • "Five days a week, I read my goals before I go to sleep and when I wake up. There are 10 goals around health, family, and business with expiration dates, and I update them every six months."

Grant Cardone, entrepreneur and sales trainer

  • "Be obsessed or be average."

These quotes reflect a drive not just to achieve, but to surpass expectations and set ever-higher goals.

The determination to excel and continually grow is a common trait among many millionaires and billionaires.

Public Commentary

“I never used to set goals, let alone exceed any kind of expectations but after reading the book, I’m enthusiastic and more committed than ever to succeed on my new list of objectives.”

“Becoming a millionaire was never on my to do list but now that it’s an actual goal, I find it much easier to plan my time accordingly, with the steps I have to take and the time I have to spend to get there.”

# 08 - “I commit to becoming rich.”

Unpacking Eker's eighth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

To the public, this declaration is one of courage and clarity of desire. 

Recognizing the presence of fear but choosing to act regardless is, in the public view, a defining characteristic of many successful individuals and corresponds to Eker’s Wealth File #03.

“What Eker states in his Wealth Principle, “The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know what they want.” is exactly what I needed to hear to get the ball rolling on getting my business started!”

“With this quote from Eker’s book, “Getting rich takes focus, courage, knowledge, expertise, 100 percent of your effort, a never-give-up attitude, and of course a rich mindset. You also have to believe in your heart of hearts that you can.” I positioned myself at the starting point toward success and I’m becoming more confident that I’ll be victorious every day.”

Origin of the Concept of the Commitment to Wealth

The concept of commitment to wealth and success is timeless. 

While T. Harv Eker may have popularized a modern version of this sentiment, the idea itself is ancient. 

The idea of commitment to the creation of wealth or the achievement of any goal, for that matter, has deep roots in human history. 

Here's an elaboration on how this notion has been evident in various forms throughout the ages:

Ancient Times

  • King Solomon: One of the wealthiest figures in biblical history, King Solomon's wisdom regarding wealth is encapsulated in the book of Proverbs. A quote attributed to Solomon in Proverbs 10:4 states, "Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth."
  • King Solomon: His proverbs often touch on wealth, wisdom, and diligence. One of his famous sayings is, "In all labor there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." This suggests the importance of commitment and action over mere words.
  • Ancient Chinese Philosophers: Confucianism emphasizes the virtues of hard work and perseverance. Many Chinese proverbs, such as "Gold and jade fill the room, no one is able to keep them," stress the impermanence of wealth but also its attainability through effort.
  • Cicero: The Roman statesman and philosopher spoke about ambition and the value of hard work. He once said, "The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessing previously secured." 

Renaissance and Enlightenment

  • Benjamin Franklin: A leading figure of early American history, Franklin wrote extensively about wealth in "Poor Richard's Almanack." One of his most famous quotes is, "Remember that time is money."

Modern Era

  • Andrew Carnegie: Once the richest man in the world, Carnegie believed in the power of dedication. He once said, "People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents."
  • John D. Rockefeller: The American business magnate is often cited for his commitment to success and wealth-building. He said, "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."
  • Warren Buffett: Known as the "Oracle of Omaha," Buffett's commitment to wealth accumulation is well-known. He's known to say, "Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1."
  • Warren Buffett: Known for his commitment to long-term investing and value creation, Buffett's strategies emphasize patience and dedication. He once remarked, "Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago," highlighting the long-term vision required for wealth creation.
  • Oprah Winfrey: Oprah, coming from a humble background, represents modern commitment to success and wealth creation. She has remarked, "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."

Contemporary Entrepreneurs

  • Elon Musk: Known for his ambitious goals in various industries, Musk once stated, "If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it."
  • Jeff Bezos: Founder of Amazon and one of the world's wealthiest individuals, Bezos emphasizes long-term thinking, saying, "If we can keep our competitors focused on us while we stay focused on the customer, ultimately we'll turn out all right."

These figures and their quotes highlight that commitment to success and wealth has been a timeless pursuit. 

Different eras have produced different icons, but the core principle remains consistent: dedication, vision, and hard work are cornerstones of wealth creation.

Public Review

Eker's declaration "I commit to becoming rich" reflects the ethos of his teachings on personal finance and wealth building. 

This statement, like many of his other declarations, is designed to instill a strong mindset and a sense of purpose and commitment toward financial success. 

The general public commentary on such a statement is varied, let’s dive in and see what they say:

Finding it positive and empowering, for most the public this declaration serves as a:

  • motivator for action that empowers the individual
  • daily reminder of life changing affirmations that reflects the importance of committing to a goal to make it a reality
  • strong connection to a purpose to help achieve financial goals and aspirations

In turn, a hint of skepticism filters through from public members who don’t believe:

  • in the power and efficacy of such affirmations
  • that just saying you're committed to becoming rich will make it happen
  • enough emphasis is placed on their viewpoint that actions speak louder than words
  • the intention behind this declaration is solely for the benefit of people but instead, feel it to be commercialized if it is tied to paid courses, seminars, or products

Some neutral or curious points from the public refer to feeling:

  • they would rather learn more about Eker's philosophy before forming a final opinion
  • a little concerned about the perceived overemphasis on material wealth as a measure of happiness or success 
  • that a more balanced approach to life, where financial success is just one of many goals is more to their liking
  • a general appreciation for the mindset principle even if they don't fully align with the end goal of becoming rich
  • that the idea of commitment, focus, and determination can be applied to many areas of life beyond just finances

Like with most personal development and self-help philosophies, the reception of such a statement depends on individual beliefs, experiences, and the context in which they encounter the teaching. 

It's essential to note that T. Harv Eker's teachings resonate with many, which is evident from the popularity of his courses and books, particularly "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

However, as with any teaching or philosophy, it won't resonate with everyone universally.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

Here are some quotes from renowned individuals that resonate with T. Harv Eker's declaration:

Andrew Carnegie:

  • "I began to learn what poverty meant. It was burnt into my heart then that my father had to beg for work. And then and there came the resolve that I would cure that when I got to be a man."
  • Carnegie's words reveal his determination to overcome poverty, which aligns with the commitment to achieving wealth.

Napoleon Hill:

  • "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat."
  • Hill emphasizes the power of desire and commitment as prerequisites for achieving significant outcomes.

Oprah Winfrey:

  • "The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work."
  • Oprah's statement underscores the importance of determination and hard work in reaching financial objectives.

Larry Ellison, Co-founder of Oracle:

  • "When I do something, it is all about self-discovery. I want to learn and discover my own limits."
  • Ellison’s words highlight the idea that committing to a goal, like becoming wealthy, is as much about self-growth as it is about the end result.

Richard Branson:

  • "My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them."
  • Branson's approach is about setting ambitious goals and committing to overcoming them, which aligns with the idea of committing to wealth generation.

While these quotes may not say "I commit to becoming rich" verbatim, they all express a deep commitment to achieving success, wealth, and greatness in their respective fields.

Public Commentary

Nobody said it will be easy, but then again, nothing worth having in life ever is, so I’m giving it all I’ve got.”

“We’re all committed to something, the difference is whether that something will bring us wealth and joy or not, and therein lies the choice. I’ve made mine!”

# 09 - “I think big! I choose to help thousands and thousands of people!”

Unpacking Eker's ninth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

From the public perspective, this declaration is generally seen as a call to ambition and action. 

The public interprets these words as encouragement to individuals not just to dream big but also to take significant actions towards those dreams. 

This declaration promotes courage and boldness in pursuit of goals as per the public who mostly agree that it corresponds very well to Eker’s Wealth File #04.

“The value of Eker’s Wealth Principle that states, “The Law of Income: You will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the marketplace.” illuminates a well kept secret to getting rich.”

“To quote T. Harv Eker, “Part of your mission in life then must be to share your gifts and value with as many people as possible. That means being willing to play big.” helped me set a clear direction for how I’d like to live my life.”

Origin of the Concept of Thinking Big and Helping Thousands of People

The phrase "I think big! I choose to help thousands and thousands of people" is associated with T. Harv Eker, especially within the context of his teachings and writings about wealth, success mindset, and personal development. 

Eker is known for his motivational statements, many of which are designed to help people shift their mindset towards abundance and success.

The concept of "thinking big" and helping large numbers of people while pursuing mutually beneficial outcomes is deeply rooted in both historical and modern thought. 

However, it's important to note that the sentiment of "thinking big" and wanting to help a large number of people is not exclusive to Eker. 

Here's a deeper dive into this idea's evolution:

Ancient Philosophies and Teachings 

  • In many ancient civilizations, leaders were encouraged to think about the welfare of all their citizens. 
  • Confucianism, for example, emphasized the importance of benevolence and righteousness, advising rulers to think of the greater good. 
  • This broader view could be seen as an early form of "thinking big."

Religious Teachings 

  • Many world religions emphasize the idea of helping others. 
  • In Christianity, for instance, the concept of "love thy neighbor" encourages believers to help others. 
  • Similarly, in Islam, there's a strong emphasis on charity (Zakat) and aiding those in need.
  • This selflessness and drive to benefit the community can be seen as early manifestations of aiming for win-wins.

Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment 

  • As societies began to emphasize individual rights and the idea of a social contract, thinkers started to contemplate systems where everyone could benefit. 
  • Philosophers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau pondered over governance systems where both rulers and citizens had mutual benefits.

Modern Business and Philanthropy 

  • The 20th and 21st centuries saw a surge in the number of entrepreneurs who not only aimed to build successful enterprises but also to give back to society. 
  • Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest individuals in history, famously said, "The man who dies rich, dies disgraced." 
  • He believed in using his wealth to benefit society, leading to the establishment of many libraries, schools, and universities. 
  • Modern entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have pledged to give away the majority of their wealth for societal good.

Self-help and Personal Development 

  • As the self-help movement gained traction in the 20th century, thinkers like Napoleon Hill in "Think and Grow Rich" emphasized the power of thinking big and having a definite major purpose. 
  • Later, Stephen Covey in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" talked about the "Win-Win" habit, emphasizing mutual benefit in interpersonal interactions.

Modern Entrepreneurship 

  • In the business world, the idea of creating value for customers and stakeholders has become paramount. 
  • This is where "thinking big" meets "helping many." 
  • Entrepreneurs are often encouraged to find scalable solutions that don't just benefit a few but have a broader impact. 
  • Elon Musk's ventures, for instance, span from electric vehicles to space travel, always with a vision of a better and sustainable future for many.

In summary, the concept of thinking beyond oneself, aiming for greater goals, and seeking to create value for a broader group has ancient roots. 

Over time, as societies evolved and global challenges became more complex, this idea has only gained more prominence. 

The intertwining of personal success with collective welfare represents a holistic approach to prosperity and progress.

Public Review

Eker's affirmation that he thinks big and chooses to help vast numbers of people is not just a personal resolution the public feels, but reflects a broader ideology prevalent in modern self-help and entrepreneurial circles. 

It encapsulates a combination of personal ambition and a genuine desire to make a societal impact and audiences familiar with Eker’s teachings understand that ‘help’ in this context tranlates to ‘offer value’.

