Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Bonus Net Worth Tracking Sheet Review

Rated 4.6 out of 5

If you would like to build and keep your wealth, it helps to know where you stand so you can create targets to aim at, and using a net worth tracking sheet could really help you along.

Since Eker's original Net Worth Tracking Sheet was a printable version of his rendition of such a document, please click here to 'Make a Copy' of, or 'Download' a digital net worth tracking sheet that you can update, adapt and customize to suit your personal requirements, and be sure to save a copy if you'd like to use it - please don't request 'Edit Permission'.

Comprehensive Review from the Public Perspective on Eker's Net Worth Tracking Sheet

In T. Harv Eker's "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", the author emphasizes the importance of financial management as a key principle to accumulating wealth.

But how does the public perceive Eker’s emphasis on money management and net worth in general, and how does a mindset supportive of making, keeping and growing money benefit anyone other than those who are already rich? 

We’ll let public perception shine a light for you and if you so desire, feel free to share your personal input with us with your valuable commentary, review and rating, but first:

Why the Net Worth Tracking Sheet is a Book Bonus of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

The theme of focusing on money management is evident throughout Eker’s literature and work, and is reiterated - in a sometimes not so subtle way according to the public - in his wealth files, the attitudes he describes in his teachings and also in the wealth principles he claims to live by.  

One of the tools he introduces in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is the "Money Management System", which includes the idea of tracking and managing your finances. 

Which is why Eker provides readers with a Net Worth Tracking Sheet as one of the bonuses when someone purchases his book…

Because the aim of this bonus, as the public sees it, is to help readers along on their journey to wealth and success.

While the book touches on several aspects of money management, here's a distillation of Eker's sentiments on the importance of tracking one's net worth and similar concepts, based on how the public perceives this notion and reasoning:

Awareness is Key

Eker mentions that "what you focus on expands"

By regularly tracking your net worth you're constantly aware of your financial situation. 

This awareness, from what the public understands, is the first step in improving and expanding one's wealth.

Management Before Income

One of Eker's fundamental beliefs is that to have more money, you need to be an excellent money manager, and he is not alone in this idea as most high net worth individuals share the same sentiment. 

From the public’s point of view, the message Eker is imparting here is that it's not just about earning more but also about managing, allocating, and growing what you already have.

Dividing Money

Eker suggests in much of his teachings, dividing money into specific accounts or jars, each with a designated purpose (e.g., necessities, financial freedom account, education).

This practice, received as very useful by the public, supports the idea that by tracking where your money is and where it's going, you can ensure it's being used effectively and purposefully.

Measurement Improves Performance

The act of regularly measuring and tracking net worth can, in itself, lead to improved financial performance. 

By knowing where you stand, you're more motivated and equipped to take actions that will enhance your net worth.

Although this concept of improving performance through measurement is not unique to Eker or to tracking one’s net worth, the public agrees that it is effective in getting results in various areas of life.

Conditioning for Wealth

Eker's philosophy revolves around the idea that our financial 'blueprint' or subconscious beliefs about money, as described in the first part of his book, influence our financial outcomes and a large proportion of the public agree with this point of view. 

By practicing the act of managing and tracking net worth, one can effectively condition themselves for wealth and success.

Accountability and Responsibility

Eker stresses that you need to take responsibility for your financial situation, no matter who you are or how much money you have coming your way from any avenue, and this resonates well with the public. 

No matter where you're starting from, you have the power to change your financial future and although some members of the global populous have difficulty in accepting this idea, most people agree that a shift in mindset and a few tweaks in habit could greatly benefit one’s financial outcomes. 

Tracking net worth, according to Eker and many other successful people, is a tangible way of taking this responsibility seriously.

While the "Money Management System" Eker proposes includes various components, the act of tracking one's net worth and other financial metrics is integral to the system he advocates. 

If you’d like to learn more about the money management practice proposed by the author to provide more context around the net worth tracking sheet, you’ll enjoy reading the post on the 6 Jars Money Management System.

Why Bother Tracking Your Net Worth?