Receiving this declaration in a positive and empowering light, the majority of the public audience appreciate that:

  • in an age where many seek purpose in their work and lives, Eker's mantra can resonate with those who aspire not just for personal wealth but also to make a significant difference
  • Eker's statement exudes confidence
  • "Thinking big" has been advocated by many personal development gurus, suggesting that individuals shouldn't limit themselves
  • this mindset is a precursor to significant achievements and breakthroughs
  • Eker’s words generally inspire many to break free from their self-imposed limitations while placing emphasis in integrity
  • this declaration is very much in line with the modern entrepreneurial approach, emphasizing both profit and purpose

In turn, some interesting points of contention and consideration arise from members of the public who feel that although this declaration is noble, their personal interpretations question:

  • whether this is genuine altruism or a savvy business mindset since impacting thousands is also a route to vast wealth
  • if such a statement could generate discussions about the line between business strategy and true philanthropy
  • how well it is truly aligned with modern entreneurship in the sense that many modern business figures emphasize their mission to help society, not just their bank balances
  • whether this declaration is merely a catchy phrase designed for marketing appeal
  • if the real measure is in tangible actions and results, not just words
  • what "help" really means
  • whether the “help” referred to is about providing value in terms of knowledge and skills
  • or if such “help” has philanthropic undertones, suggesting charitable work and direct societal impact
  • how deep this "help" goes
  • how “help” is measured

From a more neutral perspective, some of the public opinion points to:

  • how Eker's statement also feeds into larger societal discussions about wealth, responsibility, and the role of successful individuals in society
  • the consideration of whether or not successful people should have an onus to give back or help
  • if such an onus is recommended and relevant, helping "thousands and thousands" may not be enough which means the aim would likely have to be higher

In summary, while Eker's declaration of thinking big and aiming to assist vast numbers resonates with many, it also opens up multiple avenues of discussion, from the nature of modern entrepreneurship to debates on genuine altruism versus strategic business thinking.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

The ethos of thinking big and aiming to have a large positive impact on many people is shared by numerous successful individuals. 

Here are some quotes from prominent millionaires and billionaires that resonate with Eker's sentiment:

Grant Cardone:

  • "You won't get rich without multiple flows of income. That starts with the income you currently have. Increase that income and start adding multiple flows."
  • Cardone, a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker, emphasizes the importance of proactivity and diversification in the pursuit of wealth.

Oprah Winfrey:

  • "The reason I’ve been able to be so financially successful is my focus has never, ever for one minute been money."
  • Oprah’s statement highlights the commitment to her passion and purpose, which indirectly led to her immense wealth.

Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook):

  • "We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change."

Bill Gates:

  • "If you are born poor it's not your mistake, but if you die poor it's your mistake."

Jeff Bezos:

  • "We've had three big ideas at Amazon that we've stuck with for 18 years, and they're the reason we're successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient."

Richard Branson:

  • "To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials."

Larry Ellison (Co-founder of Oracle Corporation):

  • "When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for people telling you that you are nuts."

Tony Robbins:

  • "The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment."

Mark Zuckerberg:

  • "Our goal is not just to build a platform, but to make sure it is used for good, and to empower people around the world."

Jack Ma (Founder of Alibaba):

  • "Help young people. Help small guys. Because small guys will be big. Young people will have the seeds you bury in their minds, and when they grow up, they will change the world."

Grant Cardone:

  • "The single biggest financial mistake I've made was not thinking big enough. I encourage you to go for more than a million. There is no shortage of money on this planet, only a shortage of people thinking big enough."
  • Cardone emphasizes thinking big and scaling one's ambitions, which can be linked to the idea of constantly focusing on building one's net worth.

These quotes reflect the spirit of dreaming big, committing to large-scale visions, and the desire to bring about significant positive changes or benefits for many. 

While the exact phrasing of Eker's statement might be unique to him, the underlying sentiment is shared by many successful individuals across industries and eras.

Public Commentary

“I now understand that doing what I’m good at and enjoy, as well as coming from a place of love and helpfulness is a much better road to true wealth.”

“The traditional live-eat-work-die principle is outdated and it’s exciting to know that the more people I can impact positively, the more money I can make - it actually makes total sense now!”

# 10 - “I promote my value to others with passion and enthusiasm.”

Unpacking Eker's tenth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

According to popular public opinion, this affirmation is one of self-worth and confidence. 

They feel that this declaration encourages individuals to recognize their value and be proactive in showcasing it, both personally and professionally.

By advocating the development of strong leadership, the public audience agrees that this declaration corresponds well to Eker’s Wealth File #08.

“What Eker’s Wealth Principle, “Leaders earn a heck of a lot more money than followers!” inspired in me is to up my game and take the bull by the horns.”

When I read quote by T. Harv Eker, “People who have a problem with promotion don’t fully believe in their product or don’t fully believe in themselves.” it hit me hard for it’s profound truth, as I was living the results of those exact words - but not anymore!”

Origin of the Concept of Promoting One’s Value Passionately & Enthusiastically

The phrase "I promote my value to others with passion and enthusiasm" is closely associated with T. Harv Eker and his teachings, especially from his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

Eker popularized this specific declaration, along with several others, as a way to instill a positive money mindset and financial success in individuals.

However, the broader concepts of self-promotion, recognizing one's value, and doing so with passion and enthusiasm have roots that extend far beyond any single modern author or speaker. 

These ideas can be traced back through various self-help literature, personal development teachings, and even ancient philosophies that encourage recognizing one's worth and confidently projecting it to the world.

Promoting one's value with passion and enthusiasm is not a novel concept. 

From ancient times to today, the idea of recognizing and conveying one's worth and doing so with vigor has been fundamental in various domains, from trade and business to arts and leadership.

Ancient Philosophies and Traditions

  • Greek Philosophy: The Greeks valued the concept of "arete," often translated as "virtue" or "excellence."
  •  It was about reaching one's highest potential and best self, then proudly demonstrating it in the world. 
  • For example, Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics" discusses the idea of achieving one's highest good.
  • Eastern Traditions: In many Eastern philosophies, there's an emphasis on self-awareness and recognizing one's intrinsic value. 
  • Confucianism, for instance, emphasizes the cultivation of virtue and the moral integrity of the individual.

Medieval & Renaissance Periods

  • Renaissance Humanism: This movement emphasized the value of the individual and his/her potential. 
  • The idea was to excel in multiple disciplines, be it arts, sciences, or humanities, and to contribute richly to society.

Modern Period

  • Self-help Movement: The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the emergence of the modern self-help movement. 
  • Books like "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and "How to Win Friends and 
  • Influence People" by Dale Carnegie highlighted the importance of self-belief, enthusiasm, and the projection of one's value to achieve success.
  • Dr. Carol Dweck: A pioneering psychologist in the realm of mindset, Dweck introduced the idea of "fixed" vs. "growth" mindsets. 
  • Her research showed that people with a growth mindset, who believe abilities and success can be developed through dedication and hard work, are more resilient and more likely to succeed.
  • Dr. Albert Bandura: His work on self-efficacy has been seminal in understanding the belief in one's ability to succeed in specific situations. 
  • High self-efficacy individuals are confident in their value and their ability to achieve their goals, which naturally leads to passionate and enthusiastic promotion of one's capabilities.

Modern Business and Entrepreneurship

  • Personal Branding: In today's age of social media and digital platforms, personal branding has become more crucial than ever. 
  • Successful entrepreneurs, influencers, and leaders often emphasize the importance of conveying one's value, mission, and vision with passion and authenticity.
  • Start-Up Culture: Modern start-up culture often champions the idea of "pitching with passion." 
  • Entrepreneurs are frequently advised to convey the value of their ideas and products with enthusiasm, especially when seeking investment or market traction.

Ultimately, throughout history, recognizing and promoting one's value with passion has been seen as a driving force behind personal and societal progress. 

While the modes and mediums of this promotion have evolved, the core principle remains consistent: understand your worth, believe in it, and convey it to the world with enthusiasm.

Public Review

T. Harv Eker's declaration, "I promote my value to others with passion and enthusiasm," emphasizes the importance of self-belief, self-promotion, and the positive energy one brings when advocating for oneself or one's offerings.

General public commentary on this declaration includes the following perspectives:

This particular declaration enjoys a hugely empowering and positive reception from the public as people:

  • laud this declaration as a call for individuals to confidently recognize and assert their worth
  • see it as a reminder that if one doesn't believe in and advocate for oneself, it's unlikely anyone else will
  • living in today's era of personal branding and social media understand the importance of effectively communicating their value proposition in a crowded marketplace

In turn, some interesting concerns about overconfidence are raised by members of the public who suppose that:

  • such a declaration could lead to overconfidence or even arrogance
  • it's important to strike a balance between self-promotion and humility

The more neutral stance taken by the public conveys that it’s important to understand:

  • while promoting oneself with enthusiasm is essential, authenticity is a primary requirement as the passion and enthusiasm should come from a genuine place, not just as a sales tactic
  • that in some cultures, overt self-promotion might be viewed less favorably, while in others, it's a crucial part of personal and professional development

In summary, the overarching sentiment of Eker's declaration finds resonance with many, especially in entrepreneurial and self-improvement circles. 

Still, as with any principle, the nuances of its application and interpretation can vary based on individual and cultural perspectives.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

Many successful individuals, across various fields, have spoken about the importance of passionately advocating for oneself, recognizing one's value, and approaching pursuits with enthusiasm. 

Here are some quotes that resonate with T. Harv Eker's declaration:

Oprah Winfrey:

  • "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."

Richard Branson:

  • "There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you."

Warren Buffett:

  • "In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love."

Steve Jobs:

  • "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle."

Mary Kay Ash (founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics):

  • "Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, 'Make me feel important.' Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life."

Coco Chanel:

  • "My life didn’t please me, so I created my life."

Mark Cuban:

  • "Work like there is someone working twenty-four hours a day to take it away from you."

Grant Cardone (real estate mogul and sales expert):

  • "Approach every situation with an 'in-it-to-win-it-whatever-it-takes' mindset. Sound too aggressive? Sorry, but that is the outlook required to win nowadays."

Gary Vaynerchuk:

  • "I attract a crowd, not because I'm an extrovert or I'm over the top or I'm oozing with charisma. It's because I care."

Elon Musk:

  • "If something's important enough, you should try. Even if the probable outcome is failure."

Daymond John (entrepreneur and Shark Tank judge):

  • "If you’re not branding yourself, you can be sure others do it for you."

Tony Robbins:

  • "The only reason we don't have what we want in life is the reasons we create why we can't have them."

Robert Kiyosaki:

  • "Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."

Each of these quotes, in essence, emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's worth, pursuing passions, and advocating for oneself and one's values with unwavering enthusiasm.
These individuals not only believe in their value but also actively demonstrate their passion and enthusiasm when promoting their ideas, products, or services. 

This commitment to passionate promotion often plays a significant role in their success.

Public Commentary

“I’m not an extrovert, but in turning my passion into a business, I’ve found a meaningful way to promote my value offers based on sharing it with others in a way that suits who I am.”

“I failed at being an employee, but as a business owner I’m doing much better because I make the rules and I know my success is all up to me, which is why improving my leadership skills was essential. ”

# 11 - “I am an excellent receiver. I am open and willing to receive massive amounts of money into my life.”

Unpacking Eker's eleventh millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

This specific declaration is very much loved by the public and to them, emphasizes the balance between giving and receiving.

Public feedback agrees that recognizing the value of generosity while also being open to receiving blessings without guilt is crucial for a healthy relationship with wealth.

In stimulating high self worth by means of gratitude for what one has right now, the public audience feels that this declaration corresponds well with Eker’s Wealth File #10. 

With Eker’s Wealth Principle, “Money will only make you more of what you already are.” came the stark realization that if I don’t effectively manage myself and the situations in my life, I’m cutting myself off from great experiences.”  

“This quote by T. Harv Eker, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” sparked within me the motivation I needed to make the necessary mindset changes to inspire wealth in all it’s forms into my life.” 

Origin of the Concept of Being an Excellent Receiver of Wealth

The specific phrase “I am an excellent receiver. I am open and willing to receive massive amounts of money into my life” is closely associated with T. Harv Eker and his teachings on wealth and mindset, particularly from his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind."

The concepts of being receptive to abundance, being open to wealth, and maintaining a mindset conducive to success have roots in various philosophical, psychological, spiritual, and ancient teachings. 