Eker believes it ingrains financial discipline, awareness, and purposeful action – all of which are essential for achieving and maintaining wealth - and the majority of the public seem to agree with him:

Purpose of the Net Worth Tracking Sheet

  • People feel that the sheet is designed to give users a snapshot of their financial standing.
  • By tracking assets and liabilities regularly, one can measure their financial progress or identify areas of concern.

Components of the Net Worth Tracking Sheet


  • Typically lists items like cash, savings, investments, real estate, and other valuables. 
  • This provides a comprehensive view of what one owns.


  • This could include debts like mortgages, car loans, credit card balances, and other outstanding amounts.

Net Worth Calculation: 

  • Assets minus Liabilities. 
  • This gives a clear figure of one's net financial worth.

Frequency of Update of the Net Worth Tracking Sheet

  • Eker emphasizes the importance of updating and reviewing the sheet regularly. 
  • This keeps the user informed about their financial standing and prompts timely decisions.

Mindset Aspect of the Net Worth Tracking Sheet

  • Public opinion is that it’s consistent with Eker’s teachings, this tool isn’t just about numbers. 
  • It's also about cultivating a 'millionaire mindset'. 
  • Regularly updating and reviewing one's net worth makes one more financially aware and proactive.

Visualization and Goals Prompted by Using a Net Worth Tracking Sheet

  • People like seeing a tangible representation of financial growth as it can be motivating. 
  • If one's net worth is increasing over time, it acts as positive reinforcement. 
  • Conversely, if it’s stagnant or declining, it can be a reality check, prompting corrective measures.

Limitations & Considerations as per Varied Public Opinion

Not Comprehensive: 

  • While net worth provides a snapshot, it doesn’t capture cash flow, which is vital according to the public. 
  • Someone might have a high net worth but could be cash poor.


  • Net worth can fluctuate due to market conditions, especially if a large portion is tied to investments or real estate. 
  • It’s essential to not be discouraged by short-term fluctuations and maintain a long-term perspective.

Overemphasis on Numbers: 

  • While it’s crucial to track financial progress, it’s also essential not to become overly obsessed with numbers, neglecting other facets of well-being.

Use in Tandem with Other Tools:

  • Eker often suggests using the Net Worth Tracking Sheet in conjunction with other financial tools, like the Money Management System. 
  • This provides a holistic approach to personal finance.

The concept of tracking one's net worth isn't new, but Eker's approach in the net worth tracking sheet he presents has garnered attention for its practicality and focus on mindset, which people who appreciate personal development favor. 

As part of a holistic approach to wealth-building, understanding and monitoring your net worth can be pivotal. 

But what does the public think of Eker's tool specifically, and how have other wealthy individuals utilized such strategies?

Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1. -Warren Buffett

It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits. -Bill Gates

The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. -Oprah Winfrey

Public Perspective on Using Eker's Net Worth Tracking Sheet

The value of Eker's net worth tracking sheet according to the public:

  • User-friendly: Many find the sheet straightforward to use, making the sometimes intimidating process of tracking finances more accessible.
  • Mindset shift: Consistent with Eker's teachings, the act of routinely tracking net worth aligns with the principle of managing money effectively and developing a wealth-building mindset.
  • Customizability: Users appreciate that while the sheet provides a structure, they have the freedom to adapt it to their specific needs.

How to Use and Modify Eker's Net Worth Tracking Sheet

It's all about the habit - the public agree that what you do repeatedly, you become great at:

  • Routine Checks: Setting a specific day monthly or quarterly to update the sheet keeps the user in touch with their financial position.
  • Personalization: Some users add categories specific to their investments or liabilities.
  • Digital Adaptation: Tech-savvy individuals have transformed Eker's sheet into digital formats using apps or software for real-time updates.

On the whole, the public feel is that Eker’s rendition of the net worth tracking sheet is as valuable as you allow it to be and to the majority of them, effective in essence.

And if you would like even the slightest improvement in your personal finances, you’ll benefit greatly from expanding your financial literacy of which determining your net worth could be a good start.

So if poor, middle-class, very rich and super rich people alike can benefit from focusing on their net worth, what do rich people say about the value of this practice? 

Rich Individuals and the Practice of Tracking Net Worth

Believe it or not, many successful individuals swear by the simplicity of consistently monitoring their net worth.

How Other Millionaires and Billionaires Use It

  • Strategic Decisions: Knowing their net worth helps in making informed decisions about investments, large purchases, or philanthropic ventures.
  • Goal Setting: By knowing where they stand, these individuals can set clear, quantifiable financial growth goals.
  • Accountability: Regularly facing one's financial reality can be a driver for more disciplined financial behaviors.

Quotes from High Net Worth Individuals

Warren Buffett: 

  • "The most important investment you can make is in yourself." 
  • While Buffett hasn't spoken about a net worth sheet specifically, his emphasis on self-awareness and understanding one's finances aligns with the concept.

Robert Kiyosaki: 

  • "Your net worth is a reflection of your financial habits." 
  • Kiyosaki's teachings in "Rich Dad Poor Dad" align with the importance of tracking and understanding your financial position.

Oprah Winfrey: 

  • "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." 
  • Knowing your net worth and watching it grow aligns with Oprah's philosophy of acknowledging and celebrating growth in all areas of life.

Eker's Net Worth Tracking Sheet, in its essence, embodies a principle shared by many successful individuals: the power of awareness and the discipline of tracking. 

While the sheet provides a framework, its true strength lies in the mindset it cultivates. 

As many successful individuals would attest, building wealth is as much about mindset as it is about dollars and cents. 

Regularly tracking one's net worth is a practice that aligns with the philosophies of many high net worth individuals, and it can be a powerful tool for anyone on a journey to financial success.

But has net worth tracking always been “a thing”?

The History of Tracking One's Net Worth and Its Contemporary Importance

Here’s a brief history on the value of net worth tracking and how it has evolved:

Ancient Civilizations

The concept of accounting for one's assets and liabilities can trace its roots back to ancient civilizations. 

For instance, Mesopotamian city-states like ancient Babylon had their own record-keeping system on clay tablets that detailed commodities, property, and transactions. 

While not the exact concept of net worth, it was a precursor.

Middle Ages

In the medieval era, wealthy landowners, merchants, and guilds maintained ledgers to track their wealth. 

These records were crucial for taxes, inheritance, and trade purposes.

Renaissance Period

With the expansion of global trade and the birth of banking institutions in places like Florence, the double-entry bookkeeping system emerged.

This method allowed merchants and bankers to track their assets and liabilities more efficiently.

Modern Times

As banking became more sophisticated and widespread in the 19th and 20th centuries, the idea of personal finance and understanding one's net worth grew in importance. 

With the advent of credit, mortgages, and diverse investment opportunities, individuals needed to be more aware of their overall financial health.

Public Opinion on the Importance of Tracking Net Worth Today

Is it a craze, or does this practice have merit?

Awareness and Financial Health

At its core, net worth provides a snapshot of one's financial health. 

It's a sum that tells you where you stand — what you own versus what you owe. 

It allows you to understand if you're advancing towards your financial goals or receding.


Seeing your net worth grow over time can be a significant motivational factor. 

It's tangible proof that your efforts to save, invest, and manage your finances effectively are bearing fruit.

Strategic Planning

Knowing your net worth helps in making informed decisions about big purchases, investments, or retirement planning.

It gives clarity about how much risk you can afford to take or when you might need to tighten the purse strings.

Debt Management

In a society that often relies on credit, understanding your net worth can be a reality check. 

A negative net worth, driven by high liabilities, can be an alert to manage and reduce debts.

Legacy and Estate Planning 

For those thinking about the future, knowing one's net worth is crucial for inheritance and estate planning. 

It aids in ensuring that wealth is passed down efficiently and in accordance with one's wishes.

Economic Changes and Uncertainty

With economic fluctuations, market crashes, and now even global pandemics, having a clear sense of one's net worth can provide some semblance of control. 

It prepares individuals to navigate economic downturns and capitalize on economic booms.

In essence, the practice of tracking one's wealth has evolved over the millennia, from clay tablets to digital spreadsheets. 