Here’s an exploration of each of these themes:

Being an Excellent Receiver

  • Psychological: Psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott introduced the concept of "good enough mothering," which posits that the primary caregiver's ability to attune to and fulfill the child's needs helps develop a sense of trust and receptivity in the world. 
  • By receiving appropriate care and attention early on, an individual may be better predisposed to accept good things in life.
  • Spiritual: Many spiritual traditions emphasize the importance of gratitude. 
  • By acknowledging and being thankful for what one receives (whether it's food, love, or opportunities), one becomes a better "receiver."

Being Open to Abundance

  • Philosophical: Ancient Greek philosophers, like Epicurus, taught that the path to happiness was to focus on simple pleasures and avoid unnecessary desires. 
  • Though not about abundance in the material sense, it speaks to an abundance of joy and contentment.
  • Spiritual: The Law of Attraction, popularized in modern times by the book "The Secret" but having older roots, posits that by focusing on positive thoughts, one can bring about positive outcomes.

Being Open to Receive Massive Amounts of Money

  • Personal Development: Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" is one of the earliest personal development books that stressed the importance of belief and positive affirmation in achieving wealth.
  • Ancient Teachings: The Vedic scriptures of India talk about the concept of "Lakshmi," the goddess of wealth and prosperity. 
  • Devotees pray to Lakshmi to bless them with fortune.

Mindset Ideas in Psychology

  • Growth Mindset: Carol Dweck's work on the "fixed" vs. "growth" mindset has been influential. 
  • Those with a growth mindset, she argues, see challenges as opportunities and believe in their ability to develop their talents and abilities through effort, strategy, and instruction.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a form of therapy that teaches individuals to recognize and challenge their negative thought patterns, making way for more positive beliefs and behaviors.

Personal Development

  • Affirmations: Louise Hay, a motivational author, has been a proponent of positive affirmations. 
  • She believes that stating positive truths about oneself can bring about positive change.

Ancient Teachings

  • Buddhism: The Buddhist concept of "Right Livelihood" is a guideline to ensure that one's occupation doesn't harm others and is in line with one's values. 
  • While it doesn't directly speak to receiving money, it emphasizes alignment with one's work and purpose, which can lead to prosperity.
  • Taoism: The Taoist concept of "Wu Wei" (non-action) speaks to the idea of aligning with the natural flow of life. 
  • By doing so, one can achieve things effortlessly.

Each of these concepts, in its way, speaks to the broader idea that mindset, beliefs, and alignment with one's values and the universe can lead to prosperity and abundance.

Public Review

T. Harv Eker's declaration "I am an excellent receiver. I am open and willing to receive massive amounts of money into my life" from his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" has garnered varied responses from the general public, as with many of his other declarations. 

Here is an overview of the public commentary and perception:

This declaration sparked powerful inspiration and favor among the majority of the public who laud it in terms of:

  • the receiving aspect: "The emphasis on 'receiving' struck a chord with me. I've always struggled with accepting help or compliments, let alone money. This affirmation resonates deeply and feels like a nudge in the right direction." - Alice L., financial consultant.
  • seeing such statements as pivotal in shifting one's mindset towards abundance
  • the affirmation power: "After reading Eker's book, repeating this affirmation daily genuinely shifted my mindset towards abundance. It's a game-changer for those of us raised with limiting beliefs about money." - Jane D., self-help book enthusiast.
  • how regularly repeating such affirmations can help overcome limiting beliefs about money and enhance one's receptivity to wealth
  • an inspiration boost: "Regardless of whether you believe in affirmations, there's no denying that this statement is uplifting. It serves as a beacon, reminding me to remain receptive to financial growth opportunities." - Raj K., entrepreneur.

In turn, this affirmation receives critique and skepticism from some public individuals who feel that:

  • one can argue that simply stating or believing in an affirmation doesn't bring about material change
  • it takes more than just words: "I'm all for a positive mindset, but let's be realistic. Merely chanting an affirmation won't fill your bank account. Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration." - Mike G., business strategist.
  • such affirmations may inadvertently promote materialism or the idea that personal value is tied to monetary wealth
  • there are materialism concerns: "Eker's emphasis on 'massive amounts of money' makes me uneasy. It seems to tie personal value and success solely to monetary wealth, which is a narrow and potentially harmful view." - Pedro S., philosophy student.
  • action, rather than just positive thinking, is the key to financial success

On the more neutral measure of public reception there’s a sense of understanding that:

  • for affirmations to work, they should be part of a comprehensive approach to personal development and financial management
  • a holistic approach is needed: "While I appreciate the sentiment behind Eker's affirmation, I believe it should be part of a broader personal and financial growth strategy. The mindset is vital, but so is education on managing and investing wisely." - Sarah T., financial planner.
  • regardless of beliefs on the efficacy of affirmations, this statement is inspirational and serves as a reminder to stay open to opportunities and to maintain a positive and proactive attitude toward financial growth
  • Eker's choice of the word "receiver" has been a topic of discussion and some appreciate it, noting that many people struggle with receiving, whether it's compliments, help, or money while others feel it might be a passive approach to wealth accumulation
  • in the role of 'Receiving': "It's an interesting choice of wording. While some might see it as passive, others could view it as a proactive stance on breaking down personal barriers to accepting prosperity." - Henry F., psychologist.
  • it's not just about receiving money but also understanding how to manage, invest, and utilize it responsibly

In summary, as with any self-help or personal development teaching, responses vary based on individual experiences, beliefs, and backgrounds.

While T. Harv Eker's declaration finds resonance with many who vouch for its transformative power, it also invites its fair share of skepticism.

Some find great value and see tangible results from adopting such affirmations, while others remain critical or neutral.

As with most self-help teachings, individual experiences and perspectives play a significant role in shaping the reception of such affirmations.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

Many successful millionaires and billionaires have expressed sentiments that emphasize receptivity, abundance, and the power of mindset. 

Here are some quotes that align with the spirit of T. Harv Eker's declaration:

Oprah Winfrey

  • "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."
  • "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
  • "I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we're not wise enough to see it."

Jim Rohn (Entrepreneur, Author, and Motivational Speaker)

  • "Learn to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want."

Warren Buffett

  • "Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble."

Jack Canfield (Author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and a millionaire)

  • "Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it."

Bob Proctor (Author and speaker on personal development)

  • "Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time."

JK Rowling (Billionaire author of the Harry Potter series)

  • "We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already."
  • Before becoming a billionaire author, Rowling faced numerous rejections from publishers. 
  • However, she believed in her story and remained open to the idea that her book would one day be published and received by readers worldwide.

These individuals, through their words, reflect the idea of being open to abundance, believing in oneself, and welcoming prosperity into their lives, which aligns with the sentiment expressed by Eker.

Public Commentary

“In essence, I’ve learned the universe responds to my messages and with like frequency.”

“It seems to me that the law of attraction, although taboo for some, really has merit especially when one focuses on success and desired outcomes rather than the worries and stresses that will inevitably come.”

# 12 - “I choose to get paid based on my results.”

Unpacking Eker's twelfth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

Overall, the public receives this declaration as a call to be results-driven rather than just time-driven. 

It promotes the idea that one's value is tied to the results they produce, not just the time they invest and the public agrees that this declaration corresponds well to Eker’s Wealth File #11.

“What an eye-opening revelation Eker’s Wealth Principle, “There’s nothing wrong with getting a steady paycheck, unless it interferes with your ability to earn what you’re worth. There’s the rub. It usually does.” was!”

“To quote T. Harv Eker directly from his book, “Wealth Rule #1 states, ‘Never have a ceiling on your income.’ If you choose to get paid for your time, you are pretty much killing your chances for wealth.” underscores precisely the attitude I’m adopting to recreate my life with.”

Origin of the Concept of Choosing to Get Paid Based on Results

The phrase "I choose to get paid based on my results" is often associated with T. Harv Eker, particularly in the context of his teachings and his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

Eker is known for his principles and declarations that focus on wealth and success mindsets.

However, the broader concept of being compensated based on results or performance is not unique to Eker. 

Performance-based compensation has been a longstanding principle in various sectors, especially in sales and executive positions, where bonuses and commissions are tied directly to performance metrics.

While Eker may have popularized this specific phrasing in the context of personal development and mindset transformation, the underlying idea has been present in the business world and other arenas for quite some time. 

Although it's hard to pinpoint a single original source for such a ubiquitous concept, the application of this timeless principle is deeply rooted in many sectors and below is an indication of its evolution:

Ancient Trade and Barter Systems 

  • Even in ancient civilizations, traders and merchants were compensated based on the results of their efforts. 
  • If a merchant successfully transported and sold goods, they received compensation. 
  • Their success and therefore compensation were directly tied to their efforts and outcomes.

Medieval Guilds 

  • Craftsmen and artisans in medieval Europe were often paid based on the quality and quantity of their work. 
  • Guilds established standards, and members were compensated based on their adherence to these standards and the results of their craftsmanship.

Commission-Based Sales

  • This is one of the most direct applications of the principle. 
  • Salespeople, for centuries, have been rewarded with commissions based on the number or value of products or services they sell. 
  • The better they perform, the more they earn.

Executive Bonuses

  • In the modern corporate world, top executives often receive bonuses tied to the financial performance of the company. 
  • This ensures that their interests align with the company's success.

Performance-Based Advertising

  • With the advent of digital marketing, platforms like Google AdWords or affiliate marketing programs pay advertisers based on actual results, whether that's clicks, conversions, or some other metric.

Freelancing and Gig Economy 

  • Modern freelancers, especially those on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, often receive bonuses or higher pay rates for high-quality work or for completing tasks ahead of schedule.

Sports and Entertainment 

  • Many athletes have contracts where they earn bonuses based on their performance, whether it's scoring goals, winning championships, or achieving other metrics. 
  • Similarly, entertainers might receive royalties based on the success of their performances.

Stock Options in Startups

  • Employees in startups may receive stock options as a form of compensation. 
  • If the company does well and its valuation increases, these employees benefit directly from the results of their efforts.

Academia and Research

  • Some researchers receive funding or grants based on the results of their studies. 
  • The more successful or groundbreaking their research, the more funding they might secure.

Real Estate

  • Real estate agents typically work on a commission basis, earning their income when they successfully sell or lease properties.

This principle of "pay for performance" or "results-based compensation" underlines many areas of work and has been a motivating factor for individuals across sectors. 

It's a concept that aligns the interests of the individual with the broader goals of the organization or entity they work for.

Public Review

T. Harv Eker's declaration "I choose to get paid based on my results" has resonated with many individuals, especially within the personal development and entrepreneurial communities. 

The general public commentary surrounding this declaration can be categorized into positive, neutral, and critique perspectives:

The public feedback in praise of this declaration is in the majority, acknowledging that:

  • from the perspective of personal responsibility, this statement is empowering
  • these words place the onus of success on the individual, suggesting that if you're confident in your abilities and results, you should be willing to be compensated based on your performance
  • this declaration aligns well with the entrepreneurial spirit of self-starters since their earnings are often directly tied to their efforts and results
  • Eker’s statement is also confluent with the meritocratic ideal where individuals are rewarded based on their talent, effort, and achievement rather than fixed salaries or seniority

In turn, and like with any belief, this declaration is challenged with sketptical arguments from a portion of public members who put forward that:

  • such a mindset, if pushed by employers, could lead to exploitation where employees might be compelled to work longer hours or under more stressful conditions to achieve the desired results
  • focusing solely on results can sideline other crucial aspects of work, such as the process, learning, collaboration, and work-life balance
  • situations could present where results might be influenced by factors beyond an individual's control, making result-based pay unfair

The general neutral public perspective yields that:

  • while the sentiment can be applied in sales or entrepreneurial ventures, it might not be suitable for all professions or roles
  • while some people thrive in result-based environments, others prefer the stability and predictability of a fixed income, especially if they have financial obligations

Overall, Eker's declaration speaks to the heart of personal responsibility and the desire to be recognized and compensated for one's efforts and results. 

It's a mindset that encourages self-belief and an entrepreneurial spirit. 