However, the underlying principle remains constant: understanding and being in control of one's financial position. 

In today's complex financial landscape, public opinion leans heavily towards the importance of knowing one's net worth. 

It's not just about numbers; it's about security, strategy, and peace of mind in an ever-changing world.

But what about the next generation?

What Value Exists in Teaching Youths About a Net Worth Based Mindset?

Apparently, teaching youths about a net worth-based mindset carries significant value. 

The public and various financial educators and experts highlight multiple benefits of instilling this mindset early on. 

Here's a breakdown of the value, according to public sentiment:

Early Financial Literacy

Understanding the concept of net worth equips youths with the foundation of financial literacy. 

This knowledge allows them to make informed decisions about money throughout their lives.

Promotes Healthy Money Habits 

Learning about assets, liabilities, and the importance of balancing the two encourages youths to prioritize saving, investing, and avoiding unnecessary debts, setting the stage for a more financially secure future.

Better Decision Making 

Youths with a net worth mindset will likely make better decisions about student loans, credit card usage, and other early financial commitments.

Long-Term Perspective 

Rather than focusing on short-term gains or immediate gratification, understanding net worth instills a long-term perspective. 

This helps youths think about long-term goals like buying a home, investing, or retirement.

Boosts Confidence 

When youths understand their financial position and the principles behind growing wealth, they tend to feel more confident and empowered in their ability to manage money.

Prevents Future Mistakes 

Mistakes related to money and debt, especially when young, can have lasting consequences. 

A net worth-based mindset can prevent many of these mistakes by emphasizing the importance of living within one's means and thinking critically about financial choices.

Encourages Accountability

Regularly tracking and evaluating one's net worth fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability for one's financial actions and decisions.

Prepares for Real-World Challenges

As youths transition to adulthood, they'll face myriad financial challenges – from managing student loans to considering mortgages. 

A foundational understanding of net worth prepares them to navigate these challenges more effectively.

Promotes Discussions and Reduces Taboos

Talking about money is often considered taboo in many cultures. 

By teaching youths about a net worth mindset, it encourages open discussions about finances, reducing stigma and fostering better communal knowledge about money management.

Adapting to Economic Realities 

The economic landscape is evolving rapidly, with increasing uncertainties and complexities. 

Youths with a grounding in net worth principles are better equipped to adapt to these shifts, ensuring their financial resilience.

In essence, the public consensus leans towards the belief that introducing youths to a net worth-based mindset is invaluable. 

It not only lays the groundwork for individual financial health but also contributes to a more financially literate and responsible society.

With the myriad financial challenges and opportunities in today's world, this mindset equips the younger generation with the tools to navigate them successfully.

Conclusion from the Public

Tracking net worth is a financial management strategy that involves calculating the total value of all assets (such as cash, investments, property, etc.) and subtracting any liabilities (such as loans, debts, etc.) to determine one's overall financial health.

Public opinion on using a net worth tracking sheet can vary widely based on individual financial literacy, privacy concerns, and the perceived benefits or drawbacks of closely monitoring one's financial status.

Many people view net worth tracking as a crucial step towards financial awareness and planning as it helps individuals understand where they stand financially, enabling them to make informed decisions about saving, investing, and spending.

Tracking net worth can motivate individuals to set financial goals, such as paying off debt, increasing savings, or investing in assets, and seeing progress over time can be encouraging and rewarding.

Regularly updating a net worth tracking sheet can help individuals quickly identify and address financial issues, such as increasing debt or underperforming investments.

Some individuals may be wary of using digital tools for tracking net worth due to concerns about data privacy and security as the risk of sensitive financial information being exposed or hacked can be a deterrent to using such a tool.

For some, closely monitoring net worth can lead to stress and anxiety, especially if their financial situation is not improving as hoped and this in turn can also lead to unhealthy comparisons with others.

Some people may argue that net worth is just one measure of financial health and doesn't capture the full picture, such as cash flow, financial resilience, or the quality of investments.

Others see a net worth tracking sheet as just one of many tools in financial planning, posing that it's usefulness is determined by how it's used in conjunction with other financial management strategies.