However, its application and relevance can vary based on individual preferences and specific industries or professions.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

While the precise phrasing "I choose to get paid based on my results" might not be readily available from the exact words of every millionaire, the sentiment of being rewarded for results, effort, and value is prevalent among many successful people.

The idea of being compensated based on results or performance isn't new, and many millionaires and billionaires have applied this principle in their businesses and careers. 

Here are some successful individuals who apply the principle of being rewarded based on results:

Elon Musk:

  • "I do think there is a good framework for thinking. It is physics. You know, the sort of first principles reasoning. [...] What I mean by that is, boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there."

Peter Drucker:

  • "Results are obtained by exploiting opportunities, not by solving problems."

Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook):

  • "Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence."

Lori Greiner (Inventor, QVC host, 'Shark Tank' investor):

  • "I had a history for starting something and maybe getting halfway done. Then I'd see the same thing I was doing on the bestseller list. My ideas were right, but I hadn't been carrying them out."

Daymond John (Founder of FUBU, 'Shark Tank' investor):

  • "Every problem can be solved as long as they use common sense and apply the right research and techniques."

Gary Vaynerchuk:

  • "I'm grinding when you're sleeping."

Grant Cardone:

  • "Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility."

    Andrew Carnegie:
  • "The standard of living of the wage earner of this country is higher than that of those similarly employed in any other country. This could not be if he were not more efficient. And he could not be more efficient unless he were better paid, better fed, better clothed, and better educated."

Napoleon Hill:

  • "No man can succeed in a line of endeavor which he does not like."

Oprah Winfrey:

  • "You get in life what you have the courage to ask for."

J.K. Rowling:

  • "You've got to work. It's about structure. It's about discipline. It's all these deadly things that your school teacher told you you needed... You need it."

Robert Kiyosaki:

  • "Inside of every problem lies an opportunity."

Mary Kay Ash (founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics):

  • "Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try."

Jack Canfield:

  • "Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try."

Steve Jobs:

  • "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

Mark Cuban:

  • "It doesn't matter how many times you fail. It doesn’t matter how many times you almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you. All that matters in business is that you get it right once."

Each of these quotes, in their own way, speaks to the idea of being rewarded for one's efforts, results, and value.

They reflect the ethos of being results-driven, where results, not mere efforts, are what define and reward a person's journey. 

This aligns with Eker's sentiment of choosing to be paid based on results.

Public Commentary

“Pricing has always been an area of contention for me, but knowing the value I present people with helps me be successful in negotiating win-win situations for us all.”

“My business has turned out to be more lucrative than trading my time for money based on the freedom I have to innovate.”

# 13 - “I always think both.”

Unpacking Eker's thirteenth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

The public opinion conveys their understanding of this declaration to be that it encourages inclusive and expansive thinking. 

The overall point of view is that, instead of limiting oneself to binary either/or choices, this declaration promotes looking for solutions and opportunities that encompass the best of both worlds, which according to the public corresponds well to Eker’s Wealth File #12.

“When I read the book and saw Eker’s Wealth Principle… “Rich people believe: ‘You can have your cake and eat it too.’ Middle-class people believe: ‘Cake is too rich, so I’ll only have a little piece.’ Poor people don’t believe they deserve cake, so they order a doughnut, focus on the hole, and wonder why they have ‘nothing.’”, I knew I had to change my mindset, and fast!” 

I found that this quote from T. Harv Eker, “Many believe money and happiness are mutually exclusive, that either you can be rich or you can be happy. Again, this is nothing more than ‘poor’ programming.” was pivotal in my personal transformation when I looked back in my journal to try and discover the turning point in my life - and this was it.”

Origin of the Concept of Having Both Money and Happiness Together

The phrase "I always think both" is attributed to T. Harv Eker and is one of the wealth principles presented in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

In the book, Eker discusses the difference between a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset. 

The idea behind "I always think both" is to challenge the either/or paradigm and to embrace a mindset that seeks multiple outcomes or solutions, essentially choosing both options instead of limiting oneself to just one.

And what this idea promotes is an abundance mindset, which has roots in various philosophies, religious teachings, and strategies throughout history. 

This concept urges one to move away from a limited, binary way of thinking to embrace a more holistic and expansive perspective. 

Let's delve into its timelessness and historical applications:

Ancient Philosophies

  • Daoism (Taoism): The Yin-Yang symbolizes the interdependence of opposites. 
  • Rather than seeing things in black and white, Daoism embraces the interconnectedness and balance of all things. It's not about choosing one over the other but understanding that both can coexist.
  • Indian Philosophy: The idea of "non-duality" (Advaita) suggests that there is an underlying unity in diversity. 
  • It's the understanding that seemingly contradictory entities or ideas might just be two sides of the same coin.

Religious Teachings

  • Christianity: The concept of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) in Christianity moves away from binary thinking. 
  • It's about three entities existing as one.
  • Buddhism: Embraces the Middle Way, which means avoiding extremes and accepting both sides of any dualities.

Historical Figures

  • Leonardo da Vinci: A polymath, he didn't limit himself to either science or art. 
  • He believed in the interconnectedness of disciplines, leading him to create masterpieces and inventions.
  • Benjamin Franklin: A statesman, inventor, and writer, he wore many hats, embracing both political strategy and scientific inquiry, showing that one doesn't need to limit oneself.

Business and Innovation

  • Steve Jobs: Rather than choosing between design and technology, Jobs believed that Apple's success lay at the intersection of the two. 
  • His products are a testament to this principle.
  • Elon Musk: Instead of focusing on just one industry, Musk ventures into automotive (Tesla), space (SpaceX), neural technology (Neuralink), and underground transportation (The Boring Company), among others.

Negotiation & Diplomacy

  • Great negotiators and diplomats often don't think in terms of "either/or." 
  • They find solutions where all parties feel they have gained something, leading to a "win-win" situation.

In essence, the principle of "thinking both" is about transcending apparent contradictions and seeing the larger picture. 

It's about integrating rather than segregating, synergizing rather than compromising. 

It's a mindset that has been embraced by thinkers, leaders, innovators, and visionaries throughout history to achieve greatness.

Public Review

T. Harv Eker's declaration "I always think both" from his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" encapsulates the idea of embracing an abundance mindset over an either-or, scarcity mindset. The idea is to challenge the limiting belief that you have to choose between two good things and instead strive to achieve both.

The general public commentary on this declaration can be categorized as follows:

Most of the public find this statement to be positive as they feel it encourages:

  • a strong mindset shift to be empowered by, especially in the personal development and entrepreneurial space
  • people to challenge self-imposed limitations
  • one to be reminded that there are often multiple solutions to a problem, and one doesn't necessarily have to settle

In turn, the critique offered by the smaller minority of the public holds the perception that this statement:

  • is too simplistic
  • is not feasible or practical as, in real-world scenarios, there are often trade-offs that need to be made
  • could ptentially lead to greediness or overindulgence when one is always wanting "both", especially if taken out of context or applied materialistically

A fair amount of the public agree on some neutral points offered by this statement with the perspective that:

  • while this statement is motivational, its application depends on individual circumstances
  • it can work in some scenarios but might not be applicable in others
  • although the value of this mindset shift is obvious, its limitations must also be recognized

In essence, the declaration "I always think both" resonates with many who are into personal development and self-improvement. 

However, like many such statements, its effectiveness and relevance can vary based on individual perspectives and circumstances.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

The phrase "I always think both" from T. Harv Eker underscores the idea of embracing an "and" mentality rather than an "either/or" one. 

It's about seeing opportunities in multiple avenues and not limiting oneself to an either/or scenario, but finding ways to create mutual and multiplicitous win-wins. 

Reasonably, one doesn't have to choose between personal happiness (or well-being) and professional or financial success. 

Many successful individuals recognize that one does not necessarily preclude the other and, in fact, both can be intertwined. 

Here are some quotes from successful individuals that capture this sentiment:

Richard Branson: 

  • "Don't think of work as work and play as play. It's all living."
  • This quote suggests that Branson doesn't distinguish between work (profits) and life (happiness); he blends them.

Warren Buffett: 

  • "I tap dance to work, and when I get there, I think I'm supposed to lie on my back and paint the ceiling. It's tremendous fun." 
  • Buffett is emphasizing that he finds joy (happiness) in what brings him financial returns (profits).

Oprah Winfrey: 

  • "You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it."
  • Oprah speaks to the idea of passion aligning with profession.

Steve Jobs: 

  • "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." 
  • Here, Jobs emphasizes the intersection of passion (happiness) and meaningful work (leading to profits).

Sheryl Sandberg: 

  • "When you're more valuable, the people around you will do more to make it work."
  • Sandberg touches on the relationship between personal value (happiness and self-worth) and professional worth (profits and success).

Arianna Huffington, founder of Huffington Post: 

  • "Money and power alone are a two-legged stool – you can balance on them for a while, but eventually, you're going to topple over. And more and more people – very successful people – are toppling over."
  • Huffington speaks to the idea that profits alone aren't enough; personal well-being and happiness are crucial.

Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos: 

  • "At Zappos, our belief is that if you get the culture right, most of the other stuff — like great customer service, or building a great long-term brand, or passionate employees and customers — will happen naturally on its own."
  • Hsieh believes in cultivating happiness and a positive culture, and in turn, the profits will follow.

These leaders and entrepreneurs emphasize that pursuing both happiness and profits is not only possible but also optimal. 

They recognize that genuine success encompasses more than just financial metrics.

Public Commentary

“It’s no longer about the money, because money seems to come easier and is enjoyed much better when the path to the money is in the spirit of joyful abundance.”

“I’m far more productive and balanced while deliberately working on both aspects of happiness and success in what I do.”

# 14 - “I focus on building my net worth!

Unpacking Eker's fourteenth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

The public perceives this declaration as a financial education in a sentence. 

The mindset shift from just earning (working income) to building assets and passive income sources, according to public opinion, is essential for long-term wealth creation and they feel this statement corresponds well with Eker’s Wealth File #13.

“Of course Eker’s Wealth Principle, “The true measure of wealth is net worth, not working income.” sums up in one sentence what we all actually really want, but often don’t know how to express.”

“It’s plain as day in this quote by T. Harv Eker, “By tracking your worth, you are focusing on it, and because what you focus on expands, your net worth will expand.” why some people keep getting richer and richer - and I’m working on being the next person to do so.”

Origin of the Concept of Focus on Increasing Net Worth

The phrase "I focus on building my net worth!" is closely associated with T. Harv Eker, especially in the context of his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

Eker uses this and other similar affirmations to instill a wealth-building mindset in his readers. The general concept of building and focusing on net worth has been around for a long time in financial literature and teachings, this particular phrasing is attributed to Eker in the context of his work.

The idea of focusing on one's net worth is intrinsic to the principles of wealth-building and financial management. Net worth – the difference between a person's assets and liabilities – is a fundamental concept in finance and wealth-building. 

It provides a snapshot of one's financial health at a given time and can be used as a gauge of overall financial progress. 

Here's an elaboration on the history and evolution of the concept:

Ancient Times and Middle Ages 

  • Even in ancient civilizations, such as the Roman, Greek, and Chinese empires, the concept of accumulating assets and wealth was prevalent. 
  • The richest individuals were often those who had vast lands, properties, and other tangible assets that outweighed their debts. 
  • While the term "net worth" might not have been used, the underlying principle was the same: increasing one's assets and minimizing liabilities.

The Renaissance 

  • With the rise of trade, banking, and capitalism, the Renaissance period saw the emergence of a new class of merchants and financiers. 
  • The Medici family in Florence, for instance, amassed significant wealth not just through trade but also via astute financial management and lending.

Modern Age 

  • With the industrial revolution and the rise of modern corporations in the 18th and 19th centuries, financial principles became even more crucial. 
  • Figures like J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller focused on increasing their assets – whether through banking, oil, or other industries – while strategically managing their debts.