The value of tracking net worth is often seen as dependent on individual circumstances, including financial goals, stage of life, and personal preferences for managing finances.

Public opinion on using a net worth tracking sheet is mixed, with many finding it a valuable part of financial planning and others concerned about its potential drawbacks.

The decision to use such a tool depends on personal financial goals, attitudes towards money management, and comfort with sharing personal financial information.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Eker’s Net Worth Tracking Sheet from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Has your Mind ever wondered…

What is the net worth tracking sheet?

The net worth tracking sheet you’ll find here is a tool provided by T. Harv Eker as a book bonus to readers who purchased his book and the aim is to help people assess and track their overall financial health by calculating their net worth over time.

Why is tracking net worth important according to Eker?

Eker believes that managing and tracking your finances, including net worth, is foundational to building wealth. 

He emphasizes that "what you focus on expands," so regularly monitoring your net worth can lead to its growth.

According to the public, this is a very helpful way to practice good money management habits, which Eker insists is the key to financial success.

How often should I update the tracking sheet?

While the specific frequency might vary for individuals, it's generally a good idea to update your net worth tracking sheet monthly to ensure you're aware of any major changes and can adjust your financial strategies accordingly.

Does the net worth tracking sheet account for liabilities?

Yes, an effective net worth tracking sheet should account for both assets and liabilities to provide an accurate representation of your financial health as you’ll see in the example in this post.

Can I use the tracking sheet if I have debt?


The purpose of the sheet is to give you a clear picture of your financial standing, whether you have debt or not. 

In fact, it can be instrumental in devising a plan to pay off that debt.

Is the tracking sheet suitable for people from all countries and financial systems?

The fundamental principle of tracking assets and liabilities to determine net worth is universal. 

However, some specific items or categories might need adjustment based on regional or personal variations.

How does the net worth tracking sheet fit into Eker's broader money management system?

The net worth tracking sheet is a component of Eker's overarching philosophy of financial awareness and management. 

It complements other strategies and tools he discusses, ensuring readers have a holistic approach to wealth building.

Is there a digital version of the net worth tracking sheet?

While Eker might provide a physical or printable version with his book, individuals often create or find digital versions (like spreadsheets) to suit their tech-savvy needs.

How does the tracking sheet differ from other financial tools or apps available?

Eker's tracking sheet is rooted in the principles he teaches in "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." 

While the basic function might be similar to other tools, using it within the context of Eker's teachings can provide added clarity and motivation.

I'm just starting out on my financial journey. Is it too early for me to use the net worth tracking sheet?

It's never too early to start tracking your net worth. In fact, starting early can provide a foundation and habit that benefits you throughout your financial journey.

Readers' Reviews

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Avatar for Glen

Measure it, to manage it.

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I like to add a chart to the spreadsheet. You can then see how you are making progress over time. You can also add a moving average to that chart, so it takes out the short-term fluctuations. If the longer-term moving average is going up, then all is well for the future. If the longer-term average starts going down, then I need to call a meeting with myself.

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Muito obrigado [Translated from Portuguese: Thank you very much]

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[Translated from Portuguese: Very good indeed]

Avatar for Guillermo San Juan Medrano
Guillermo San Juan Medrano

Excelente herramienta [Translated from Spanish: Excellent tool]

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Me parece una excelente herramienta para alcanzar las metas realistas y muy buen método para estar motivado , e informado sobre nuestras posibilidades que vamos obteniendo cada día para seguir creciendo financieramente

[Translated from Spanish: I find it an excellent tool to achieve realistic goals and a very good method to be motivated, and informed about our possibilities that we are obtaining every day to continue growing financially.]

Avatar for Dinesh Bobhate
Dinesh Bobhate

Millionaire Mind Book

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Very Powerful and life change in book. I set Mind and Growth in my Wealth and I achieve my goals in Rich man. I'm Successful Trader and Investor in Stock Market. I Create my Wealth. I freedom in my life. I am a multi millionaire in mind set and achieve my goals in stock market

Thank you so much ?

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