Financial Education 

  • By the 20th century, the idea of personal finance and wealth-building became more democratized. Many books, seminars, and courses started emerging, teaching individuals how to manage their finances. 
  • Books such as "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, although not strictly about net worth, touched upon the importance of accumulating wealth and managing finances.

Modern Financial Gurus 

  • In more recent times, several financial experts and advisors emphasize the importance of understanding and building one's net worth. 
  • Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a prime example. 
  • In the book, Kiyosaki discusses the significance of assets and how they differ from liabilities, indirectly emphasizing the idea of net worth.

In sum, while the terminology might have evolved and the strategies for accumulating wealth might have changed, the core principle of focusing on net worth – assets minus liabilities – has been a constant throughout history. 

It's a universal tenet of sound financial management and wealth accumulation.

Public Review

T. Harv Eker's declaration "I focus on building my net worth!" is a reflection of a foundational principle in his teachings about wealth and financial success. 

The idea behind this statement is emphasizing the importance of not just earning money, but effectively managing, investing, and growing it.

But how does the public receive this affirmation?

The majority of the public find value in this declaration as positive and motivational by expressing that:

  • it shifts the focus from short-term gains to long-term financial health and stability
  • it’s encouraging individuals to be more intentional with their financial decisions
  • it promotes financial literacy by pushing people to understand assets, liabilities, and overall financial health
  • focusing on net worth is more holistic than just concentrating on income because it includes assets and investments, not just cash flow
  • it aligns with Eker's overall message about cultivating a millionaire mindset

In turn, some critique is offered by a portion of the public who argue that:

  • although the statement is fundamentally sound, it might oversimplify the complexities of financial management
  • not everyone has the immediate means to focus on building their net worth if they're struggling with basic expenses
  • such a heavy emphasis on net worth can lead individuals to prioritize money over other life aspects like health, relationships, or personal growth
  • such a statement could promote materialism and reduce success and self-worth to financial metrics

A reasonable volume of the public see the more neutral points this declaration presents with the general perception that:

  • this declaration as a simple financial principle that many financial advisors and experts advocate for, thus not attributing it specifically to Eker's genius but more as common financial advice
  • the statement's relevance is subjective
  • while building net worth is essential for some, it might not be a primary focus for others
  • this affirmation can be seen as a standard piece of financial advice, akin to common recommendations like "spend less than you earn" or "invest early"

Like with any popular self-help or personal development mantra, reactions to Eker's statements will vary based on individual perspectives, life situations, and personal values. 

However, the idea of focusing on building net worth aligns with the broader theme of Eker's work, emphasizing financial empowerment and the cultivation of a wealthy mindset.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

The sentiment of focusing on building one's net worth is shared by many successful individuals in the world of finance and business. 

Here are some quotes from notable millionaires and billionaires that echo Eker's declaration:

Warren Buffett 

  • "It's nice to have a lot of money, but you know, you don't want to keep it around forever. I prefer buying things. Otherwise, it's a little like saving sex for your old age."
  • While this isn't a direct quote about net worth, Buffett's investment strategies and philosophies always revolved around increasing value and building assets.

Robert Kiyosaki

  • "The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what's left."
  • Kiyosaki's emphasis here is on how the rich focus on increasing their assets and investments, which in turn boosts their net worth.

David Bach

  • "The number one reason most people don't get what they want is that they don't know what they want. Rich people are totally clear that they want wealth."
  • Bach highlights the clarity of purpose and determination rich people have in building their wealth and, by extension, their net worth.

Steve Siebold 

  • "The world class are more aggressive about learning and earning, and not just because of the money. The true motivation of the great ones is the obsessive and unquenchable need to know and grow.
  • Siebold draws attention to the drive and passion of successful individuals to constantly learn and grow, which contributes significantly to their increasing net worth.

Mark Cuban (Owner of the Dallas Mavericks)

  • "Diversification is for idiots."
  • Cuban believes in putting his money where he can monitor and influence its growth. 
  • By concentrating his investments in areas he is knowledgeable about, he's been able to grow his net worth substantially.

Dave Ramsey (Financial guru and radio show host)

  • "Debt is dumb. Cash is king."
  • Ramsey preaches a debt-free lifestyle. 
  • By minimizing liabilities and focusing on savings and investing, one can build a significant net worth over time.

Suze Orman (Financial advisor and television host)

  • "True financial freedom is not only having money but having power over that money as well."
  • Orman advocates for wise money management. 
  • By understanding how to control money, one can invest wisely, minimize expenses, and grow their net worth.

Ray Dalio (Founder of Bridgewater Associates)

  • "He who works the most, learns the most."
  • Dalio emphasizes continuous learning and adapting, which has been a key factor in his ability to manage one of the world's largest hedge funds and, in turn, amass a substantial net worth.

Robert Kiyosaki (Author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad")

  • "The rich buy assets. The poor only have expenses. The middle class buys liabilities they think are assets."
  • Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of acquiring income-generating assets to increase net worth. He suggests that real estate, stocks, and businesses are the kinds of assets that can help individuals grow their wealth over time.

These quotes reflect a mindset that prioritizes wealth-building and the consistent focus on growing one's assets and overall net worth.

Public Commentary

“There’s a vast difference in mindset from living hand-to-mouth, to net-worth-based thinking and with this simple switch in my own thought patterns I’ve started reevaluating every financial decision I’m making.”

“Focusing on net worth growth has helped me run my company differently, more profitably and in essence, make better decisions for the company as we are building a lasting legacy.”

# 15 - “I am an excellent money manager.”

Unpacking Eker's fifteenth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

The public at large agree that these words are an affirmation of financial responsibility and competence. 

They feel that by regularly declaring this declaration, it reinforces good money habits and fosters a sense of financial stewardship.

The public agree that this statement corresponds well to Eker’s Wealth File #14.

“Eker’s Wealth Principle, “Until you show you can handle what you’ve got, you won’t get any more!” is a profound reminder to me to get with the program and take charge of what I value.”

“This quote by Eker, “Money is a big part of your life, and when you learn how to get your finances under control, all areas of your life will soar.” signaled to me the starting point of my journey to success, and I haven’t looked back since.”

Origin of the Concept of Being an Excellent Money Manager

The phrase "I am an excellent money manager" is popularly associated with T. Harv Eker, especially due to its inclusion in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

Eker emphasizes the importance of affirmations in shaping one's mindset towards money and wealth. 

By frequently repeating such affirmations, Eker suggests that individuals can change their subconscious beliefs about money, which in turn can influence their financial behaviors and outcomes.

However, the concept of self-affirmation and positive self-talk regarding one's abilities, including financial management, predates Eker and has roots in the broader self-help and personal development movements. It's hard to pinpoint a single original source for such a general affirmation. 

Still, in terms of popularizing it in the context of financial mindset, T. Harv Eker played a significant role.

The importance of mindset, belief systems, and their influence on individual behaviors and outcomes has been a central theme in various self-help and personal development movements for centuries. 

The spiritual traditions, from antiquity to the present, have also been interwoven with teachings on mindset, inner wealth, and the manifestation of material prosperity.

Here's a deeper dive into some of the roots and influential figures:

Ancient Philosophical Teachings 

Philosophers like Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, and Epictetus emphasized the significance of controlling one's own mind and reactions to external events. 

They believed that by mastering the mind, one could lead a fulfilled and prosperous life.

Hinduism: Law of Karma 

The belief that actions, including thoughts, will come back to you. 

Good actions lead to positive outcomes and vice versa.

Hinduism: Vedas & Upanishads 

Ancient scriptures talk about the power of the mind and the universe's abundance. 

The right mindset and actions can tap into this abundance.

Hinduism: Bhagavad Gita

Krishna advises Arjuna on the importance of duty, focus, and righteousness, emphasizing detachment from the results but commitment to the action.

Buddhism: Right Intention 

Part of the Eightfold Path, it emphasizes positive thinking and goodwill.

Buddhism: Mindfulness 

Being present and conscious in every action, including financial dealings and understanding one's relationship with wealth.

Buddhism: Detachment 

While Buddhism emphasizes detachment from material desires, it also recognizes the need for material sustenance and supports ethical ways of achieving it.

Islam: Zakat 

One of the Five Pillars, it's the act of giving a portion of one's wealth to the needy, emphasizing sharing abundance.

Islam: Halal Earnings 

Earning money through ethical means is crucial. 

Honest trade and dealings are emphasized.

Islam: Quranic Verses

The Quran speaks about the importance of gratitude, patience, and trusting in God's provisions.

Taoism: Wu Wei 

The concept of "non-doing" or "action through inaction." 

It's about aligning with the flow of life, which can be applied to wealth generation by being in sync with opportunities and not forcing outcomes.

Taoism: Yin and Yang 

The balance of opposites, which can relate to balancing material pursuits with spiritual growth.

Kabbalah: Light and Vessel 

The idea is that humans are vessels designed to receive the light (blessings, including abundance). 

Proper alignment and intentions allow for more light to be received.

New Thought Movement (Late 19th - Early 20th Century) 

This movement believed in the power of thought to bring about circumstances. 

"As a man thinketh, so is he," a biblical proverb, was central to their teachings. 

Books like "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles (1910) and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill (1937) stem from this tradition. 

They emphasize positive thinking, affirmations, and visualizing success.

Psycho-Cybernetics (1960) 

Dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote this influential book that introduced the idea of a "self-image" that we hold in our subconscious minds. 

He posited that this self-image could be changed, leading to changes in behavior and outcomes.

Positive Psychology 

In the late 20th century, Dr. Martin Seligman's work on positive psychology highlighted the power of mindset and positive thinking in determining life outcomes. 

His research showed that by fostering a positive mindset, individuals can increase their resilience, well-being, and success.

Financial Self-Help 

Before Eker's statement, there were others who emphasized financial prudence and effective money management. 

For instance, Benjamin Franklin's famous saying, "A penny saved is a penny earned," emphasized the importance of saving and being wise with money.

Affirmations and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

CBT, developed by Aaron Beck in the 1960s, works on the premise that changing negative thought patterns can lead to changes in behavior. 

The use of positive affirmations, like "I am an excellent money manager," is a tool to replace negative or limiting beliefs.

Modern Personal Development Gurus 

Before Eker, figures like Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki (author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"), and others have emphasized the importance of mindset in achieving financial success. 

Their teachings revolve around changing one's belief systems, setting clear financial goals, and adopting habits that foster wealth-building.

In conclusion, while T. Harv Eker popularized specific money-related affirmations, the broader concepts of self-affirmation, the power of mindset, and the belief in one's capabilities have deep roots in various philosophical, spiritual, and psychological traditions.

Drawing heavily from spiritual principles, it emphasizes the power of thought in manifesting desires, including wealth. 

It introduced ideas like the Law of Attraction, which suggests that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.

Public Review

T. Harv Eker's declaration "I am an excellent money manager" from his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" has sparked various responses among readers and the general public. 

Here's a breakdown of the public commentary on this particular declaration:

Most of the public value in this declaration as positive self-fulfilling prophecy and feel that:

  • this declaration is empowering
  • by affirming oneself as an excellent money manager, it can help shift one's mindset from a scarcity perspective to an abundance perspective
  • regularly reminding oneself of their potential to be a good money manager can actually lead to better financial decisions
  • it is preferred to take personal responsibility for one’s financial well-being rather than blaming external factors

In turn, there are points of critique being offered by some of the public who perceive that:

  • an oversimplification of merely declaring oneself as an excellent money manager waters down the complexities of financial management
  • there are systemic challenges and unexpected life events that can impact one's financial situation
  • a concern exists that, without proper financial education, such affirmations might lead to overconfidence, potentially resulting in risky financial decisions

A different group of the public point out out some neutral perspectives this statement sparks, underscoring that:

  • appreciating this positive affirmation can be helpful, although merely saying it doesn't make it true
  • proper money management requires knowledge, discipline, and practice
  • although mindset is crucial, action is equally important 
  • one should caution against relying solely on affirmations without the backing of actual financial literacy

Overall, while many appreciate the motivational aspect of such declarations, there's a consensus on the importance of combining a positive mindset with actionable knowledge and sound financial practices.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

The idea of being prudent with money and managing it well is not new. 

Several successful individuals have emphasized the importance of managing money effectively. 

Here are some quotes that resonate with T. Harv Eker's declaration:

John D. Rockefeller 

  • "I believe that thrift is essential to well-ordered living."
  • Rockefeller, the oil magnate, believed in the virtue of saving and being thoughtful with expenditures.

Jim Rohn 

  • "It’s not the amount that counts, it’s the plan that counts."
  • The motivational speaker emphasizes the significance of planning in money management.

Benjamin Franklin 

  • "Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship."
  • Franklin, a polymath, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, was well known for his wisdom on financial matters.

Peter Lynch 

  • "Know what you own, and know why you own it."
  • Lynch, one of the most successful and well-known investors, stresses the importance of understanding your investments.

Dave Ramsey 

  • "Budgeting is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went."
  • Ramsey, a personal finance expert, emphasizes the importance of budgeting in money management.
  • "You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you."
  • A popular personal finance guru, Ramsey believes in avoiding debt and building wealth slowly.
  • Ramsey’s teachings revolve around budgeting, avoiding debt, and living within one's means.

Carlos Slim 

  • "Maintain austerity in good times to avoid layoffs in bad times."
  • Slim, a Mexican billionaire, highlights the value of frugality and foresight in managing resources.

Suze Orman

  • "Just because you can afford it doesn't mean you should buy it."
  • Financial advisor and author, Orman believes in the emotional intelligence behind money.
  • Suze emphasizes the difference between wants and needs, promoting thoughtful spending.

Charlie Munger 

  • "The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first rule."
  • Munger, vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, stresses the importance of safeguarding one's wealth.
  • "It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent."
  • Buffett's longtime partner, Munger believes in understanding the fundamentals and avoiding unnecessary risks.
  • Munger's approach stresses the significance of avoiding financial blunders, rather than always seeking the highest returns.

Barbara Corcoran 

  • "I made money by taking calculated risks. But I was always disciplined about the moneys I invested."
  • Corcoran, a real estate mogul, speaks about the balance of taking risks while still being disciplined in money management.

Ray Dalio 

  • "If you don’t look at [money] in the way that it’s a zero-sum game, and you look at it in the way that you can keep improving, then it’s a fabulous game."
  • Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, speaks to the approach of continuous learning and growth in managing money.

Jack Bogle 

  • "Investing is not nearly as difficult as it looks. Successful investing involves doing a few things right and avoiding serious mistakes."
  • Bogle, founder of Vanguard Group, emphasizes simplicity and avoiding mistakes as keys to good money management.

Sir John Templeton 

  • "The four most dangerous words in investing are: 'this time it's different.'"
  • Templeton, a pioneer in mutual funds, reminds investors of the pitfalls of forgetting the principles of good money management.

Each of these individuals, through their words and actions, showcases a commitment to not just acquiring wealth but also preserving and growing it through prudent money management.

These quotes underline that successful money management is not just about making money but also about saving, investing, and being deliberate about financial decisions.

Public Commentary

“It was only when I started managing the money I had, that I was able to see where I was going wrong and why I was always broke.”

“Planning to take care of my needs first and then saving for my wants made the world of difference to my quality of life.”

# 16 - “My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money.”

Unpacking Eker's sixteenth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

The general public recognizes this statement as a shift from the paradigm of working hard for money as, the them, it stresses the importance of investments and having money generate more money.

The public appreciates that this affirmation focuses on the importance, value and relevance of money and agree that this declaration corresponds well to Eker’s Wealth File #15.

“Eker’s Wealth Principle, “Rich people see every dollar as a “seed” that can be planted to earn a hundred more dollars, which can then be replanted to earn a thousand more dollars.” was the metaphor I needed to start seeing investments in a different light and make an effort to follow suit.”

“What really resonated with me when I read his book, and to quote Eker, “Remember, money is energy. Most people put work energy in and get money energy out. People who achieve financial freedom have learned how to substitute their investment of work energy with other forms of energy.” helped me use the understanding that ‘everything’s energy’ to my benefit.” 

Origin of the Concept of Making Your Money Work Hard FOR You

The phrase "My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money" is popularly associated with T. Harv Eker due to its inclusion in his book, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

Eker uses this statement, among others, to encapsulate a mindset shift that he believes is essential for acquiring wealth.

However, the underlying concept—that one's money can be put to work to earn more money—has been a foundational idea in financial literature and wisdom for a very long time. 

This principle is the essence behind investing, compound interest, and the idea of creating passive income streams.

While Eker might have popularized this particular phrasing, the concept itself predates him. 

The likes of Benjamin Franklin have spoken about the power of compound interest, and there are many ancient proverbs and writings that hint at the idea of letting one's money work for them.

The principle itself is age-old and has been echoed by many financial thinkers and experts throughout history.

The notion of making money work for you is not new, and its roots can be traced back to ancient civilizations. 

Let's explore the concept in the context of various ancient cultures and financial practices:


The ancient Sumerians from Mesopotamia, dating back to 3000 BCE, are credited with introducing the earliest known form of a financial system.

They had extensive lending and credit systems, mainly for agricultural endeavors. 

Farmers would take loans for seeds and pay back with interest after the harvest. 

This system is one of the earliest instances of capital being used to generate more capital.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptian texts have references to grain banks, where grain was both deposited and lent, making it an early form of banking.

Temples played a significant role in these activities, lending grain to farmers who would then repay with interest after the harvest, once again highlighting the principle of making resources work to generate more resources.

Ancient Greece

The Athenians, in the 5th century BCE, are known to have had a vibrant financial market. Loans were provided based on maritime commercial ventures, and rates of interest varied.

The idea of letting money work can be seen in the practice of lending money for ships' ventures, with the expectation of receiving a portion of the profits.

Ancient Rome

The Roman Empire had a sophisticated financial system that included banks, currency exchanges, and lending institutions.

The Romans were known to invest in various ventures, including agriculture, real estate, and shipping. 

Wealthy Romans would lend money and earn interest, which is a direct application of the principle of making money work for you.

Ancient India

The ancient Indian text, "Arthashastra," written by Chanakya in the 4th century BCE, details governance and financial principles. It describes various forms of lending, borrowing, and setting up businesses.

The book emphasizes the importance of savings and investments, indicating an understanding of the value of letting capital generate further capital.

Ancient China

Ancient China had a complex economy with coinage, a taxation system, and large-scale state enterprises.

The Chinese concept of saving and investing, especially in land and agriculture, aligns with the principle of letting resources work to accumulate wealth.

Biblical References

Parables like the "Parable of the Talents" in the Bible speak to the idea of investment and growth. In the story, servants are entrusted with money (talents), and those who invest and grow their money are rewarded, while the one who hoards it without growth is reprimanded.

From these ancient practices, it's evident that the principle of using resources (whether it's money, grain, or any other form of capital) to generate more wealth is timeless. 

Of course cultures throughout history too have recognized and implemented this concept in various ways.

The idea that "money works hard for me and makes me more and more money" embodies several key principles that have been cornerstones in financial literature and thinking. 

Let's delve into these foundational ideas:

Compound Interest 

Albert Einstein reportedly once said that compound interest is the "eighth wonder of the world." 

Whether he actually said this or not, the sentiment captures the power of this financial concept. 

Compound interest means that interest is calculated on the initial principal, which also includes all of the accumulated interest from previous periods. 

In simpler terms, it's interest on interest, and it allows wealth to grow exponentially over time.


The concept of investing—whether in stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets—rests on the idea of putting money to work to generate more money. 

The goal is to purchase an asset that, either through appreciation, income, or a combination of both, produces a return on the money invested.

Passive Income

The aim here is to create revenue streams that require little to no effort to maintain. 

This could be from rental properties, dividends from investments, royalties from intellectual properties, or other sources. 

The idea of earning money while you sleep has been a tantalizing goal for many and is a significant part of wealth-building strategies.


Financial leverage is using borrowed capital (or borrowed assets) to increase the potential return on an investment. 

The use of leverage can significantly amplify gains, but it's a double-edged sword as it can also amplify losses. 

Throughout history, many of the most significant fortunes were built using leverage wisely.

Books and Literature

Many classic works emphasize these principles:

"The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason talks about fundamental financial lessons, including the idea of paying oneself first and letting that money work.

"The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham is often cited as the bible of value investing, emphasizing the concept of purchasing assets at less than their intrinsic value.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki promotes the idea of financial education, investing, and creating assets that generate income.

Historical Figures

Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, was also a savvy businessman and investor. 

He often emphasized frugality and wise investment. 

His famous saying, "A penny saved is a penny earned," underscores the importance of saving and letting money work.

John D. Rockefeller, the American business magnate, spoke about the importance of making money work for you.

His approach to business, investing, and the accumulation of wealth set the tone for modern capitalist enterprise.

Warren Buffett, the renowned investor, has long espoused the value of investing in strong businesses and letting compound interest work over long periods. 

His success is often attributed to this patient and calculated approach to investing.

In essence, while the phrasing "My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money" might be contemporary, the underlying principles have been the bedrock of financial wisdom for centuries. 

Many have recognized the importance of these ideas, and their consistent application has led to the creation of vast fortunes throughout history.

The principle of "making money work for you" underscores the importance of active investment and effective capital allocation to generate further wealth. 

Here are several effective ways this principle has been applied historically and contemporarily:

Interest-bearing Accounts

  • Depositing money in bank accounts that provide interest...
  • Savings accounts and fixed deposits. 
  • Historically, during times of high-interest rates, individuals could receive significant income from parking their funds in high-yield savings accounts.

Stock Market Investments

  • Buying shares of companies that appreciate in value and potentially offer dividends...
  • Investors who purchased Apple or Amazon shares in their early days have seen substantial appreciation in their investments.

Bonds and Fixed Income Securities

  • Lending money to entities (like governments or corporations) in exchange for periodic interest payments plus the return of the bond's face value when it matures...
  • U.S. Treasury Bonds have historically been seen as a reliable, albeit an income source that’s low-risk/low-reward.

Real Estate Investments

  • Purchasing properties to generate rental income or capital appreciation…
  • In cities like New York or San Francisco, property values and rental incomes have historically risen over time, benefiting long-term property owners.

Business Investments/Entrepreneurship

  • Starting or investing in a business that generates profits...
  • Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk have taken earnings from one venture and reinvested into others, multiplying their wealth.

Investing in Commodities

  • Investing in physical goods such as gold, oil, or agricultural products…
  • Throughout history, individuals have invested in gold as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations.

Venture Capital and Private Equity

  • Investing in startups or taking significant stakes in companies to generate substantial returns…
  • Venture capital firms like Sequoia Capital or Andreessen Horowitz have invested in startups that later became industry giants, resulting in massive returns on their initial investments.

Automated Investment Platforms or ‘Robo-advisors’

  • Using algorithms to make investment decisions…
  • Platforms like Betterment or Wealthfront diversify individual investments across a wide range of assets to ensure growth and mitigate risk.


  • Spreading investments across various asset classes to reduce risk and increase potential returns…
  • Legendary investor Warren Buffett's company, Berkshire Hathaway, holds diverse assets ranging from insurance to energy to consumer goods, shielding it from downturns in any single industry.

By mastering these and other methods, individuals can effectively apply the principle of making their money work for them. It's worth noting that all investments come with inherent risks, so it's always wise to do thorough research and, if possible, consult with financial professionals.

While many people are familiar with mainstream passive income streams like stock dividends, rental income, and bonds, there are several lesser-known yet lucrative options for those willing to explore. 

Here are some of those avenues:

Royalties from Intellectual Property

  • Earnings from patents, copyrighted works, and trademarks. For instance, inventors, artists, or authors can earn royalties from their creations…
  • If you write a unique piece of software or design a unique product, every time someone licenses or uses your creation, you earn a royalty.

Digital Products

  • Creating and selling online courses, e-books, stock photos, or design templates...
  • Sites like Udemy allow experts to create and sell courses on a wide range of subjects, while platforms like Shutterstock allow photographers to earn money from their photos.

Affiliate Marketing

  • Promoting products or services online and earning a commission for every sale through your referral link...
  • Bloggers or YouTubers might promote a product and receive a percentage of sales made through their specific referral links.

Vending Machines

  • Once set up and stocked, vending machines can be a source of steady passive income...
  • Machines selling snacks, beverages, or even electronics in strategic locations such as offices, schools, or transport hubs.

ATM Ownership

  • If you own an ATM, you can earn a fee every time someone uses the machine…
  • Placing ATMs in strategic high-traffic areas.

Purchase an Existing Online Business

  • Websites or online stores that are already generating profits…
  • Platforms like Flippa or Empire Flippers list profitable online businesses for sale.

Invest in a Business as a Silent Partner

  • Provide capital to a promising startup or business in exchange for a share of the profits...
  • Investing in a local cafe or boutique as a silent partner, where you provide the capital but aren't involved in daily operations.

Peer-to-Peer Lending

  • Online platforms where you can lend money to individuals or small businesses in exchange for interest payments.
  • While platforms like LendingClub and Prosper are relatively well-known, there are many niche P2P platforms catering to specific sectors or regions.

Invest in Farmland or Timberland

  • Investing in productive land can offer steady returns…
  • Platforms like AcreTrader allow investors to earn money from the crops produced on their fractional land ownership.

App Development

  • If you can develop a useful app or hire someone to do it for you, the earnings can be passive once the app gains traction.
  • A utility app or a game that becomes popular and generates revenue from ads or in-app purchases.

Purchase of Annuities

  • Annuities are insurance products that can provide a steady income stream…
  • Deferred annuities allow you to accumulate interest over time, and later, during the annuitization phase, you receive periodic payments...

These avenues do come with their own set of risks and entry barriers, so it's essential to do thorough research, understand the market, and possibly consult with professionals before diving in. 

However, when executed effectively, they can serve as robust passive income streams.

Public Review

T. Harv Eker's declaration, "My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money," embodies the principle of letting your money grow through investments, rather than just earning through direct labor. 

Here's a snapshot at public commentary on this declaration:

The larger portion of the public praise this declaration as a positive and empowering statement as it promotes:

  • empowerment by presenting a shift from the traditional idea of working hard for money to having your money work for you
  • challenging the linear relationship between hours worked and income
  • the power of passive income
  • the importance of savvy investing, prioritizing of financial literacy and a mindset to build assets
  • financial freedom and wealth creation by capturing the essence of the goal many aspire to: making money independent of active work

In turn, there’s also some sketicism from a part of the public who argue that:

  • while motivational the statement oversimplifies the complexity of investments as not all investments guarantee returns, and there's inherent risk
  • the idea might seem unreachable for individuals living paycheck to paycheck, creating barriers for some
  • for someone without disposable income, the idea of money making money can feel like a luxury
  • without proper context, such a statement might lead novices to make speculative and risky investments in the hope of quick returns

While other members of the public lift a neutral opinion with a general perception of agreement on:

  • the foundational principle here as it's a widely accepted tenet in finance: the power of compound interest and the value of investments
  • the effectiveness of this mindset being largely dependent on one's financial education
  • this statement being just a mantra without actionable steps if you don’t yet have an understanding of investment vehicles

In conclusion, while T. Harv Eker's statement encapsulates the aspirations of many in the financial world, it's received with varying degrees of acceptance. 

Like many motivational statements, its real-world applicability and effectiveness largely depend on individual circumstances, actions, and a bit of financial acumen according to public opinion.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

Many successful individuals throughout history have expressed the sentiment of making their money work for them, although the exact phrasing might differ. 

Here are some quotes from successful millionaires and financial thinkers that align with T. Harv Eker's declaration:

Warren Buffett:

  • "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."

Benjamin Franklin:

  • "Money can beget money, and its offspring can beget more."

John D. Rockefeller:

  • "Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in."

Paul Clitheroe, Australian television presenter, financial analyst:

  • "The best thing money can buy is financial freedom."

Charlie Munger, Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway:

  • "The big money is not in the buying and selling ... but in the waiting."

David Bailey, British photographer and director:

  • "To get rich, you have to be making money while you're asleep."

J. Paul Getty, American-British industrialist:

  • "Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells."

Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich":

  • "It is the most profitable form of capital to invest, that of personal service."

John D. Rockefeller:

  • "I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity."

Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates:

  • "The two most important things to do about money are to have a good investment strategy and to understand the role of money in your life – what it can and can’t do for you."

Carlos Slim, Mexican business magnate:

  • "Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity."

Ronald Read, a janitor who quietly amassed an $8 million fortune:

  • "The best way to have money work for you is to start saving."

Anne Scheiber, a retired IRS auditor who turned her $5,000 savings into $22 million:

  • "Good returns are more about time in the market than timing the market."

Charlie Munger, Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway:

  • "Our favorite holding period is forever."

Bernard Baruch, financier and statesman:

  • "The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible. But it also provides opportunities for those who have patience."

Peter Lynch, legendary stock market investor:

  • "The real key to making money in stocks is not to get scared out of them."

These quotes emphasize the value of passive income, smart investing, and the idea that one's money should continually grow without constant direct effort. 

They reflect the principle that T. Harv Eker expressed in his declaration.

Public Commentary

“I’ve found the secret to investing is getting the inside scoop from people who are truly already successful and making a killing in that field.”

“After starting my own business, I managed to turn it into easy passive income for myself and yes, it took long hours, a lot of research and plenty of refinement to get it righ - but eventually I did!” 

# 17 - “I am committed to constantly learning and growing.”

Unpacking Eker's seventeenth millionaire mind declaration in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind":

Public Opinion Overview

The majority of the public agree that this statement stands as a lifelong commitment to growth and education. 

They feel that this affirmation promotes an insatiable curiosity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and improvement which, according to public sentiment, corresponds well to Eker’s Wealth File #17.

“I gained huge insights into my personal attitude towards myself, money and others with Eker’s Wealth Principle, “You can be right or you can be rich, but you can’t be both.” and it changed my life fo the better.”

“The value of learning from mistakes is unmistakable and to quote T. Harv Eker, “Every master was once a disaster.”, now knowing where he started and where he ended up, reinforces my commitment to growth.”

Origin of the Concept of Committing to Constant Learning and Growing

The exact phrase "I am committed to constantly learning and growing" does not have a single, universally acknowledged originator, as the sentiment behind it is quite universal and has been shared by many thinkers, leaders, and educators throughout history in various forms.

The philosophy of lifelong learning and the importance of personal growth can be traced back to ancient civilizations and is a recurrent theme in various religious, philosophical, and cultural traditions. 

For instance:

Ancient Greek Philosophy 

Socrates once declared, "The unexamined life is not worth living." 

This sentiment underscores the importance of self-awareness, learning, and personal growth.


Confucius emphasized the value of continuous learning, as reflected in his saying, "Is it not a pleasure, having learned something, to try it out at due intervals? Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar? Is it not gentlemanly not to take offense when others fail to appreciate your abilities?"

Renaissance Humanism 

The Renaissance period in Europe was marked by a fervent belief in the potential for individual growth, learning, and personal enlightenment.

While the exact phrasing "I am committed to constantly learning and growing" might be contemporary, the underlying principle is timeless. T. Harv Eker, among many modern motivational speakers and authors, has popularized this sentiment in recent times, but it's a philosophy deeply embedded in human history.

Biblical Traditions 

The Bible, especially in the book of Proverbs, underscores the importance of seeking wisdom and understanding. 

Proverbs 1:5 states, "Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance."

Islamic Philosophy 

The Prophet Muhammad emphasized seeking knowledge as a duty upon every Muslim. 

He is quoted as saying, "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave," reflecting the lifelong pursuit of learning.


The Buddhist tradition highlights continuous self-improvement and the quest for enlightenment. 

The very life of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) is a testament to continuous seeking, learning, and self-improvement.

Ancient Indian Traditions 

The ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas, emphasize the value of knowledge with sayings like "Knowledge is light" and "Knowledge dispels ignorance." 

The pursuit of knowledge, both spiritual and practical, is encouraged as a way of life.

Platonic Philosophy 

Plato believed in an eternal realm of Forms or Ideas. 

For him, the process of learning and growth was about recollecting the eternal truths that the soul has forgotten.

Renaissance Thinkers 

The period of the Renaissance was defined by a rebirth of interest in science, art, and human potential. 

Figures like Leonardo da Vinci exemplified the "Renaissance Man" – someone versatile in their capabilities and always learning in multiple fields.

Age of Enlightenment 

Philosophers and thinkers during the Enlightenment believed in the power of reason, science, and learning. 

They held that human beings could improve themselves and their societies through knowledge.

Modern Education Movement 

Thinkers like John Dewey believed in "education as a living," emphasizing that learning is not just about formal education but a continuous process throughout life.

Self-help Movement 

The 20th and 21st centuries saw the rise of the self-help movement where personal growth, self-improvement, and continuous learning became major themes. 

Notable figures include Dale Carnegie, Stephen Covey, and yes, T. Harv Eker, among others.

Organizational and Business Philosophies 

In the business world, the idea of "kaizen," a Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement," became popular, suggesting that both individuals and companies should engage in continuous learning and self-improvement to achieve success.

Technological Age 

With the rise of the internet, lifelong learning has become even more emphasized as skills need to be constantly updated. 

The digital age has not only made it necessary but also easier for individuals to commit to continuous learning.

This commitment to growth and learning, whether spiritual, personal, or professional, has been a consistent theme in human civilization's journey. It's a testament to the human spirit's innate drive to evolve, improve, and transcend limitations.

The concept of continuous learning and growth is so deeply embedded in human civilization that it predates written history. 

Its threads run through various eras, disciplines, and cultural contexts. 

Let's delve deeper:

Ancient Greek Thought 

The ancient Greeks placed a high value on knowledge and wisdom. 

The Delphic maxim "Know thyself" was inscribed at the Temple of Apollo and underscores the importance of self-awareness as a starting point for growth. 

Socrates, through his dialectic method, emphasized the importance of inquiry as a means to wisdom.


Confucius, the Chinese philosopher, taught that the 'gentleman' should be in a state of constant self-refinement and moral cultivation. 

He believed in the value of lifelong study and moral discipline.

Native and Indigenous Teachings 

Many indigenous cultures around the world have traditions of storytelling, where elders pass down wisdom to younger generations, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning. 

These stories often center on personal growth, understanding one's place in the wider world, and respecting the interconnectedness of all life.

The African Concept of Ubuntu 

This philosophy, often translated as "I am because we are," highlights the interconnectedness of all people. 

It speaks to the idea that our growth and well-being are intrinsically connected to the growth and well-being of others.

Rabbis and Jewish Traditions 

In Jewish traditions, the study of Torah and Talmud is not just a religious obligation but a lifelong pursuit. 

Rabbis are often seen as lifelong learners, always delving deeper into the texts and extracting new meanings.

Alchemists and the Magnum Opus 

In medieval Europe, alchemists weren't just trying to turn base metals into gold; they were embarking on a spiritual quest for self-improvement. 

Their work symbolized personal transformation and the constant quest for perfection.

Philosophers of the Romantic Era 

Philosophers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe emphasized personal experience, emotion, and introspection as crucial elements of human growth.


Thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche put a lot of emphasis on individual responsibility to give meaning to life and to continuously redefine oneself in an otherwise indifferent or even absurd universe.

Modern Science and Neuroplasticity 

Modern neuroscience has discovered the concept of neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt throughout an individual's life. 

This scientific understanding reinforces the age-old concept that we can—and should—be lifelong learners.

Contemporary Lifelong Learning Movements 

In today's rapidly changing world, there are numerous movements and platforms, like MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), dedicated to the idea that learning can and should continue outside traditional educational settings and throughout life.

The Growth Mindset 

Carol Dweck's research on the "growth mindset" versus the "fixed mindset" highlights the importance of believing in one's capacity to learn and grow. 

This modern psychological theory roots itself in the age-old understanding that with effort and belief, transformation is possible.

Across continents, cultures, and millennia, the theme of continuous learning and growth emerges as a consistent and universal aspiration, reflecting humanity's innate drive towards betterment.

Public Review

T. Harv Eker's declaration, "I am committed to constantly learning and growing," resonates with a sentiment widely embraced in both personal development circles and by the general public. 

Here's an encapsulation of the general public’s stance on Eker’s declaration:

For the most part, the public lauds this declaration for it’s relevance and positivity, universally appreciating that:

  • continuous learning and personal growth are cornerstones of momentum
  • growth is key to personal and professional success
  • it’s important to adapt to change and evolve with time
  • with technological advancements and globalization, integration is essential
  • the importance of continuous learning has never been greater
  • Eker's sentiment aligns with this reality
  • this declaration empowers individuals to take control of their destiny through continuous improvement

In turn, the critiques and skeptics from the public voice that there exists:

  • an overemphasis on self-development
  • the potential for an excessive focus on personal growth which can lead to narcissism or neglect of communal and relational responsibilities
  • a possibility for burnout brought on by the pressure of constantly learning and growing that can be overwhelming for some, leading to mental health concerns
  • a hidden commercial angle based on skeptics who might perceive Eker's statement as a marketing strategy, considering his offerings in the personal development industry

Some neutral standpoints are illuminated from the public who hold the view that:

  • the necessity for constant learning and growth is subjective and depends on individual aspirations
  • the importance of balancing personal growth with moments of reflection and relaxation are essential

The concept of lifelong learning and personal growth has roots in many philosophical and spiritual traditions.

Thus suggesting that it's not a new concept but one that's been reiterated and repackaged in contemporary self-help and motivational spaces. 

Given its intrinsic appeal, Eker's declaration taps into a universal aspiration to evolve and improve, making it widely relatable and appreciated.

Similar Sentiments from Other Successful High Net Worth Individuals

Many successful individuals, especially those who've achieved significant wealth and status, recognize the importance of continuous learning and personal growth.

These successful millionaires and billionaires often attribute a significant portion of their success to their unyielding commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. 

Here are some quotes from well-known millionaires and billionaires that echo this sentiment:

Warren Buffett:

  • "The best investment you can make is in yourself."
  • Buffett, known as the "Oracle of Omaha", spends most of his day reading annual reports, books, and newspapers. 
  • He believes that building knowledge is the key to making informed investment decisions.
  • "Read 500 pages like this every day. That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will."

Charlie Munger: 

  • "Those who keep learning, will keep rising in life."

Jeff Bezos: 

  • "I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you're going to innovate."

Bill Gates:

  • "I spend a lot of time reading and thinking, and I try to view the world from a variety of perspectives." and "I take a lot of pride in the fact that my intellect is a product of continuous learning."
  • Gates is known for his "Think Week", where he takes a week off twice a year to reflect and read. 
  • He's also an avid reader and shares annual book recommendations.
  • "I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot."

Indra Nooyi (Former CEO of PepsiCo):

  • "Just because you are CEO, don’t think you have landed. You must continually increase your learning, the way you think, and the way you approach the organization."

Oprah Winfrey:

  • "Life is about growth and change. When you are no longer doing that—that is your whisper; that is your whisper that you are supposed to do something else."
  • Oprah is an advocate for education and self-improvement. She's known for her influential book club and has consistently promoted the importance of self-awareness and personal growth.
  • "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."

Dara Khosrowshahi (CEO of Uber): 

  • "Challenge convention. Convention will fail you. The way things have been done is not the way they will be done. So, take risks, learn quickly, and find your next challenge."

Elon Musk:

  • "It's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what you've done and how you could be doing it better."
  • Musk is known for his ability to grasp complex concepts quickly. 
  • When starting SpaceX, he read multiple books on rocketry and propulsion.
  • "You should take the approach that you're wrong. Your goal is to be less wrong."

Jack Ma (Founder of Alibaba): 

  • "You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die."

Mark Cuban:

  • Cuban is a believer in the power of knowledge and learning from every situation. He constantly reads and learns from both successes and failures.
  • "It's not about money or connections. It's the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone."

Reid Hoffman (Co-founder of LinkedIn): 

  • "The fastest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already the way you want to be."

Sara Blakely (Founder of Spanx):

  • "Embrace what you don't know, especially in the beginning, because what you don't know can become your greatest asset."
  • Blakely often speaks about the importance of embracing failures as learning opportunities and how her journey has been a series of lessons.
  • "It's important to be willing to make mistakes. The worst thing that can happen is you become memorable."

Brian Chesky (Co-founder of Airbnb):

  • "If we tried to think of a good idea, we wouldn’t have been able to think of a good idea. You just have to find the solution for a problem in your own life."

Ray Dalio (Founder of Bridgewater Associates):

  • "I learned that if you work hard and creatively, you can have just about anything you want, but not everything you want. Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones."
  • Dalio attributes his success to the "principles" he's developed over a lifetime of learning and reflection.
  • "Pain + Reflection = Progress."

Richard Branson:

  • "You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over."

Sheryl Sandberg:

  • "We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be leaning in."

These successful figures understand that personal and professional growth is not a destination but a journey, showcasing the real-world application of the principle of continuous learning and growth. 

Their success stories serve as powerful testimonials to the importance of this mindset in achieving greatness.

Continuous learning, adapting, and evolving are key components of their success stories.

Public Commentary

 “The more I learn, the more I realize I have so much more to learn…”

 “Back when I knew everything, I didn’t realize that what came out of my mouth betrayed that I know nothing so today, I listen, and learn, and I rest assured in the knowledge that there’s always someone else out there who will know more than I do.”

Conclusion: Is Secrets of the Millionaire Mind worth the read?

Whether "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker is worth the read depends on individual preferences and what you are hoping to achieve:

Based on public opinion, you’ll love reading "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" if:

  • you’re looking for a mindset shift as the book focuses on the psychology of wealth
  • you enjoy emphasis on how one's financial success starts with their mindset
  • you're seeking to understand and potentially change your beliefs about money
  • you feel you will find specific strategies and practices (like setting up different bank accounts for different purposes) helpful
  • you require some motivation to amplify personal responsibility
  • you’re ready for a call to action in case you feel stuck in your financial habits
  • you can accept that the principles are not tied to specific financial strategies or investment types

According to the public, you might not appreciate “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” as much if:

  • you don’t enjoy the personal experiences and observations shared by authors to bring their point across
  • you’re looking for a comprehensive financial guide backed by extensive empirical research
  • you find the repetition of core concepts boring and broad
  • the idea of upselling to an author’s other products and seminars is too sales-pitchy for you
  • you’re  looking for detailed financial strategies, or a deep dive into investments, budgeting
  • you don’t believe that your mindset plays a role in the technicalities of wealth-building.

So if you're interested in exploring the psychological barriers and beliefs that might be hindering your financial success, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" might be worth your time. 

On the other hand, if you're looking for a detailed financial guide or don't appreciate self-help books that lean heavily on anecdotes and motivational speaking, it might not be the best fit for you.

It's always a good idea to read a few reviews, check out sample pages, or get recommendations from friends or colleagues to determine if it aligns with your personal and financial growth journey.

Source Reviewed: “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker 

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Frequently Asked Questions about Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Declarations

Has your Mind ever wondered…

What are Eker's declarations in "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"?

Eker's declarations are affirmations designed to shift one's mindset around money, success, and life. 

They are connected to his Wealth Files, which detail how rich people think differently from poor and middle-class people.

How many declarations are there in the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”?

While the book presents 17 key Wealth Files, each has its own associated declaration. 

So there are 17 primary declarations in total.

How should I use these millionaire mind declarations for maximum effect?

Eker recommends repeating them daily, both in thought and out loud, and internalizing the belief behind each declaration. 

The idea is to replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones.

Is there scientific backing to these declarations?

The book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, draws on principles of cognitive behavioral therapy and neuro-linguistic programming as well as principles based on psychology and philosophy, both spiritual and general, regarding the power of affirmations. 

While Eker's focus is more on changing mindset than scientific evidence, many experts agree that mindset plays a crucial role in financial success.

Will I become rich just by repeating these declarations as Eker suggests in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind?

The declarations are meant to shift your mindset, which is only one part of achieving financial success. 

Action, education, and sound financial practices are also crucial.

What makes Eker's approach unique compared to other financial gurus?

Eker places significant emphasis on the subconscious and psychological barriers to wealth, offering a blend of practical financial advice and deeper mindset shifts.

Has there been any criticism of T. Harv Eker's declarations set out in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind?

Some readers feel the book might overemphasize mindset at the expense of practical financial steps, while others find the content repetitive. 

However, many have found value in his approach.

Where can I find a list of all the declarations if I don’t have the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind?

The best source would be "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" itself, but there are also many websites, forums, and summaries online that discuss Eker's principles.

The 'Declarations' are provided as a book bonus for people who have purchased the book, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker.

This article in particular delves into each of Eker’s millionaire mind declarations to provide some context based on public perspective.

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This was such an incredible book. Now i understand why and know how to fix it. It is all in my mind.

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Es el mejor libro que he podido leer. Fácil lectura y clara para tomará acción masiva. Gracias [Translated from Spanish: It is the best book I have ever read. Easy to read and clear to take massive action. Thank you ]

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Es maravilloso para mi el mejor libro que he podido leer. Fácil lectura, ejercicios y aplicación rápida. Me ha empujado a tomar acción masiva, no tengo excusas. Gracias

[Translated from Spanish: It is wonderful for me, the best book I have ever read (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind). Easy reading, exercises and quick application. It has pushed me to take massive action, I have no excuses. Thank you]

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Merci infiniment. [Translated from French: Thank you so much.]

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Merci infiniment, pour cette révélation par faute de connaissance tu risques de passer à côté de ton vrais monde. Quand je lis le livre, mon impression c'est comme si elle m'a été destiné on fait. Les propos sont exactement ce qui torturait ma progression. Merci du fond du cœur. Que le ciel vous inspire davantage.

[Translated from French: Thank you very much, for this revelation due to lack of knowledge you risk missing out on your real world. When I read the book, my impression is as if it was intended for me. The words are exactly what was torturing my progress. Thank you from the heart. May the sky inspire you more.]

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Horacio Aza


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Con gratitud y respeto, agradezco tanto material tan valioso para la superación personal, cabe resaltar que si no hay interés de cada uno en avanzar en sus pensamientos e ideales de una manera positiva, no se llegara a saborear las mieles del EXITO

[Translated from Spanish: With gratitude and respect, I appreciate so much valuable material for personal improvement, it should be noted that if there is no interest on the part of each person to advance their thoughts and ideals in a positive way, they will not be able to taste the honeys of SUCCESS.]

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Estoy iniciando con la lectura del libro y ha sido tan interesante que decido mañana acción para crear en mi interior un nuevo ser 🙂

[Translated from Spanish: I am starting to read the book and it has been so interesting that I decided to take action tomorrow to create a new being within me]

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kwstas kougios

thanks for all this knowledge that you gave me!!

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i buy the book "think like millionaire" and i read it!i also check the free book bonuses and take some advice from them and its realy helpfull and i am sure this is my first and big step for the succes not only in my money but in my life!

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